
How to reduce sleep quota?

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I sleep a lot, like easily 10 hours a night. Sometimes a wake up the first time at like 8 and feel pretty awake but then I just don´t go up and sleep for 2 more hours. Other times I sleep like 10 hours straight. How do I stop needing to sleep this much? I want to just wake up and be full of energy with like 6-8 hours of sleep, preferably less than that.  what am I doing wrong? How do I change this?  I am 20 years old. 

Edited by SamC

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You could try one of those sleeping aps where you put phone next to you to track and see how many waves of deep sleep you get. Could be that your sleep is disturbed by snoring for example. Or if you ate too late, it may impact the quality of sleep. Light or noises as well. 

And sometimes the body simply needs more time to regenerate if you had a particularly hard day. I'd probably be careful with pushing sleep below 7 hours despite what many biohackers on internet say. We don't have a lot of data that would show sleep restriction is healthy in the long terms just to make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot and get n early onset of dementia in your early for thought :)

And finally, some of that may come down to individual genetics and a variety of genetic polymorphisms. SOme people simply get away with less and others need more for no other reason than genetics. 

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You are also 20. When I was 20, I could get away with sleep deprivation (which I can't today), but if you left me without a responsibility in the morning, I could easily sleep 14 hours.


Don't try to sleep less than 8 hours, you'll be cutting your number of disease free years ahead down dramatically.

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The US army searched for magic pills and methods to reduce the number of hours slept by soldiers. Turns out, a good nights sleep restores the body best.

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1.5h concentration meditation (breath counting etc) without back support. After a few days of it, you should notice a difference in your sleep need.

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At your age that's not so usual. Your body is still growing. As you get older your sleep quota will naturally drop.

What else can help is detoxing heavy metals and optimizing all your blood work. Heavy metal toxicity kills sleep and energy.

Kriya yoga also decreases sleep quota.

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Don't forget that everybody has a unique genetic sleep quota. Some extreme cases only need 4h of sleep while others need 12. Apart from that quota you could need more sleep than you "really need" because of the reasons talked about above. 

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the more lower emotions you have, the more sleep you will need!

the point of sleep is to get energy again, if you feel so down most of the time, you are literally wasting the energy! 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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I suggest you track your sleep just because your in bed for 10 hours doesn't actually mean your sleeping for that long, you could be only getting 7 hrs of sleep which could be light sleep, not even getting into the deeper stages of sleep. 

I bought a Oura ring recently that tracks all this stuff and its one of the best purchases ive ever made 

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It's very normal. At 20 years of age, you may sleep 10 to 12h a day especially if you sleep early. I was like this. I slept at 10pm or 11pm daily and wake up at 9am or so.

As you grow older, you will sleep less.

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Learn to nose breath & tape your mouth when you sleep, this hack has helped me sooooooo much. Watch this & read his book for in-depth Nasal breathing exploration- 


Are you eating right? Could be deficient in certain nutrients? Are you exercising? etc 

Might be worth checking Vitamin D3 levels too, and maybe even an overall health check just to be sure. 


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Eating light will reduce your sleep quota. When we eat, we are getting energy, but also we are using up a lot of that energy in digestion and related processes. 

What you eat should depend on what you do throughout the day. Eat heavy meals only if you do heavy physical exercise or farming. Eat more fruits, dry fruits. There is a set way to eat them, over a period of time, your sleep quota will reduce. 

ALSO: Try being present. Thinking is another activity that uses up your energy. Meditate and focus on whatever is in front of you. 


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