
Job In sales?

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Found a job in sales, selling water treatment system. The product is good I love it. I had 3 appointments so far, no selling. It's like a 8000usd product, nvr done this job in my life. Any advice?

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- adapt to the person you are selling to. People respond to different things. If they seem very conscious, then you should probably try to match that and be honest. If they don't you could get away with some manipulating (but you know that is the craft of the devil)

- you can always try to make it a win-win situation. Think about how your product is making you customer win.

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Do affirmations, it is very powerful.

Get your mind very clear before and after work, go to the gym, meditate, eat healthy, sleep and wake early. You need your mind to be still, so you will be able to RECOGNIZE your clients. Third eye is very powerful in this game. So is your heart since the Heart is what builds the trust and attracts your client to eventually say, 'yes I will buy this'. 

And then let the job teach you, let life show you... 


number#1 thing in sales. Believe in your product. Get that sense of CERTAINTY. That this is something your client wants, needs, and should at least listen :). Then get your head clear, everything negative is a complete and total distraction. Be CRYSTAL CLEAR. Then you approach, and you sell.


Edited by TripleFly

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There are many good heuristics to selling, but none will work 100%, a lot of times you just need a sheer volume of engagements.

3 meetings is nothing, don't get discouraged by this. Statistically significant number would be something like 50+ meetings, then you can draw proper fairly accurate conclusions from that

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Does your company send you traffic? Or are you just trying to get the customers yourself? Is it commission or salary? 

People can sense, when you are trying to push a product on them. Or if you are really needy to sell something. The less you care about the sale will actually make it easier to get it. Since you are so new to selling that product spend some time to really write down the common questions and concerns that people have. Over time you can develop perfect answers that you have in your back pocket ready to use once they ask. It gets easier after every interaction for sure. You might want to consider training an impromptu speaking skill as well. There are free apps that will help you train this with a few minutes per day. 

Another thing to do is keep gathering some data on the customers that convert and find the best audience. You might find that mostly upper middle class areas want this system. The age of the people might be 50+ etc. It can help you really target specific areas that would want this kind of treatment. 

You might be able to collect samples of water and send them in for lab testing. I know a lot of water sellers do little strips for people too, however those are not really that accurate. Some statistics on this could help, but it depends on what your company allows you to do. Safety is an important need for people and you can sell them on cleaner water if it prevents disease and sickness. 

I've seen some pretty cool sales people do stuff like send out birthday cards and etc to their customers. This might sound like a waste of time, but you would be surprised at how much a little personal card goes. This is after a sale too. To really care and keep up with these customers. I actually recommend that you keep a log of all of your customers and some details about them. Things that they prefer and things to they don't like. It keeps your mind fresh once you get a call from them. Because it could be months or even years. Everyone likes to be remembered and not only that it takes it a step further on your relationship with them. 

Also, get a good sense of why your product is worth $8,000. What is your client going to get for that kind of money? How does it compare to similar products? It should really be able to provide them much more than what they pay for it. That's a good sized investment for people to make, so they are going to want to know why they even want it. 


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I'm in sales. All I can say is the following... Know the ins and outs of your product. Think of all ways it will benefit your costumers life. talk more about benefits rather than features. What does a feature say more than the feature itself? How does that feature relate to the costumer? How will it benefit him? 

On of the most important things for me is being in the flow when I'm selling. If I talk to the costumer and I'm in my head, automatically I'll get a no. When I'm completely in the zone, when I'm confident, expressive and connecting to the costumer emotionally, then I have more chance of persuading him to buy. 

What I'll do is that I joke around a lot with the other person. I'll make them feel good, have a laugh and don't be very serious. Then I'll talk about the product and I'll make it seem I'm 'giving'. I'm doing that person a favour. 

Also you have to screen clients. Especially when you sell such an expensive product. 

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I've been in sales in the past and started my own business very fast. I always had a principle in selling: never lie, not in the least. If you never lie, the client will perceive that you never lie. instinctively trusts you. And he do well, since you never lie. things will turn out

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Thanx guys I read all the comments. Great advice and I'm gonna apply it asap. I really enjoyed my last presentation even though they did not buy. I asked for feedback at the end, they requested my business card too. 

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If this is really what you want to do in your life then I'd suggest you learn sales. It's a skill that can be teached and learned.

Some quick tips.

  • Get to know your customer as best as possible.
  • You job is to help them to make a decision. Either yes or no. Doesn't matter.

Of course if it is a no you write down why and think about if you did a good job explaining that part to them so that they clearly understood the benefit your product/service brings them.

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