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Leo/curt interview, criticism from first time listener.

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   To me, this is interesting coming from a perspective that hasn't followed deeply, and has the capability to listen with some degree of open mindedness due to it's past experiences(supernatural/paranormal), and has a different view and experience of god and TOE. What are your thoughts on this person's criticisms? Also keep in mind this person had a few paranormal experiences in the past involving Wendigo/demon and God, which is probably why he was able to listen and critic a bit.

   I'll share mine first here to get the ball rolling. I think this is quite exceptional, for someone who has never heard of and followed to be able to critic like this with this level of bias. Most Normies would have just demonized or ignored what is said, but he was able to give a fair critic and point out where he and Leo differ on their experiences.

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