Peace and Love

Mystical Traditions From Around The World- Omnism

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I'm so glad Leo made this video.  I've been wanting to talk about this on the forum for a long time, but I was afraid I would come off as dogmatic or criticized.  Here is what I've learned on my journey so far.

Omnism- The belief that no religion is the only truth, but that truths are found in them all.

I've collected pictures over the years to express what I KNOW and FEEL to be the TRUTH.

When you really do the research you will see the patterns.  We all really want the same thing....LOVE.  We just find the answers in different ways.  The TRUTH is LOVE!






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These spiritual teachers (and to some people they would be considered ASCENDED MASTERS)  all taught LOVE....unconditional LOVE all people of all kinds, of all backgrounds, from all places.  We are all family, we are all one!




Edited by Peace and Love
grammar edit :)

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We are all on the same journey.....but we are all at different stages.  We shall work together as one.  We can all learn from each other.  We don't have to agree on everything, but we can still LOVE unconditionally.



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Leo is right.  We have to be very careful with esoteric knowledge.  Your perception is what makes religion bad.  Seek the TRUTH, the LOVE.....avoid the hate.

You can believe in God (absolute infinity, etc.) minus the religion. 





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And there is so much more.  You will see patterns....people are all saying the same thing!



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You can LOVE one another, and not even have the same faith.  I love these internet news articles.  They make me want to cry....

It is so easy to focus on the negative and what is wrong with the world.  That won't fix the problem.  We need to shift our consciousness to LOVE.  We need to work together as one, because we are all one.



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MORE examples of the same TRUTH..... you just have to seek it.

Author :  Louise L Hay- "Everything I need to know is revealed to me.  Everything I need comes to me.  All is well in my life.  There is no new knowledge.  All is ancient and Infinite."  

Leo is right...this knowledge has been known for a very VERY long time...... ;)




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The DIVINE PURPOSE of the indigo child is to bring about the changes our planet needs to help create a society built upon integrity, truth, and cooperation.   WE are ALL in a way Indigo Children. 




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Another view on enlightenment....and spirituality....that's different.  I copied and pasted my comment I posted on Leo's 5meo video interview with Martin Ball.

Reiki is first off non-demonational or religious. Rei means spiritually guided and ki means energy, the vital life force or the universal life energy. Reiki is guided by spiritual consciousness. This is a non physical energy that animates all living things. And to some it would be interpreted as the Holy Spirit or God living within us. Reiki is a form of energy healing. Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom, rather than requiring the direction of the practitioner. Purging energy from your stomach as what Martin describes about 5-meo-HDTV reminds me of clearing the energy from your solar plexus chakra, which is where you hold all of your emotions. Ki, also known as prana, chi, ti, biofield energy, etc. is thought to be the underlying energy of everything that exists. Ki is influenced by the mind. If you have positive healthy thoughts, your Ki becomes stronger. If you have unhealthy, negative thoughts, your Ki is weakened or becomes unhealthy. It’s so interesting because I’m sure you’ve noticed that our physical health does have a connection to our emotions. Like when we are depressed or aka have negative energy we are sluggish and it can weaken our immune systems while being positive we have a tendency to have more physical energy and get things done. Life becomes so wonderful when we no longer allow ourselves to be governed by our emotions.

The HOLY SPIRIT = ENLIGHTENMENT, nonduality, etc. like Leo mentions in his video....... 


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In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole,
and complete, and yet life is ever changing.
There is no beginning and no end,
only a constant cycling and recyling
of substances and experiences.
Life is never stuck or static or stale,
for each moment is ever new and fresh.
I am one with the very Power that created me, and this Power
has given me the power to create my own circumstances.
I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power
of my own mind to use in any way I choose.
Every moment of life is a new beginning point
as we move from the old.  This moment is a new point
of beginning for me right here and right now.
All is well in my world.

In the infinity of life where I am,
all is perfect, whole and complete.
I believe in the power far greater than I am
that flows through me every moment of every day.
I open myself to the wisdom within,
knowing that there is only One Intelligence in this Universe.
Out of this One Intelligence comes all the answers,
all the solutions, all the healings, all the new creations.
I trust this Power and Intelligence,
knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me,
and that whatever I need comes to me
in the right time, space and sequence.
All is well in my world.

Louise L. Hay - You Can Heal Your Life


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There is no truth found in many religions.

Religion IS you..

Truth IS you.


There are no millions of paths and traditions. There is but one. You yourself are the way.


The day One can escape oneself, I will be more then happy to believe truth is found in one of the many religions.



"The day I was meditating, and asked Shiva about how many ways he saw leading to enlightenment, he answered: There are 114 ways leading to the same enlightenment. 

I replied: I see but one. And he said: Which way?

I replied: Yourself! He replied with a gentle smile: Good! Sharp is that vision of yours! Yes, very good indeed!"

One is seen in the other, and other seen within one, and here, meditating ends.


Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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On 12/13/2016 at 9:04 PM, Peace and Love said:

We can all learn from each other. 

Each path will pass through different lands; there are paths that will go through the desert, and there are paths which will go through the mountains, and there are paths which will pass through beautiful flowering trees.

But if you travel some time on one path and then you change the path, you will have to start again from ABC. Whatever you have learned on one path is invalid on another path, and if you go on keeping it within you it is going to create tremendous confusion. You are already in a great mess.

Your mind always wants change. It does not know devotion; it loves fashions, its interest is always in some novelty. So it will go on moving from one path to another path, becoming more and more confused because each path has its own language, each path has its own unique methods.

If you move on many paths you will collect contradictory arguments; you will become so much divided you will not know what to do. And if it becomes your habit to change paths – because the new has a certain attraction for the mind – you will move a few feet on one path, a few feet on another path, but you will never complete the journey.

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