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Less sleep

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I just woke up from being asleep yet even when I was asleep I felt awake. This is how a lot of my sleep has been lately. Does anyone else experience this with becoming more awake? Feeling less of a desire for sleep? Maybe my meditations are vitalizing me more than life is draining me or something, I’m not sure.  What do you guys think/experience? 

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@Gianna A few years ago I was really depressed, and did some inner work and felt way better for about 6 months. I noticed during this time that I needed less sleep and functioned even better than I had before i was depressed. 

Sleep is kind of like an addiction. I know that when I'm more unhappy I want to sleep more, but when things are going well I don't want/need as much sleep. I don't buy the hype that you need 8 hours of sleep. 

We only have so much time on earth so the less sleep the better, all things considered 

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21 minutes ago, Gianna said:

I just woke up from being asleep yet even when I was asleep I felt awake. This is how a lot of my sleep has been lately. Does anyone else experience this with becoming more awake? Feeling less of a desire for sleep? Maybe my meditations are vitalizing me more than life is draining me or something, I’m not sure.  What do you guys think/experience? 

You don't sleep at all. You wake up instantly after you close your eyes and fall asleep. You just move clocks for few hours and change the reality that you're projecting. That way you have an illusion that you slept for the night and woke up in the morning.

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13 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

You wake up instantly after you close your eyes and fall asleep.

Not really for me lately and not really when you are lucid dreaming. I have been fully aware when I am asleep— I watch myself sleep. And so, I know I am sleeping. It is not a “I fall asleep and then a second later wake up” thing for me. 

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31 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Gianna A few years ago I was really depressed, and did some inner work and felt way better for about 6 months. I noticed during this time that I needed less sleep and functioned even better than I had before i was depressed. 

Sleep is kind of like an addiction. I know that when I'm more unhappy I want to sleep more, but when things are going well I don't want/need as much sleep  

Hm. Yeah this makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you!

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4 minutes ago, Gianna said:

Not really for me lately and not really when you are lucid dreaming. I have been fully aware when I am asleep— I watch myself sleep. And so, I know I am sleeping. It is not a “I fall asleep and then a second later wake up” thing for me. 

That's interesting but how can we talk about less or more sleep if time is an illusion? 

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osho speaks about this, when you are awakened there is just one state, being aware, when you go to bed at night that undisturbed awareness remains throughout

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@Tyler Durden I’m not sure. All I know is that the duality of sleeping and being awake is starting to collide for me. 

@gettoefl Oh man, thank you. That really validates my experience and makes me feel a lot better. That’s definitely what I am experiencing. It’s kind of concerning to me right now but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. 


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2 minutes ago, Gianna said:


@gettoefl Oh man, thank you. That really validates my experience and makes me feel a lot better. That’s definitely what I am experiencing. It’s kind of concerning to me right now but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. 


cool this is advanced stuff, keep at it ... and he says all dreams eventually fall away since dreams are just what you refuse to do it the waking world ... when awakened you no longer repress like before

here is a list of his teachings if you want to look further


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Watching yourself sleep - sounds kinda trippy, but also kinda dull xD 

59 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

cool this is advanced stuff, keep at it ... and he says all dreams eventually fall away since dreams are just what you refuse to do it the waking world ... when awakened you no longer repress like before

Ooh that's interesting, I've wondered about whether enlightened people dream for that very reason, ie they presumably don't have subconscious material like unawakened people do and so therefore it's not going to manifest in the form of dreams. For myself, I've noticed I've gone through phases the past few years as I'm working through various mental/emotional issues - there are periods when I'm having very unsettling, distressing dreams, and other times where either I'm not dreaming, or I'm just not remembering my dreams upon waking up.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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45 minutes ago, RickyFitts said:

Watching yourself sleep - sounds kinda trippy, but also kinda dull xD 

1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

It’s not a visual experience although it kind of is in my minds eye. It’s really just a knowing, like awareness itself. 


47 minutes ago, RickyFitts said:

ie they presumably don't have subconscious material like unawakened people do and so therefore it's not going to manifest in the form of dreams.

Mind blownnnn. Holy shit. That just clicked for me. That makes complete and total sense. 

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@Gianna If you sleep less and are not more tired, you probably don't need as much sleep anymore.

You are very naturally talented for sleep yoga. 

I've been practicing that for almost a year and you are far better at it without trying lol.

I recommend you look into sleep yoga, you are probably able to quickly master it, then all your dreams are lucid, and so much more.

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@GreenWoods Oh wow, so funny that you mention this because I actually just started regular yoga because of a knee injury and I’m like pretty freaking good and haven’t even done it before. I told my yoga class instructor  (who complimented me on it) that I think I was a yogi in a past life. Haha. So maybe this applies to the sleep yoga thing too? I’ll definitely look into it! Thanks! :) <3 <3 

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48 minutes ago, Gianna said:

It’s not a visual experience although it kind of is in my minds eye. It’s really just a knowing, like awareness itself. 

Right, that makes sense :)

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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15 minutes ago, Gianna said:

that I think I was a yogi in a past life. Haha. So maybe this applies to the sleep yoga thing too? I’ll definitely look into it! Thanks! :) <3 <3 

Yes that's possible.

Or you might just have gotten a brain chemistry that is good for sleep yoga, due to some other reasons.

Anyway, you are quite lucky :)

I guess the best technique for sleep yoga for you is the normal WILD/astral projection  technique. Rather than the one I've been posting about.

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