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How to deal with stress?

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My body always reacts strongly to stress.

Can't sleep, stomach feels like on a rollercoaster, mind goes loopy etc. etc. 

Meditation etc. does help but when i'm stressed i can't even get into it. Magnesium can help. Breathing exercises. Benzos are great but not a long term solution obviously.

How do you deal with stress?

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16 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

Meditation etc. does help but when i'm stressed i can't even get into it. Magnesium can help. Breathing exercises.

Seems like you already know all the most effective answers. Different herbs can be helpful with stress like valerian, chamomile, gotu kola but ideally you'd resolve the source of stress otherwise you'd just be practising green pharmacy. Majority of stress comes from stretching oneself too far and too wide by trying to do too much at the same time. Perhaps something needs to go? 

There are also acute forms of stress like when moving home, having family crisis etc. Not sure which one is yours. 

My most effective technique is writing down sources of my stress. The mind is not good at estimating the challenge and so often the stress reaction is exaggerated because there are no tangible actions where it all seems like one giant pile of shit and problems. Break it down and show your brain that things can be dealt with, one at a time. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
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Exercise, and time in nature if possible. I like running, or walking/hiking or swimming, anything that's mindless and can be done outside. It will help you sleep and then the sleep will help the stress. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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