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Terell Kirby

What it means to be an empty void

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In other words, what does it mean to be God?

For me, it’s being in this world..but not of this world. It’s the relief that comes with knowing that I am not body, my thoughts or my story.

Being an empty void means I am immortal, nothing can harm me in this universe. It is also the painful, yet humorous and joyful, realization that the only reason I suffer in life is because I have taken personally, yet the person who takes life personally is not who I am.

Being an empty void means you have purified your mind of illness caused by a misguided ego.

Being an empty void is the ultimate freedom. It also leads to the highest understanding of reality, everything makes perfect sense from this place, the Kingdom of Heaven has but only one occupant..that occupant is Love, that occupant is “I” ^_^

Edited by Terell Kirby

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it means that you realize that you are infinite, so it does not matter full or empty, bad or good, something or nothing. then all your life content = no life content

Edited by Breakingthewall

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