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Is Pelosi betraying Biden and his agenda?

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Nancy Pelosi committed several times before that the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill  would not be passed until it gets passed at the same time as the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation. 

The bipartisanship one, is the corporate handout one, which the conservative Dems in both chambers of Congress have been pressuring Democratic leadership to pass first. The reconciliation bill is the one has entails Biden's true legislative agenda and is also overwhelmingly popular amongst the vast majority of the electorate throughout the entire country according to numerous legit polls out there.

Yet, several progressives in the US House have lately been trying pressure Democratic leadership to pass the reconciliation bill first pass because they don't trust the corporate Dems (especially the most conservative Democratic ones) who say that "they promise" they will work with Biden and the progressives in Congress to pass the reconciliation bill after the Bipartisan infrastructure bill gets passed. The progressive in Congress already known very well the kind of political games or trickery the moderate and conservative Dems always play with them by pretending that they give what the progressives want after they get what they want for their own moderate and conservative constituents, and for their corporate donors. Yet, the reality is that the corporate Dems never hold up their end of the deal and instead always saying kind of bullshit excuse as to why they couldn't vote for more liberal legislation. As Cenk Uygur has said before, the corporate dems will just end up telling their progressive colleagues "Golly Gee! Sorry! There was nothing that we could do! Oh well!"

However, last night Nancy Pelosi apparently decided to call of that two track strategy by saying "we had to accommodate changes that were being necessitated. And we cannot be ready to say until the Senate passed the bill we can't do [bipartisan infrastructure]." So, now she seems to be aiming to get the bipartisan bill at least first this coming Thursday instead of committing to waiting for both bills to be ready to pass as she promised. 


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