Leo Gura

Hypnotized By Infinity

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Non-existence exists in the place of non-existent existence, filled with all the non-existence there is. 

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@AlwaysBeNice Non-existence filled with all the non-existence is non-existing in existence where there is no non-existence filled with all the non-existence there is. :S


[insert quote here]

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58 minutes ago, Mr Lenny said:

Non-existence filled with all the non-existence is non-existing in existence where there is no non-existence filled with all the non-existence there is. :S

Okay, now you're just going crazy. It's as simple as "there's no such thing as non-existence because non-existence exists (in existence)." Now, go contemplate.

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Is that an Escher drawing? I'm wrestling with GEB right now. Thanks for that btw Leo. Sometimes i curse you ;).


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Stare at Leo's vid for 2 minutes than look at your keyboard and see what happens. Woah!:o

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6 hours ago, cetus56 said:

Stare at Leo's vid for 2 minutes than look at your keyboard and see what happens. Woah!:o

Lol, sick :D

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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18 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

I'd much rather you use the word God but I understand why you didn't. It's very well put nonetheless!

FYI Leo didn't write that.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

"Questioner: Can you tell me how intelligent infinity became
individualized from itself?"

"Answer: The intelligent infinity discerned a concept. This concept was discerned to
be freedom of will of awareness. This concept was finity. This was the first
and primal paradox or distortion of the Law of One. Thus the one
intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the
infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness.
The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present."

So, basically infinity wanted to know what being finite is all about. And thus made itself into the infinite amount of finite experiences all at once. Correct? As God must be omnipresent and omnipotent, how else could this be achieved if God wasn't also experiencing the experience of being finite. To be otherwise, would be against its own nature.

20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

"Answer: The galaxy and all other things of material of which you are
aware are products of individualized portions of intelligent infinity. As each
exploration began, it, in turn, found its focus and became co-Creator. Using
intelligent infinity each portion created an universe and allowing the
rhythms of free choice to flow, playing with the infinite spectrum of
possibilities, each individualized portion channeled the love/light into what
you might call intelligent energy, thus creating the so-called Natural Laws
of any particular universe."

So, this sort of works like a fractal works. As you zoom further in you start to see the same intelligence translated through "smaller" (so to speak) mediums of consciousness. So, each universe has its own individualized consciousness with an apparent free will, then each creature within that universe with an apparent free will, on down. Is that correct?

20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

"Each universe, in turn, individualized to a focus becoming, in turn, co-
Creator and allowing further diversity, thus creating further intelligent
energies regularizing or causing Natural Laws to appear in the vibrational
patterns of what you would call a solar system. Thus, each solar system has
its own, shall we say, local coordinate system of illusory Natural Laws. It
shall be understood that any portion, no matter how small, of any density
or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the one Creator
which is infinity. Thus all begins and ends in mystery."

So, basically, the thing that makes our Natural Laws seem the way that they are and the universe have the qualities that it appears to have, is the particular frequency/vibration it has. And these vibrational patterns create the diversity on down from the cosmos to a grain of sand... perhaps through more subtle vibrations? Just a thought. It makes me think about when I was a kid and the car door would be ajar and I could split the one beeping sound into multiple beeping sounds just by paying attention in a different way and moving subtle muscles in my ears. 

Also, a thought that I've been pondering... If the nature of God is infinite, that must mean that the finite (and all the possibilities of the finite) must exist within the infinite as well, otherwise it would not be infinite. I've been thinking of all the possibilities of this that would just be ridiculous realities. Like there could be a reality where I have to tear off all my limbs every day. Or a reality that only consists of Bugs Bunny sitting in a room with orange walls. Or a reality where everyone is a serial killer. Or a reality that only consists of a computer screen. So, these thoughts (of course) make no sense to me because I'm stuck in thoughts of what infinity means. Could you give some clarity from your experiences with the infinite relative to this conundrum? Thank you. 

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@Emerald Wilkins Well, Absolutely Infinity means no limits. Everything you know or perceive is a limit or bound. That's what thing-ness is. It's limitation or finity. So in-finity is every finity or form possible. It's staggering to the mind. It's outrageous beyond imagination.

But also it's formless. So at the same time you experience all the possibilities, and nothing at all. It feels sorta like looking at a cosmic slot machine spinning with an infinite number of rotating drums and symbols. Every possible state of the universe sorta flashes before your eyes, but there's nothing there! It's just like thin air. All of it amounts to nothing! So you can't put your finger on anything. But you get the gist of everything. And you understand that it cannot be any other way. The only possible mechanism of existence is an explosion of infinity. Nothing more is possible, because it includes all mores.

Yes, it's an infinite fractal of infinity. There's no upper or lower bound. No smallest or largest element. No beginning or end. It includes all distinctions and no distinctions at all. Even the real and unreal, existent and non-existent become indistinct. It's a formless potential energy that contains infinite creative capacity when unfurled like a fractal flower. It's simultaneously furled up and unfurling. The ultimate paradox. It is unquestionably God.

No wonder the mind cannot grasp it. It's infinitely beyond the mind. A billion minds working for a billion years will never even make 0.00000000001% progress towards grasping it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Also, a thought that I've been pondering... If the nature of God is infinite, that must mean that the finite (and all the possibilities of the finite) must exist within the infinite as well, otherwise it would not be infinite. I've been thinking of all the possibilities of this that would just be ridiculous realities. Like there could be a reality where I have to tear off all my limbs every day. Or a reality that only consists of Bugs Bunny sitting in a room with orange walls. Or a reality where everyone is a serial killer. Or a reality that only consists of a computer screen. So, these thoughts (of course) make no sense to me because I'm stuck in thoughts of what infinity means. Could you give some clarity from your experiences with the infinite relative to this conundrum? Thank you. 

This is an interesting one, because the implications are kind of potentially nightmarish, at least when you let the mind wander on the subject for a while, lol. 

Allow me to share the perspective and understanding that I most resonate with:

Gonna try not to trip over my own words. I think the infinite aspect of creation is primarily a probabilistic one; meaning there is infinite potential for creation, and that there is no limit to what can be created and what 'Everything' can expand into.

However, does that mean creation is going to run on creating everything into infinity, or that it has already all been simultaneously created? Maybe.

My perspective is that while I think while all things are equally possible, only what is functional is rendered (created.)

Now the term functional is a subjective one. I do suspect however that the universe creates towards some kind of ideal or direction. To my mind that direction is Love, whatever that is. I see it as the path of least resistance that allows for the greatest expansion and further creation so that the universe can further know itself. For example our physical domain seems to be super effective for growth of consciousness, creativity, discovering potentials, knowing onself, etc. However the universe is far less inclined to render a potential universe where everyone is ripping there arms off simply because it's not practical or effective for expansion. This would be governed by the dynamic intelligence of god.  

Side note: I think even the nature of our physical universe is mostly probabilistic and rendered. Meaning an empty space isn't even really 'real' or rendered until we step into it; purely because it's just more optimal for the universe to render what is most functional at all times. It also allows for greater creation potential: because if the contents of an empty space or empty room are set in stone, there is less creative potential there - however to the degree which we can forget or let go of its contents, that allows for more malleable probability if we were to interact with it. There's just no point to rendering the vast majority of physical reality, or the vast majority of infinite potential reality, because most of it isn't in alignment with the goal of expanding into love. It's like leaving an unused computer running while you leave the house. It's a waste of energy. 

Therefore when people say that all realities are equally and simultaneously real, I do not believe that means that they are all rendered and happening. I believe they are potentials that are waiting to be actualized if 'necessary' or useful. Therefore, if your personalized point of intelligence decides it is worth accessing, then so be it, you as an aspect of all that is has accessed that potential and rendered it for whatever reason. 

Edited by Arman

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@Arman The craziest part is that space and time are just two of infinitely many aspects of infinity. Infinity is not subject to space or time. Those are finities.

There is no waste in energy because the energy is infinite! You can't waste it because it has nothing to waste into.

God is not powerful in the sense of "he intelligently arranges the right stuff". God is an infinite EXPLOSION in infinite directions. "He" can't help himself but to create everything. It's really not that intelligent. It's indiscriminate. Like splashing every color on the canvas without limit. Sort of a brute-force-of-love strategy.

Imagine if you had infinite energy and infinite computing power. You'd just let the computer run without care. To the max. Nothing would need to be conserved.

Or imagine if you had infinite money. You'd just make it rain 24/7! :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's really not that intelligent. It's indiscriminate.

this is what i've sort of always believed. which has been the reason why i don't like the word God because i assume sentience or intelligence when i hear that word. i also don't like calling it a "he" because i just assume it would be of more of a being essence so it'd be feminine. That and i also just like the term "Mother Infinity"    :) 

Edited by stevegan928

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@stevegan928 It IS intelligent though!

Like pure free-floating intelligence.

You gotta figure, if you consider yourself intelligent, this little "you" is just a sub-set of it, so in fact IT is the intelligent one. The part cannot be more intelligent than the whole.

God is a perfect word, if you actually experience it. It's got a wonderful divine quality to it. It's like pure divinity. Worthy of bowing your head to. But of course, IT is YOU! There's nothing but you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Undivided Wholeness in Flowing Movement- just love that phrase from Bohm?

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Like there could be a reality where I have to tear off all my limbs every day. Or a reality that only consists of Bugs Bunny sitting in a room with orange walls. Or a reality where everyone is a serial killer. Or a reality that only consists of a computer screen.

The universal rules don't break down though do they, and I assume every universe has them. So a human being like us couldn't tear off their limbs everyday because we can't regrow them. It would be another creature that took it for granted that they had to tear their limbs off everyday because their evolution had led them to that point. Nothing out of place. We do in fact have lizards on planet earth that can shed their tails and regrow them and I bet they think nothing of it.

The universe with Bugs Bunny in a room would have to have an evolution, so all the stages up to Bugs Bunny in a room, so you could speculate as to why it got stuck there and if the universe had a law of entropy, I'm sure Bugs Bunny would not last that long.


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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Emerald Wilkins Well, Absolutely Infinity means no limits. Everything you know or perceive is a limit or bound. That's what thing-ness is. It's limitation or finity. So in-finity is every finity or form possible. It's staggering to the mind. It's outrageous beyond imagination.

But also it's formless. So at the same time you experience all the possibilities, and nothing at all. It feels sorta like looking at a cosmic slot machine spinning with an infinite number of rotating drums and symbols. Every possible state of the universe sorta flashes before your eyes, but there's nothing there! It's just like thin air. All of it amounts to nothing! So you can't put your finger on anything. But you get the gist of everything. And you understand that it cannot be any other way. The only possible mechanism of existence is an explosion of infinity. Nothing more is possible, because it includes all mores.

Yes, it's an infinite fractal of infinity. There's no upper or lower bound. No smallest or largest element. No beginning or end. It includes all distinctions and no distinctions at all. Even the real and unreal, existent and non-existent become indistinct. It's a formless potential energy that contains infinite creative capacity when unfurled like a fractal flower. It's simultaneously furled up and unfurling. The ultimate paradox. It is unquestionably God.

No wonder the mind cannot grasp it. It's infinitely beyond the mind. A billion minds working for a billion years will never even make 0.00000000001% progress towards grasping it.

Very interesting. When I had my experiences, there was this deep feeling that I already knew everything and always had. It was as though I was directly connected to an infinite river of wisdom, and as I needed it it would always come. But I had no urge to know everything in the moment or to explore that river. I simply wanted to just be and to let whatever was necessary to come, come up as it applied to my life. Is this like the infinity that you experienced? Also, sometimes when I'm about to go to sleep, I'll see images reflecting before my eyes, partially mind and partially reflected onto the darkness of the room. One of the most common forms it takes is fractal-like designs. Also, sometimes when I close my eyes for long enough, I will see from the darkness (not imagine but truly see- seemingly) a very realistic random setting for split-moments at a time.  Like, I'll see a street with people walking or an area of the woods, for a flash of a second projected directly onto the darkness of my eyelids. Is this simply mild bedtime hallucinations or is this perhaps a very mild glimpse of infinity as you experienced on 5-MEO?

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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23 minutes ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

there was this deep feeling that I already knew everything and always had. It was as though I was directly connected to an infinite river of wisdom

This is the whole thing though isn't it. The brain is basically a device to limit ourselves through beliefs and create the sense of duality. When the shroud is lifted. Boom. You did already "know" everything.

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For whatever it's worth. I was just meditating on infinity with an intention for it to show itself. To maybe get a glimpse of infinity like Leo describes. But something else happened. What I first experienced was a mind that was totally empty of all content. The usual meditation but deeper. I observed the mind in that state for quite a while. And just as a note, that totally empty mind does feel like it is infinite. Infinitely empty. So that is the closest I  experience of being infinite.

But than the infinitely empty mind vanished too. There was nothing there. Not only was the pitcher empty of all content. But the pitcher itself no longer existed. So did the pitcher return to infinity?  Or did it return to nothingness? Or something else? What is that when it happens? It's just a total blank space there. Where would experiencing infinity fit into this? Anybody else experience this happening to them?  Maybe all the time? Maybe never? I just don't know where this fits in. Should I try to stop that vanishing from happening for now on and just remain in the experience of mind empty of all content? I really don't know what to do here and it's happened before on occasion. Does somebody have some experience with this happening to them too?  Thanks

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@Leo Gura well i was coming at it from the perspective that there's something beyond intelligence. like as though beingness is the Truth and intelligence is part of the illusion of separateness and doing. this is all just thought though. once i experience it i'm sure my perspective will change.   

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