
Pursuing Enlightenment With ADHD

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Leo's recent video describes the differences with regard to LSD/Mushrooms' mental state with 5-meo-MALT. Leo said that the former substances cause the mind to become much more ADHD than the former substance. From my experience, this has been very true indeed. I have taken LSD more than 20 times, and the biggest obstacle I face to attaining mystical experiences is that my mind explodes with so many thoughts, emotions, and mental visions that I cannot focus for long. The same happened to me with Ayahausca.

As someone with ADHD, this made me think about pursuing enlightenment with ADHD and the unique challenges this poses. Is our path different? What extra steps must we take? I am looking for insights. Preferably from people who have ADHD and have attained enlightenment and/or mystical experiences.

Note: I take good care of my health. I have been studying health every day for more than 1 hour for the last 5 years. If you read my previous posts, you will know that I am knowledgeable about health and value it the most, so cleaning my diet is not my issue.

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Start with meditating for 5 min.i think that is doable.if u cannot meditate for 5 min then start with 2 min.after this become comortable increase it in small ways like increase for 2min or 5 min according to your capacity.within a decade by increasing this way u can meditate for 3 hours in a sitting

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i found that my treatment for adhd is working while tripping ( did with it dmt, shrooms ,weed and alcohol) , but some part of the trip might be problematic like if you have nausea or stuff like that , still usefull though. 

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To pursue some thing is to know what it is you’re pursuing, and how to go about attaining it . What if enlightenment is not knowing? In that case the implication would be you thought you had something because you thought you knew what it was, but never actually did.  In that case liberation would be the not knowing, or, the letting go of what seems to be known, and not technically of anything which could be said to be attained. One could deliberate not knowing. 



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Where does art start and math begin? Where does poetry end and spirituality start? Where does science end and philosophy begin? 

The idea that there are separate subjects and that switching from one to the other is problematic would be the pot calling the kettle black, in my opinion. That very thought diagnosing or labeling an issue, would be the very creation of problem, if there were one. 

In order to stop focusing on one thought and to focus on another you have to let go of the last thought. ADHD is just when people are very good at letting go and letting in. You can be so good at a one specific skill, other people who aren't good at it think it's a problem. Then since you're good at letting in, you think it's a problem too. It's not a problem. 

Occasionally, it is revealed to you that there aren't separate subjects. I highly suggest journaling freely, creatively or flow of consciousness journaling. If you go along with and entertain the random thoughts, it's much more easily seen while writing how the thoughts are often the answer to a completely unrelated question you were previously asking. It seemed at first to be a deviation, but was actually the direct path all along. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

Start with meditating for 5 min.i think that is doable.if u cannot meditate for 5 min then start with 2 min.after this become comortable increase it in small ways like increase for 2min or 5 min according to your capacity.within a decade by increasing this way u can meditate for 3 hours in a sitting

I meditate & do Yoga for approximately 22 mins a day. Sometimes i do yoga for 2.5 hours. Helped, but only slightly.

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18 hours ago, Nahm said:

To pursue some thing is to know what it is you’re pursuing, and how to go about attaining it . What if enlightenment is not knowing? In that case the implication would be you thought you had something because you thought you knew what it was, but never actually did.  In that case liberation would be the not knowing, or, the letting go of what seems to be known, and not technically of anything which could be said to be attained. One could deliberate not knowing.

Yes, I see what you're saying: and have read the book of not knowing: however, we are arguing over semantics here.

The ability to focus is necessary for all spiritual techniques/methods: even in not knowing.

While people with ADHD can have a tremendous ability to focus on things they love and enjoy, because of God's groundless and unkown nature, it is harder to focus on that which you do not know.

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2 hours ago, Twega said:

The ability to focus is necessary……people with ADHD……

Framing as a 3 step process… step 1 is beliefs coming to the surface. Step 2 is recognizing a belief is just a belief, a repeated thought. Step 3 is letting it go because it isn’t true, it’s a belief, a repeated thought. 

2 hours ago, Twega said:

it is harder to focus on that which you do not know.

What’s focused on (or not) is actually a thought, a belief. Not something that is true.  There’s no suggestion here of ‘focusing on what you do not know’, but rather recognizing what’s already being focused on (the thought / belief) isn’t actually known. It’s a belief, that that is known & true, but it’s not known or true, it’s believed.  That creates an only apparent in thought (a belief) separation. “The ‘knower & the known’.” But the knower is already the known. Not two. (Nonduality). 

There is, absolutely literally no one who actually knows, anything

The ‘substance’ of reality, consciousness, is literally Not Knowingness. 

Consciousness is infinite. There is no “other thing” which could possibly actually be known. There is the apparent and often believed thought that something is known about consciousness, but there is no separate or finite entity which knows it. Which actually exists, or knows anything whatsoever. That is thought attachment. Ignorance / bamboozlement.

When not knowing seems to experience people knowing this or that, the actuality of that experience is not knowing believing it’s a person, and that as that person it “knows stuff about infinity, or consciousness”. “It” doesn’t. That is thought attachment. “A materialist”, if you will. 

Has pride & arrogance in this place gone completely unnoticed?

Employ the ‘3 step process’. 



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Iv'e bin waiting for this topic for a long time now...

It'll get down to the basic dilemma, is it Science/Psychology (ADHD) or spirituality. 

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I'm also interested in this topic.


Personally, my mind is very distracted but i meditate more than anyone i know. Probably 4 hours a day.

Focus meditation just don't work with me, i'm too distracted/add. But what i can do better than anyone i know is sit in silence and "be". This may be helpful for you as well. Drop enlightenment, breath focus, even contemplation and just sit with yourself. This will bring about deep peace and mystical insights

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I probably had ADHD. Enlightenment is absolutely not what you’re expecting. It’s this without anyone knowing what it is, and btw already there’s no one who knows, so... What exactly are you waiting for? What you’re waiting for is unknowing — to the point where going to sleep might as well be waking up. And not even that. You will not know this, as it’s not a state, and there is of course no knowing in the first place. You will never notice your own death (enlightenment) because there’s nothing to notice. So there is no enlightenment to be attained. It’s a dream the infinite is apparently having.

Enlightenment has precisely and exactly nothing to do with you.

Edited by The0Self

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@Nahm @The0Self  But guys: for example,  @Leo Gura has said that if one's health is shitty (with regards to heavy metals), it will be much harder for said person to become enlightened because enlightenment entails a very clear mind. Leo also said that some enlightened masters have radically different nervous systems, and some of them are born enlightened or have spontaneous awakenings without any spiritual work. 


I'm not saying I believe everything Leo says. Still, the part about health is true for me because I have experienced firsthand how radically my mind changed after eating organic/vegan - with supplementation of compounds (magnesium, EPA-DHA, Creatine) for 1-3 years.

So why is it not true when it comes to ADHD that they have different nervous systems than people who don't. You can literally conduct an fMRI and see how the brain synchronizes across different regions of people with ADHD that are different than people without. So it doesn't seem like only a "belief" to me. Although, of course, I know that everyone who has beliefs thinks that. But you get what I'm saying, right?

Insights are appreciated as this is my current plateau when it comes to spiritual work.

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Enlightenment is not a function of mind.

Of course, that if you are "lost in your mind", so to speak, that may make it harder to become conscious of You. But mind and experience are not your true nature, so becoming conscious of the Truth is not about them. Of course that if a person is suffering from survival issues, whether physical or social, it will be harder to become conscious of who and what he really is. This is because he is busy in maintaining the self, and not becoming conscious of its nature.

You are you regardless of any condition you might have. And you are you always, no matter in what state you seem to be in.

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8 hours ago, Twega said:

@Nahm @The0Self  But guys: for example,  @Leo Gura has said that if one's health is shitty (with regards to heavy metals), it will be much harder for said person to become enlightened because enlightenment entails a very clear mind. Leo also said that some enlightened masters have radically different nervous systems, and some of them are born enlightened or have spontaneous awakenings without any spiritual work. 


I'm not saying I believe everything Leo says. Still, the part about health is true for me because I have experienced firsthand how radically my mind changed after eating organic/vegan - with supplementation of compounds (magnesium, EPA-DHA, Creatine) for 1-3 years.

So why is it not true when it comes to ADHD that they have different nervous systems than people who don't. You can literally conduct an fMRI and see how the brain synchronizes across different regions of people with ADHD that are different than people without. So it doesn't seem like only a "belief" to me. Although, of course, I know that everyone who has beliefs thinks that. But you get what I'm saying, right?

Insights are appreciated as this is my current plateau when it comes to spiritual work.

Sure, that all has to do with the expansion of consciousness, which has nothing to do with enlightenment. This is enlightenment. There just might be the appearance of someone who knows, in that, hiding the natural way things are which is that there is only enlightenment and it's not for anyone nor is it any particular thing or state nor does it know itself dualistically.

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On 9/25/2021 at 1:36 PM, Twega said:

@Nahm @The0Self  But guys: for example,  @Leo Gura has said that if one's health is shitty (with regards to heavy metals), it will be much harder for said person to become enlightened because enlightenment entails a very clear mind. Leo also said that some enlightened masters have radically different nervous systems, and some of them are born enlightened or have spontaneous awakenings without any spiritual work. 


I also find it hard to retain information. I read a page and I have no idea what I've been reading. I can not recall that information properly.

I've been meditating for about three years now and I take this practice seriously.

I stay present for a few hours a day but it's an intense struggle.

The only problem is that the mind wanders off at its own pace, even when I read; I find myself thinking about something else without me being the one who has caused the thinking.

I'm also socially anxious and awkward at the same time.

Although I like to write a lot, how am I going to beat the competition with such obstacles in the way?

It feels like everything that I'm doing leads to no progress and that it is in vain. :(

I was growing up in a chaotic environment, without love and emotional support. I was rejected by my parents. My mother was depressed, absent, and cold, and my father was violent and an alcoholic. The human brain, especially the hippocampus, can not develop properly in a chaotic environment.

I was thinking about reading a quote and recalling it a thousand times. Then, after I do that, I go to the next one — and so on and so on, until my working memory is starting to work properly.

Although I'm a hard worker and like to read and write a lot, how am I going to beat @Leo Gura, for example, at articulating understanding? Or other people that don't have an ADHD problem. I need to work ten times harder and still not get the same results.

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