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Consciousness Needing Time

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I was feeling, before, like consciousness needs time to bring reality into being into the form that it is now, like the idea of there being a need for an evolution process which took a few billion years to bring this into the way it is, and i mean the entire universe, that i was feeling like consciousness is the creator of all that is, yes, but that it needs time to be able to create all that is, in that sense. 

Or, like, when I'm thinking about my dreams for instance, the thing that confused my mind was that i was not being original while I was creating any dream, that it was all, in a sense, like a replica, to some extent, of my socalled physical reality. So i was also feeling like for consciousness it takes time to manifest something, in that sense. 

However, now, I'm feeling like, maybe consciousness does not need time at all to create what it creates, that it can create, perhaps, a complete universe like this in just, like, one moment, because perhaps, the pure consciousness, in that sense, unlike me, is infinite creativity and originality, that it does not need to make its creation to something else. Like it can create this room I'm in and this apartment and building I'm in and everything and everyone that exist in it, with their long long histories, just in, literally, one moment, you see. 

Like, for instance, when an author creates a create called an elf, or any fantastic creature, he resembles it to other beings and creatures that already exist in this reality, he actually is not being so original, in that sense, at all. 

But the real me, the pure awareness, the pure being, perhaps does not need any of this process of resembling and so forth to create something. Like, it can just, from out of absolutely nothing, come up with the idea of a species called humans and its members and their details and so forth in just, like, one moment out of absolutely nothing, and just, pop, create it in its fullness in just one moment. 

Maybe, for we are beings who are, in that sense, stuck in the ideas of time and space, we cannot even imagine that a power and intelligence and creativity like that can even, really, exist, that we think of it as some sort of a fantasy or an illusion. 

And the same thing for space or anything you can imagine or experience probably does apply to this. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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12 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

, it can just, from out of absolutely nothing, come up with the idea of a species called humans and its members and their details and so forth in just, like, one moment out of absolutely nothing, and just, pop, create it in its fullness in just one moment. 

Exactly. That's what this moment is.

History and all that stuff is imagined to make the illusion of being a human who lives a life more convincing.

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I feel like the "big bang" was every moment from the start to end of the universe being stretched out into the illusion of space and time.

Experience cannot take place without space (to allow for division, the appearance of duality: subject and object seeming to occupy two separate slots), and without time, this space ends at its beginning and thus cancels out. It needs to appear to have time for moments to be experienced.

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Consciousness dreams up all possible timelines. It is not bound by them in the same way that a movie about ancient Rome is not bound by its own timeline.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness dreams up all possible timelines. It is not bound by them in the same way that a movie about ancient Rome is not bound by its own timeline.

Hmm, so if i, say, want to "timetravel" to ancient Rome, then what i will be doing is, as consciousness, imagine myself into ancient Rome and it will be me, effectively, timetraveling into the socalled past, which actually, ultimately speaking, has never existed, and i will, right now, be imagining such a thing as ancient Rome into being and have a journey to it ?

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You're not time traveling because time and all places are imaginary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You're not time traveling because time and all places are imaginary.

Yes I'm aware of that, what I'm meaning was not the actual timetravel in that sense, but the experience of timetravel. Like the experience of timetraveling to ancient Rome in my dream. 

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Not timetraveling to a real past, for there is no real past, i see, but, like in a dream, a lucid dream, creating imagination that I'm in ancient Rome in the whatever year, just like I'm imagining I'm this person writing this in 2021 right now. 

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