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Space and time... How does it work...

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It's impossible to imagine nothingness so I imagine a giant blank piece of paper or blackness or whatever.

When spacetime is imagined and becomes manifest in this void, has it all happened beginning to end already? Or does the construct of time mean that even if you were in that void, you would not know the totality of events?

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Electromagnetism looked like nothingness then the concept of ether failed to explain it but it's characterised by 1 feature:  movement.  So maybe other forms of void happen to be an echo of some other type of movement, go figure.  At least we can say the universe ain't frozen static at the moment, anyway nobody will live long enough to find out the rest i bet!

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People think that space and time is something separate from themselves, that space and time is something that is happening to them. There i am over here and space and time is over there. A duality. 

But from a higher conscious perspective you are also space and time. Space and time is a part of you, just like your big toe is a part of you. 

Notice  that things can only “happen” within a certain boundary like space and time. But from the perspective of God that is kind of silly, because there is nothing outside of God. Thus God does not experience space and time as God as something separate from itself.

 And yes, God knows everything. And you are God right now, but not the human you. The human you is a finite expression of God(which isn’t really you). God is pretending it doesn’t know everything to immerse itself in this experience. It has to make himself ignorant to some capacity to experience manifestation. It has to pretend it doesn’t know it is God.

Why? Because at the root of “experience” there has to be something that is experiencing something other, or at least the illusion of it. If God is completely aware that everything is itself, it stops experiencing, it can’t experience any longer. Because everything is God at that point, only God. The illusion of other is broken.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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9 minutes ago, vizual said:

People think that space and time is something separate from themselves, that space and time is something that is happening to them. There i am over here and space and time is over there. A duality. 

But from a higher conscious perspective you are also space and time. Space and time is a part of you, just like your big toe is a part of you. 

Notice  that things can only “happen” within a certain boundary like space and time. But from the perspective of God that is kind of silly, because there is nothing outside of God. Thus God does not experience space and time as God as something separate from itself.

 And yes, God knows everything. And you are God right now, but not the human you. The human you is a finite expression of God(which isn’t really you). God is pretending it doesn’t know everything to immerse itself in this experience. It has to make himself ignorant to some capacity to experience manifestation. It has to pretend it doesn’t know it is God.

Why? Because at the root of “experience” there has to be something that is experiencing something other, or at least the illusion of it. If God is completely aware that everything is itself, it stops experiencing, it can’t experience any longer. Because everything is God at that point, only God. The illusion of other is broken.

That's the perspective I am talking from.

Take a void. Now put space and time in it. Metaphorically speaking does time move through the void like a movie reel through a lense? Or is it already there start to end?

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@RMQualtrough Let me explain to you all exactly what nothing is by using words, so I may then trigger conceptual thinking in each of your minds ... Nothingness is technically something - It is everything - Though I'm unsure how to access it, personally, by meditative rituals, or if I even desire spending the next three years chasing nothing - Today I finished watching Leo's video about 'Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry', and I guess I must get to the bottom of this and assume yes it is possible to access this realm of nothingness without substances like weed or acide - The funny part is that nothingness is right at the tip of our noses, not some other place like a DMT realm, or a book or youtube guru video or a rope to hang from ...

Edited by Yeah Yeah

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Space and time spontaneously emerge out of emptiness moment by moment, constructed by infinite creativity and intelligence, and are both completely relative to the witnessing of them. 

We can train attention to pay attention so deeply into the present moment that we can watch these phenomena emerge. 

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51 minutes ago, Consilience said:

We can train attention to pay attention so deeply into the present moment that we can watch these phenomena emerge. 

Yes, like clicking a link and waiting for a sexy website to pop up; but can thee awaken as God and manifest the perfect woman into thy lives and become Chads? Asking for my lonelsome dog named Buff,

Edited by Yeah Yeah

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