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recurring dreams

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Hi there

Since years now I have the same recurring dream. I tried to contemplate the dream, but I failed. 

Does anyone have instructions how to contemplate the dream correctly? 


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Well what I understood is that your dreams are often a symbolization of what you or your soul experiences away from the body. For example, you might come go from nonphysically back to the physical, and do what you may call 'wake up', but what you remember, as a dream corresponding to that may be for example you ascending down stairs, or landing with an airplane, etc. Those dreams then are a symbolization of what's going on.

But maybe you can get more use from it if you look at how the dream makes you feel. Perhaps go 'into' the feeling as see if there's like a message from you there, or something to heal or integrate or such. 
Just some thoughts

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4 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Tell us your dream, let us interpret for you.

Basically in my dreams i always have to catch my flight, but something always happens, and I miss the flight. The dram is always different, sometimes I am in the airport, sometimes on the way to the airport. When I am in the airport, I always get lost and can´t find the gate. Im running up and down, asking people for the way but I never make it to the gate, or if I make it, the gate is closed. In some dreams i loose my animals in the airport and so forth. (I rescue animals in real life)  

When I am on the way to the airport, I always confuse the time of the flight and when I realized it, the stress begins and I try to make it fast to the airport, but different things happens;  I get lost on the way, accidents happen and so forth.

Sometimes the dream turned into a lucid dream and during the dream I managed to calm myself down, knowing that it was only a dream. 

Something similar  has really happened to me, about 5 years ago. I missed my flight 2 times and my family was really upset with me and they stressed me a lot.  But the recurring dreams started 2 years ago.. 

5 years ago, I moved abroad against the will of my family, and I thought it’s connected to that maybe?


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Hmm. Have you been reading my journal? xD

TLDR I have the same thing about trains. My conclusion was that it's metaphorically related to my commuting regularly. Although, I sense that there's a fair amount of anxiety in your dreams around confusion, getting lost, accidents. I think travel in general can be anxiety inducing, it's a lot of our fears rolled into one activity. So... it could be just a general expression of a certain amount of anxiety you feel in waking life - that you somehow have to "keep things together".

57% paranoid

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39 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Hmm. Have you been reading my journal? xD

TLDR I have the same thing about trains. My conclusion was that it's metaphorically related to my commuting regularly. Although, I sense that there's a fair amount of anxiety in your dreams around confusion, getting lost, accidents. I think travel in general can be anxiety inducing, it's a lot of our fears rolled into one activity. So... it could be just a general expression of a certain amount of anxiety you feel in waking life - that you somehow have to "keep things together".

Haha no I did not know about your Journal, but i will read it. :) 

I am  actually a very fearless person, I mean I am not scared of accidents, or getting lost myself, airplanes... I have a "nothing can happen to me" mentality. But my achilles heel is my family. Subconsciously I have the fear of being  a disappointment to them (I actually know that I am a disappointment for my parents, because they are not able to understand my way of living). So I believe  that my dream is connected to this fear with my family, because in the dreams i am always  in my old hometown (where my family still lives in), and I need to get back home here in Athens. But something always happens and i don’t make it...

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2 hours ago, tolo said:

Haha no I did not know about your Journal, but i will read it. :) 

Excellent my advertising worked!

2 hours ago, tolo said:

I am  actually a very fearless person

That doesn't surprise me. I'm fairly together as well in that way, I certainly don't worry about travelling in waking life for example. I believe a lot of dreams are a kind of emotional role play - they give you resilience and let you deal with your emotions in real life, so when that accident at the airport (or wherever) does happen you don't get emotionally overwhelmed by it. But I would also say that you're right to listen to your intuition. Dreams are very metaphorical they fly under the radar of consciousness most of the time. The airport is a symbol that you intuit as something to do with being away from your family, the emotions you feel at the airport are to do with that symbol.

57% paranoid

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No idea what to make of dreams. Sort of off topic, but the only thing noteworthy I can say about dreams, is that after getting pretty skilled at meditation, it apparently unlocked the ability to read in dreams. Used to try to read in dreams and the letters would be all jumbled -- now I can basically pick up a novel and read it if my dream body did so. It's kind of cool :)

Just last night I was dreaming that I was shopping and I could read all the labels as if it were waking life.

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