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Some interesting implications of awakening

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So, I've recently fully grasped what god/consciousness/love is and it's raised some interesting questions I'm curious about.

1 - In my materialist life, I came across spirituality after a long series of experimenting with different world views and ideologies. Atheism, both far-right and left persuasions, philosophy, deep nihilism, stereo typical new age stuff, even dabbled in Christianity and Islam. I've tried almost everything on my short time on Earth before discovering spirituality. So, all of that was an imagined path to awakening right? And if I can see it was an intelligently designed path then I'm actively constructing my past in the present?

2 - If this bubble is the only thing in existence, when I come across other awakened people are they aware they exist within me and not in their own bubble? Because if Leo Gura was awakened before "I" was, then some part of me knew what reality was deep, deep, deep down.

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You haven't fully grasped what God is.  How do I know? because your playing hide and seek still and I've been there. There are no other conscious enterties in the Universe. You are the Universe itself, conscious. 

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@BeHereNow well God knows itself just by being itself. I'm not implying it's stupid to ask questions, I was just saying that I don't think you have fully awakened. Not that my opinion matters, I'm sure there's plenty of stuff I'm not yet conscious of too. God never fails to disappoint

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32 minutes ago, BeHereNow said:

1 - In my materialist life, I came across spirituality after a long series of experimenting with different world views and ideologies. Atheism, both far-right and left persuasions, philosophy, deep nihilism, stereo typical new age stuff, even dabbled in Christianity and Islam. I've tried almost everything on my short time on Earth before discovering spirituality. So, all of that was an imagined path to awakening right? And if I can see it was an intelligently designed path then I'm actively constructing my past in the present?

Path of awakening is synonym of living --- living is always perfect, always now

32 minutes ago, BeHereNow said:

2 - If this bubble is the only thing in existence, when I come across other awakened people are they aware they exist within me and not in their own bubble? Because if Leo Gura was awakened before "I" was, then some part of me knew what reality was deep, deep, deep down.

Bubble is synonym of existence. Bubble is unlimited. There is no "other awakened people" --- there is just magical always lovable existence --- You :x

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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19 minutes ago, BeHereNow said:

1 - In my materialist life, I came across spirituality after a long series of experimenting with different world views and ideologies. Atheism, both far-right and left persuasions, philosophy, deep nihilism, stereo typical new age stuff, even dabbled in Christianity and Islam. I've tried almost everything on my short time on Earth before discovering spirituality. So, all of that was an imagined path to awakening right? And if I can see it was an intelligently designed path then I'm actively constructing my past in the present?

All of those views are pointers. Atheism isn't wrong, there is no God, Christianity isn't wrong that God that made himself man. Look at them not as a statement or truth, but as a language. It is a means through which to communicate. That's how you "extract" the spirituality from the religion. You're always constructing the past in the present. Again as we express or communicate the past, we do so now. 

If you look at a sea urchin or a dandelion and see the perfect yet imperfect mathematical genius beauty in it's design, it is neither that you are constructing it, nor that it was constructed before you. Again, the essence of Christianity and atheism are in bed together pointing to the same wonder of wonders. 

25 minutes ago, BeHereNow said:

2 - If this bubble is the only thing in existence, when I come across other awakened people are they aware they exist within me and not in their own bubble? Because if Leo Gura was awakened before "I" was, then some part of me knew what reality was deep, deep, deep down.

This? Only? Other? "Aware" is prior to the thoughts those words imply. So what someone is aware of is a much deeper more profound thing than what they think. You are only aware now. The thought I who is aware is borrowed from Being, Awareness itself. It's secondary, past, dead, yet it insists upon the fact that it's alive. Awareness is the only Life. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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