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Distinguishing illusion from reality

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Is there even such a distinction? 

We go to bed at night and dream that we are some dream character in some dream world.. We might wake up from that dream to find ourselves in another dream. A dream within a dream within a dream. The imagination has no end. What we call the real existing reality is just a layer of imagination that we have temporarily formed an attachment to. And hence it becomes a construct of imagination.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I was just thinking about this. My bed is an imagination, my body is an imagination, me lying in my bed and relaxing into the dream state is an imagination, my muscles and relaxing is an imagination happening "in" imagination, and this is all imagination all the way down, in that sense, and my only real self is the one that is formless awareness, in a sense, that is imagining within imagining within imagining. 

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@Vibroverse do you agree that there is no way to distinguish between the two (illusion and reality)? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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And the One, that is who I am, is being and imagining and experiencing, as Infinite Intelligence and Creativity, being endless individual beings simultaneously, by stretching all of that, in a sense, into space and time and form with absolutely zero effort. 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Vibroverse do you agree that there is no way to distinguish between the two (illusion and reality)? 

I absolutely agree with that but i believe we are in this particular dream right now for an infinitely amazing "reason", in a sense, and we can only become aware of what it really is by, in a sense, "tuning to the resonance" of who we really are, the One, if you know what i mean. That actually is just another way of saying by becoming Love and Peace and Truth really. Think about "philosophizing" in tune, in a sense, with Infinite Intelligence and Knowing. 

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Is this forum, this conversation right now.. real or illusory?

If you can't tell.. then it doesn't matter. (if the difference makes no difference to you, then there is effectively no difference). 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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You won't be able to describe reality either by calling it "real" or "illusory", because these two terms define each other. So what is it then? Ultimately, there is only "Reality" with a capital R, we might say. This Reality doesn't distinguish between real and illusory (imaginary, as Leo would call it).

What would be the dividing line between reality and illusion be made of, reality or illusion? Or perhaps, nothing?

Reality IS Illusion. 

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reality cannot be defined because it is everything, and being everything it has no opposite, it is one, without limits, not dual. dualities are illusion. There is no you or me, that is an illusion. there is no beginning or end, or birth or death. they are illusion. So the way to distinguish between real or illusory is to ask yourself: does it have the opposite? if it has, it is illusion

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

So the way to distinguish between real or illusory is to ask yourself: does it have the opposite? if it has, it is illusion

Interesting. So the waking State's opposite is the dream state. That means the waking state is an illusion just like the dream state? 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Notice that anything you consider to be 'real' actually only 'appears to be real' or 'seems to be real'.   This includes any 'proof' or 'evidence' that something you consider to be real is real. 

'Waking vs Dream' makes a nice neat analogy.. when you are lost in a dream, you don't know you're lost in a dream, and so it SEEMS real.  Consider how you might discover, while dreaming, that you were dreaming?  You would have to become aware that you were dreaming, which is 'to be awake'. 

How do you know you won't 'wake up' in 5 minutes from now to some 'more real' reality, where this reality is just a dream? 

Well.. you don't.  But get that it doesn't matter.  All that 'matters' is what 'seems real'.  If your dog dies in your dream.. it really matters within the dream.. because the dream seems real.. but when you wake up from the dream, who does it 'matter to' that a dream dog dream died? Not you, not the dog. Not even the dream dog.  The only thing that matters, is whatever SEEMS real at the time it seems that way. 

The Truth is -It Is Always Now. 

It (Everything, whatever there 'really is') Is (Seems to be) Always (Eternally) Now (This Moment). 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Someone here

Just throwing a two cents in here, I like the way you’re thinkin so to speak, and real from illusory is discernible, but thinking can only point. In the sense a car can get you to a concert, but not literally, only close, then ya gotta walk in. 



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Reality isn’t an illusion, but the journey to realizing reality is... like a journey to learning all the secrets about reality, only to nearly find that there is no reality, nor anyone to find even that truth... and that would just be another conclusion about reality anyway — and there is none, so no one realizes that, even though it’d be the only true realization if it were knowable, which it isn’t.

What starts with “aha!” ends in “no way...”

? -> ? ?‍♂️ ? 

Edited by The0Self

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17 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

Notice that anything you consider to be 'real' actually only 'appears to be real' or 'seems to be real'.   This includes any 'proof' or 'evidence' that something you consider to be real is real. 

'Waking vs Dream' makes a nice neat analogy.. when you are lost in a dream, you don't know you're lost in a dream, and so it SEEMS real.  Consider how you might discover, while dreaming, that you were dreaming?  You would have to become aware that you were dreaming, which is 'to be awake'. 

How do you know you won't 'wake up' in 5 minutes from now to some 'more real' reality, where this reality is just a dream? 

Well.. you don't.  But get that it doesn't matter.  All that 'matters' is what 'seems real'.  If your dog dies in your dream.. it really matters within the dream.. because the dream seems real.. but when you wake up from the dream, who does it 'matter to' that a dream dog dream died? Not you, not the dog. Not even the dream dog.  The only thing that matters, is whatever SEEMS real at the time it seems that way. 

The Truth is -It Is Always Now. 

It (Everything, whatever there 'really is') Is (Seems to be) Always (Eternally) Now (This Moment). 


Totally agree ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

Interesting. So the waking State's opposite is the dream state. That means the waking state is an illusion just like the dream state? 



23 hours ago, Someone here said:


everything is real, or rather, is. the illusion is that it seems limited. there is no state sleep and awake, there is the illusion of limits and duality that is what we call the sleeping state and the dissolution of that illusion of limitation that is awake

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall So my main concern is how to distinguish between the two (illusion and reality). Because you can't for example distinguish your dreams from your waking life.  It turns out that there is no such distinction.  

It's all real =it's all illusion. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's all real =it's all illusion.

Exactly. What is unreal appears as real when a knower arises in the appearance. Apparently hiding the lack of any separation of any kind at all between real and unreal, which are the precise exact same, and in fact... not even the same! Because they aren’t even two separate things that could be called “the same.” ? 

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Whether it's given the name illusion or reality doesn't matter in the slightest.

It's just what seems to be happening.

Reality equates to a dreamlike experience because when you awake in the morning the dreaming ends... when the body/mind dies the experience of being alive ends.

So what happens in the dream doesn't matter and what happens in apparent reality also doesn't matter.

No one gets out alive.





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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You are trying to find a way to escape death and there already isn't someone that's living.... it's an illusion of self.

It's hopeless and that's simultaneously the freedom.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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