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What Would You Identify With Before Language Was Created?

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Was just thinking that the concept of enlightenment would be so obvious and natural if we were one of the first humans ever created, before any language was created. What would fill our mines if we never learnt language? Would we think at all? I'm guessing we would just recall sounds we hear and then play them over in our heads haha. 

Its interesting to think about where language came from in the first place..

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We would be living in closer harmony to animals and nature I think. Because we would pay more attention to body langue and patterns in nature like they do. 

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@SBB4746 An important point to ponder for sure.

But also keep in mind that even chimps already have a rich social matrix and language. So it's not like humans came into existence, lived for many years, and then one of them created language from scratch.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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