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Can't sleep

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why do i hate sleeping early ? 

i procrastinate a lot and somehow find myself sleeping at sunrise !

the worst part is the head tension and the horrible feelings i experience from just trying to sleep? 

this phenomenon last usually for three to four hours 

but strangely 

i sleep very easily during  daytime 

which is of course at 6 am sunrise! 


i don't have fear of darkness 

or fear of silence or loneliness 

i actually enjoy those 


however, i do have severe anxiety 

and that might be the case i suspct but why at night ? why i never experience this during the day? 

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1 hour ago, Max8 said:

why do i hate sleeping early ? 

i procrastinate a lot and somehow find myself sleeping at sunrise !

the worst part is the head tension and the horrible feelings i experience from just trying to sleep? 

this phenomenon last usually for three to four hours 


So from what i understand it takes you forever to sleep at night and the opposite it happening at daytime. The anxiety can be the root cause. Do you engage in ruminations in your head? If you do then stop those, because they can prevent you from sleeping. Anxiety is mostly from ruminating in your head.

I think your brain has associated sunrise with sleep and nightime with wakefullness. Pay attention to what associations you create while going to bed. For example, you want to only associate the bed with sleep and nothing else. If you are staying in bed too long ruminating , then get up. And try to sleep later. Because you don't wanna associate ruminating with bed. Otherwise everytime you go to bed, you will feel anxiety.

This is part of CBTI. Check this guy. He has helped me tremendously understand how sleep works. Also learn more about associations. They are a game-changer. He really helped me resolve my insomnia issues. Now i sleep like a bird.


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Are you tired during the day? Some people just sleep every other day, because they simply can't bring themselves to sleep more.

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