
why israel is such a big deal?

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from an israeli pov i dont get it why everything here is such a big deal in the world . 

i am not deny the situation but it is better than lots of places in the world and those places are more deserving of this attention that actually can be a solution to their problem. here we got 73 years and conflict , tons of money has been throw over here and we get nothing , people from both sides doesnt see any solution , only outsiders has some kind of magic solution that sure will work here .

i am not talking about some far place from here , everywhere around israel people having harder time than the arabs here , lebanon (recently) and syria probably is the easier to know but also in jorden and egypt, people there have bearly any food to eat and need to work in shitty job . in gaza at least they can be confidence that they will not starve to death and their children wont because their refugee statuse is given to their children and their grandchildren and so on . usually they are having some univesity degree . on top of it, they get money every month passivly , without doing anything .

my point is that however you think about how israel is bad and the arab are miserable people ,they are not miserable as their neighbors and ofcurse other places in the world that are much more worst than here . other places in the world have some hope but here not so much , at least in the near future , so why we are having all this time wasting conversation about this conflict in the world comper to other places?

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6 hours ago, GoobyBooby said:

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human right violetion doesnt mean the state that thier people the most suffering , you can have slaves in the state but it is illegal so the state doesnt violets human right . also this is not something that can be measured in authoratenian state like china, most of the human right violetion arent public like in israel . also this list is highly political, no one will make number one human right violetor to a state that the un wants good relationship with. 

still, you dont solve the problem of how to stop the human right violetion, i see is as part of the conflict , not something outside that can be solved separetly 

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