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Increase Love Frequency, Diminish Fear....

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Looking for advice on increasing my LOVE frequency...also would this automatically diminish my overbearing fear frequency....or, are there additional techniques to evolve beyond fear that I could also work on (in tandem or separately), to create an increased LOVE frequency alignment....Are there specific ways to get in touch with my natural higher resonance? Thanks!


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I'm looking for specific meditation techniques....(I understand that being more compassionate, eating healthy food, etc are all helpful too)


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@Epiphany_Inspired What do you love to do? Figure that out and help people through it. I love astrology so I'm working on becoming an astrologer and helping people through counsel. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Epiphany_Inspired The best way to diminish fear is to move through the fear and that is by desire. When this desire becomes greater than the fear you will do that which you are fearful of and when you put yourself in fearful situations this fear will lessen.

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Love is your natural expression, to fully embody it in the qualities you're seeking you have to neutralize the cacophony of unreleased emotional charges present within you that muddy your vibration and therefore your experience, both internally and externally in what you attract. 

By releasing emotional charges, you automatically align with the love that you are. In truth, all emotions and all experiences are love, but they are in a sense distorted into a wide array of emotional colours, some of which are abrasive and undesirable to the mind. 

Therefore seek to neutralize fear, anger, grief and other negative emotions. There are many methods of neutralizing these emotions. The primary tool is acceptance and unconditional presence with what arises. 

One must find a methodology, practice or principle that is sustainable. To make steady gains and great progress, it may not be enough to do an occasional shadow work sitting. Any effort is always good, but if you want to transform radically, you have to make the effort. When we only sometimes make effort to remove negative emotions, It can feel very overwhelming to dip into our large reserves or unintegrated charges because they feel like huge mountains in which we are only lifting a few pebbles. 

That is why it is important to engage in a practice or principle that is going to allow for regular sustainable release throughout your day to day life. Not just weekends or evenings. In order to make practice sustainable, it is useful to make a dedication to understanding emotions and how energy works. This will create more understanding so you won't get overwhelmed, confused or disheartened. By understanding the internal landscape, you have a map by which to navigate. 

Make a commitment to become aware of the negative emotions that arise in your experience, and make a commitment to allow them to be the catalyst to your highest expression by accepting them each time, which starts to release the pressure of them. This is one of the fastest routes to transformation of consciousness, which results in shifting of relationships, inner well-being, vocational goals, creativity, spiritual progress, happiness, etc.  

The best book I know on this subject is Letting Go - The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins. 


Edited by Arman

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Thanks so much @Arman , @WelcometoReality@Deep...those were really great answers! @Deep Yes, I can now see how actualizing my purpose would automatically help to increase that love frequency! @WelcometoReality I see what you are saying, I will not avoid fearful situations unnecessarily, and focus on desire.

@Arman That was an incredible response. I now see that perhaps I was looking for a "short-cut" assuming that I could surpass fear just by gaining enough shining light into darkness...I know you are right though, those mountains must actually be climbed, fear accepted and truly transcended. That is the third time today someone has mentioned my internal realm needing a map, far from!

So, are there specific meditation practices, or are you speaking of a type of mindfulness? Is the sustainable practice different for everyone? Maybe a step by step process to learn in "Letting Go"? Perhaps simply using what you are saying here: mindfulness for awareness of negative emotions as they come up, plus committing to accept them, learning  from them, plus committing to finding ways they can evolve your life for the better? What is the best way to keep this sustainable?.... the personal commitments you mentioned?

I initially made this post because of a few recent meditation experiences I had that were like visions, (definitely not thought stories), that included incredible energetic sensations centered on love. It felt like, if I could hold it forever, even if I was the only person on earth at that frequency, it would actually improve, even to a minor degree, some of the fucked up shit on this planet. Regardless, if I anyone could hold that eternally or seems true that the more we can be at that level, the better off we are/ the world is. Thanks Again!

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Don't know why this is not posted yet here, the title seems too inviting :D


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodoster yes, I actually discovered my internal love frequency using a different Hz meditation frequency.... but I've been using 528 Hz in attempts to attain it again, thanks!

@Wormon Blatburm love it! I remember being at a consciousness workshop and asking for a few examples of specific things I could do to connect with source consciousness....I was expecting  "endless meditation" etc,... but his lovely answer was simplicity, similar to yours...." walk around with your eyes open" etc,...I must be over complicating things again... lol.... thanks, those are wonderful suggestions...

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  On 12/23/2016 at 11:53 PM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

So, are there specific meditation practices, or are you speaking of a type of mindfulness? Is the sustainable practice different for everyone? Maybe a step by step process to learn in "Letting Go"? Perhaps simply using what you are saying here: mindfulness for awareness of negative emotions as they come up, plus committing to accept them, learning  from them, plus committing to finding ways they can evolve your life for the better? What is the best way to keep this sustainable?.... the personal commitments you mentioned?

I initially made this post because of a few recent meditation experiences I had that were like visions, (definitely not thought stories), that included incredible energetic sensations centered on love. It felt like, if I could hold it forever, even if I was the only person on earth at that frequency, it would actually improve, even to a minor degree, some of the fucked up shit on this planet. Regardless, if I anyone could hold that eternally or seems true that the more we can be at that level, the better off we are/ the world is. Thanks Again!

Great questions.

Yes, there are indeed step by step processes for letting go. :) - I think/suspect, though not entirely sure, that all practices of 'healing/integrating' are essentially all activating the same mechanism. So there are a few different ways to 'package' the practice, with various degrees of effectiveness and sustainability. I think that also comes down to the individual and their temperament, which will effect how well they will engage with certain practices. 

  On 12/23/2016 at 11:53 PM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

 Perhaps simply using what you are saying here: mindfulness for awareness of negative emotions as they come up, plus committing to accept them, learning  from them, plus committing to finding ways they can evolve your life for the better? What is the best way to keep this sustainable?.... the personal commitments you mentioned?

I think the sustainability of the practice will come down more to frame and context, as well as having a basic understanding of ones evolution (eg. simply knowing if you do the work when you can, despite challenges, things surely get better.) will determine how often you do it, and therefore how quickly one shifts. 

For example years ago I would do 'Shadow Work' as presented by Teal Swan. The mechanism was simple, essentially being to allow negative emotions to come up and accept them. It was clear that this was 'working' because I would even consciously look for, or allow negative charges to arise, then I would lie down and try to let it fully come up to let it dissolve. The experiences were intense, dramatic and interesting. The problem was, sessions would last a long time because I wouldn't know when to stop, as the feeling didn't always want to leave so readily. It would feel like there were oceans of inexhaustible darkness and it felt disheartening, because I expected that I would be able to sweep them up. I also thought that by diving into certain charges and staying with them for a few hours that it would cause my life circumstances to resolve, which didn't seem to happen.

Another side effect of this kind of lack of contextual understanding is that the more you start to LOOK for darkness, the more darkness seems to arise, as is natural consequence of the nature of consciousness. If we look at something for long enough, we will seem to get more of it. This resulted in me feeling though as much work as I did, I would still need to drain these oceans before I felt happy.I was gung-ho about the practice for a few weeks, then after that I dropped it because I wasn't getting the results I expected and didn't feel good about it. 

So this is an example of how a very effective mechanism can be unsustainable because of lack of proper context. The mechanism is good, but my perspective wasn't effective. 

So from my understanding, the best way to keep a practice sustainable is by doing two things. One; choosing the best effective and simple practice, which I will outline at the end of this post, and two; by developing contextual understanding that naturally facilitates the practice. This is done by both learning about emotions, energy, and its effects on your experience, and by practicing it first hand to see its effects. This is important so we don't get confused. The latter part is important because you need to move from faith into knowing, and by personally 'letting go' of energies and subjects you will develop a natural understanding that strengthens the practice.

Letting go is one of the most powerful, radical and accelerated ways to shift ones life in any and all aspects. Understand and implement this method, and growth becomes the constant. One leapfrogs over the spiritual rigmarole that makes us feel like a dog chasing their tail. When subjects and energies are let go, they are transformed from the crude into the sublime, and life gets nicer. The Doc goes very deep into the mechanism in the book I mentioned in my previous post, but I will do my best to present it here. It is deceptively simple and sometimes very subtle, but don't let that fool you. When you are wondering 'am I doing it right?' the answer is usually yes. Resistance is simply tricking you into thinking otherwise. The key at that point, is to apply the technique to the doubt itself...

Letting go means being completely accepting something. It is by resistance that emotional charges remain stagnant in the body, and active in your experience. 

Simply allow it to arise, feel it, and allow it to be there. Accept it, then move on. The key is knowing that letting go is something you can do in an instant, effortlessly. It is not a strain or an exertion of force. Our natural compulsive tendency is to sedate or distract ourselves from what we are feeling. Instead, we will now choose to accept them, and let go. This is something that we can all do naturally and inherently. 

Often, instead of needing to let go of a subject or feeling, it can instead by equally or much more effective to let go of what the Doc refers to as the 'juice' we get from it. For example, let's say we hate the way the guy at Subway is making our subway sandwiches, which causes anger to arise. It creates all these mucky thoughts and brings you down for the day. One may release the anger, or instead, we can look at the 'secret' benefits we are actually getting from our negative emotions. We only maintain energies, emotions and beliefs that we think are good for us. So what is it that we secretly actually like about getting angry? In this case, upon exploration, we discover that we like the subtle sense of superiority that it gives us. We discover that it actually provides a sense of empowerment that feels lacking in life. In this case, instead of letting go of the anger, we instead ask feel into those feelings that we know the anger is providing and we ask "Can I let go of the subtle, but good feelings that being angry allows me?" and when we decide that the answer is yes, then you simply breathe into it, accept it, and move into your day. It is usually not necessary to spend great amounts of time on these things. These subtle shifts create large impact.

When we accept and release emotions, the charge starts to dissipate. Deeper charges will take time, and life naturally allows us opportunities to release them in bits and pieces. 

For greater understanding, demystification, and a proper explanation of the mechanism, again, check out Letting go - Pathway to Surrender. I also recommend the books The Presence Process by Michael Brown and The Work by Katy Byron. These other two will help facilitate contextual understanding of emotional charges and their effects on your life. I suggest, however, that the simplified version of 'letting go'  as presented in the book and that I'm outlining is the most sustainable and effective, both short and long term. 

Here is another way of engaging this same mechanism. This is by focus and defocus. 

Simply take the emotions/energy/subject that arises, and simply place your focus and concentration on it. Once it is held, then we defocus. We do this by releasing our focus on the subject, then releasing the focus on ourselves and indeed everything else. Move back into non-specific awareness, or 'the infinite'. This is engaging the same mechanism and releasing it.

Focus on the subject, then release into the infinite. 

I hope this has been helpful. I am not yet very skilled at teaching and explaining the mechanism so I hope it makes some sense. It is a tricky one to explain because of its subtlety and simplicity. Sometimes you can read about it for hours and still think "ok, but what IS it, how do I DO it?"

Part of the resistance to the process itself is that we are naturally inclined to think that the answer cannot be so simple, and our brain needs some kind of long term 5 point plan for the next few years, or something equally big and dramatic.

For an explanation on how releasing emotions can change your experience, please check out my post in this Law of Attraction thread.

Feel free to PM me in the future if you have any questions or want to talk about anything. 

Edited by Arman

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@Arman I have no idea how to express in words how much gratitude I have for this!!! I experienced the EXACT same thing with Teal Swan's technique, which was initially VERY helpful, but I also  had to give up due to perpetuation of darkness! Admittedly I am going to have to read tour response in solitude, a few times, before I can grasp everything you are saying fully. Sure, I will PM you once I grasp it, and if I have more questions, thanks so much!

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@Epiphany_Inspired I love you.

  On 12/29/2016 at 4:04 AM, Arman said:

I think/suspect, though not entirely sure, that all practices of 'healing/integrating' are essentially all activating the same mechanism. So there are a few different ways to 'package' the practice, with various degrees of effectiveness and sustainability. I think that also


  On 12/29/2016 at 4:04 AM, Arman said:

Great questions.

Yes, there are indeed step by step processes for letting go. :) - I think/suspect, though not entirely sure, that all practices of 'healing/integrating' are essentially all activating the same mechanis

Yes, it is a process. Hang in there with every fiber of what you are.

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  On 12/28/2016 at 8:33 AM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

,... but his lovely answer was simplicity,

@Epiphany_Inspired It is so very easy when we let it all go. Why do we chose to make it otherwise?

Edited by cetus56

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We are all given a finite amount of time to say what we need  to say. Choose carefully.

Edited by cetus56

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  On 12/14/2016 at 10:49 PM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

Looking for advice on increasing my LOVE frequency...also would this automatically diminish my overbearing fear frequency

@Epiphany_Inspired Have you read the book "love is letting go of Fear"?  I remember a quote  but it's been a long time since I read it so this may not be exactly word for word. "Love is the only true reality while fear is of mind".

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@cetus56 Yes, it's great! I found that book at the library about 6 months ago... I was using it for forgiveness....but it likely has benefit for this work too....I will check it out again soon, thanks! Love ya!

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@Epiphany_Inspired I'm looking forward to seeing the movie "Collateral Beauty" soon. I hope it's a good one! Will Smith is the main character who looses his daughter at a young age and than he loses his love for life. He starts writing personal letters to Time, Love and Death to cope with his loss and they answer him with the truth of it all.

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