
Heavy Metal Toxicity & Free Will?

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After reading “Cleanse to Heal” and following the heavy metal detox cleanse in the book by Medical Medium, I am 100% fatigued and exhausted after just drinking lemon juice in the AM and can’t even get to juice or make the other part of the protocol. 

Everything make so much sense. My mom is extremely unhealthy, toxic, ocd, etc. her heavy metals in the womb definitely got passed down and explains my OCD, fatigue, ADD from a very young age. 

I realized that these metals basically control everything I do in my day because, I have no freedom when I’m at the Will of low energy levels and toxic brain disorders from these metals. Then when I detox, my life derails it’s self even more because it’s sooo intense  

Now the toxins accumulated are too much to handle I can’t stop thinking of ways to escape reality. No health professional is going to do the work for me. 

I don’t feel comfortable doing the Cutler way of chelating as I’m in a place where I won’t be a perfectionist with it, and I’m not going to risk suicide because of the toxins/Chelation damaging my brain and organs further. 

Who’s had success with heavy metal cleanses and how they did it exactly?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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I was most likely poisoned by my mother too. She had a dozen amalgams since her childhood and was affected with toxicity too. I had ADHD, digestive problems, chronic ear infections, night terrors, aggressive bahavior, problems socialising due to social anxiety and inattention and other typical mercury symptoms.

You will have a hard time when you are chelating, beacause when the mercury is moving freely in your body, it will to the most harm, which you will feel in form of symptoms. And it seems that you accumulated enough mercury to get into a "dump phase" when you start detoxing. That is a period of  a  couple of months to more than a year in which your body will dump a lot of mercury from your organs.


Stop the Medical Medium protocol. Taking cilantro once a day is extemely harmful if you are mercury toxic. It will redistribute big amounts of mercury into your brain.

There are other ways to detox mercury than the Cutler Protocol, but I wouldn't recommend them at all, because they either take even longer, are outright harmful or won't remove all of the toxic metals.

The rules of the Cutler Protocol aren't that difficult to follow. If you allow yourself to get decently well again, and you start with a low dose (but not lower than 5mg) you can slowly get better. But it wont happen in a couple of weeks. It will more likely take 2-5 years to heal completely. Just read up about it and learn how to prepare for the detox (e.g. remove all amalgam).

And don't forget: You are not the only one who got poisoned. Millions where. And tens of thounsands, if not more, suffer through chelation right now to get well again.

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Cutler Protocol is the way to go. No need to hussle, start slow and steady. 

I'd advise you to join the Cutler Chelation forum. You can search for it on Google.

Read "the mercury detoxification manual." It's a simple book that explains everything you need to know to chelate(the Cutler protocol) in a simple fashion.

Good luck man and you really need to chelate. What's good about it is, if you do it properly (which isn't that hard if you read the book, follow the instructions and join the forum) you'll only get better.

Best wishes! 


Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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@Gregory1 @Ima Freeman yo you guys came in so fucking clutch with this information! I couldn’t find shit on the web. 

thank you so much, you guys gave me hope!:))

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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If only washing your hands obsessively got rid of OCD. I'm not knocking detoxes, just... breath a minute. 

Toxins aren't what you think. Toxins are what you think. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 hours ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

@Gregory1 @Ima Freeman yo you guys came in so fucking clutch with this information! I couldn’t find shit on the web. 

thank you so much, you guys gave me hope!:))

@EntheogenTruthSeeker glad that I hepled you. It's really nessecary to chelate yourself to get better but that's great news, you'll GET better!

I am also chelating and belive I know everything one needs to know to chelate well and responsibly. 

If you have specific questions about chelation / need help feel free to pm me:) 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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On 9/28/2021 at 10:22 AM, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

I don’t feel comfortable doing the Cutler way of chelating as I’m in a place where I won’t be a perfectionist with it, and I’m not going to risk suicide because of the toxins/Chelation damaging my brain and organs further. 

It could be more risking going another route. There is a lot involved to get the metals to actually be removed properly. 

I've seen the medical medium smoothie, but never read their book. I would be skeptical at the effectiveness of actually removing metals with the stuff I had seen. This could potentially do more harm than good if you just redistribute metals in your body. You might be better off doing nothing and fixing your health in other areas. 

Getting your gut health in order, then getting your liver in order will help a lot. This would be important before even considering either protocol. 

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5 hours ago, Average Investor said:

Getting your gut health in order, then getting your liver in order will help a lot. This would be important before even considering either protocol.

^ ^ ^ 

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No problem. I should caution that if you believe you have SIBO that gut protocol will not help. I did actually do it with SIBO and it did help temporarily, but it has stuff that feeds SIBO in it. 

You made no mention of that, but it seems common on this forum, so figured I would say that warning. 

I also recommend that you deeply familiarize yourself with Amalgam Illness and The mercury detoxification manual by Andy Culter if you plan to chelate. Don't mess around with this stuff until you have a good understanding of it. The gut protocol and stuff I mentioned is much more forgiving though for sure. 


Edited by Average Investor

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