The Transparency Of Things By Rupert Spira

By JustinS in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Felt some amazing 'Aha' moments from this passage and I thought I'd share.  "Consciousness Shines In Every Experience  There comes a moment when everything falls into place. This open, free, unlimited Consciousness that is our own intimate Self realizes that it has always been and will always be only itself, that it has never left itself for a fraction of a moment,  that what appeared to be the return to itself, the remembering of itself, was simply the recognition of itself, the  recognition that it has always only been abiding in and as itself.   Consciousness realizes that the separate entity that it previously took itself to be, is in fact simply an activity that it does, from time to time.   By the same token, it realizes that the activity that is seem to do from time to time,  The activity that we call meditation, is in fact what it always is. It realizes that meditation is not a state that comes and goes, but that it is that in which all states come and go. Meditation is simply the natural presence of Consciousness, ever-present, all-embracing, unchanging, unending, unlimited, Self-luminous, Self-knowing, Self-evident. From the point of view of the limited, separate entity, all  descriptions of meditation appear as something to be done by that  separate entity.  As soon as it is clearly seen that the separate entity is none other than a belief and a feeling that Consciousness entertains about itself, then the very words that's previously seemed to describe a process or an activity called 'meditation',  that seemed to be an injection to do  something, are now understood to be simply a description of how things are.  From the points of view of ignorance, the 'person'  is what we are and 'meditation'  is something that we do from time to time. From the  point of view of understanding, 'meditation'  is what we are and the 'person'  is something that we do from time to time.  Meditation is not something that we do.  Whether we know it or not, it is what we are."  
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