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Chasing spirituality is what's keeping you from realizing god

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Until you chase for states of consciousness you can't fully surrender to life there is no one to realize god there is only god observing itself



The more you seek the more you veil you are what you are seeking

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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No matter how diligent and earnest the search, the apparent you will always be pulling a fast one on itself. It wants two things exactly equally: 1. its own end, and 2. its continuation at all costs. So it’s merely an empty and paradoxical apparent energetic claim. Even surrender will covertly operate as a way to continue the survival of me (seemingly hiding always-already-only-liberation), as one has to keep doing it (keep on not-doing), so it confirms there is a “one” to surrender. Until the bitter end, me will survive at all costs. In a sense it doesn’t give a fuck about happiness and enlightenment, it only wants to be real and see things separate from it as real. It’s an unbreakable illusion because there’s no illusion to break.

To be poetic, the apparent collapse of me seems to be associated with hitting a brick wall of hopeless, helpless futility one too many times, just a bit too hard, waking up what you really are; the sleeper for the time being... nothing being everything (and nothing wakes up so nothing happens).

If I could give any tips I’d say just follow what feels good. And explore ways to feel even more joy and goodness via skilled meditation... But I must note: each and every tip given, of any kind at all, just perpetuates the me, which is not wrong, but that’s what it does... And not including that last sentence would be recklessly misleading, from this perception.

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I wonder if there's people that truly read these words, then BOOM, they get it. I doubt it... Perhaps there's no one to get it? sure.

Intellectually cornering yourself to stop spiritual seeking is forceful, and intentional. The non-dual message speaks of effortlessness and spontaneity, it's a beautiful message but for no one.  I feel uncertain and tense from your words.

Edited by TripleFly

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11 minutes ago, TripleFly said:

I wonder if there's people that truly read these words, then BOOM, they get it. I doubt it... Perhaps there's no one to get it? sure.

Intellectually cornering yourself to stop spiritual seeking is forceful, and intentional. The non-dual message speaks of effortlessness and spontaneity, it's a beautiful message but for no one.  I don't feel like you convey the message very well...

Yeah, while there’s no wrong way to speak about this, OP’s post is not likely one of those “BOOM” formulations since it is (at least to me) clearly not the boundless communication of the message.

Try this one on for size ?...

The longing for something just around the corner is actually the longing for exactly whatever already appears to be happening.

That can really resonate robustly if it’s heard. There are many other aspects that can be used as pointers to the ungraspable, and they’re generally more logical and clearer and even more complete... but in my experience they often don’t hold a candle to the illogical bolded phrase above. I really don’t know anything though.

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45 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Yeah, while there’s no wrong way to speak about this, OP’s post is not likely one of those “BOOM” formulations since it is (at least to me) clearly not the boundless communication of the message.

Try this one on for size ?...

The longing for something just around the corner is actually the longing for exactly whatever already appears to be happening.

That can really resonate robustly if it’s heard. There are many other aspects that can be used as pointers to the ungraspable, and they’re generally more logical and clearer and even more complete... but in my experience they often don’t hold a candle to the illogical bolded phrase above. I really don’t know anything though.

Sweet sweet god.


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In an absolute sense, yeah, that's completely true. There's nothing to do, there's nothing to chase, you're already God/Love/Truth.

However, this hardcore neo-advaita approach is not really helpful for people who have been on this path for a few years and the realization hasn't happened yet. Especially for newbies. So, in a relative sense, seeking is necessary in most cases. Whatever that may be: meditating, reading, contemplating, etc.

Edited by nistake

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there is nothing to pursue, no sensations to experience, no states to achieve, but there is impurity to clean. large amounts of garbage stuck to you, or rather, that are you. we are a doll made of garbage that is stuck on nothing. so if there's a job to do, throw out the trash

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8 hours ago, Atb210201 said:

The more you seek the more you veil you are what you are seeking

It's not quite that simple. 

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's the real spiritual dilemma. 

You have to seek, or you are sure to never find. True, so long as you seek, you will not find - but that's the point! 

In order to find that out, you have to seek. 

Don't fool yourself or others into this overly simplistic Neo Advaita doctrine. 

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I was at an entheogen day and trippers were holding protest signs of humor. One said “this is the last straw! “, and the stick of the sign was made out of a big straw. I thought wow that’s pretty funny. Then I saw the guy holding the sign that said “debunk spirituality “. And I thought well goddamnit that’s it right there.



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Here it was like the one who is free is freely seeking for freedom until it isn't.

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I acknowledge now that this is misleading thanks to all of you and many others. You can't deny the waves of the Ocean and just say there is only ocean there is no wave there is a sense of uniqueness in all of us yet at the same time we're all nobody and unique aspects of nothing

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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2 hours ago, Atb210201 said:

I acknowledge now that this is misleading thanks to all of you and many others. You can't deny the waves of the Ocean and just say there is only ocean there is no wave there is a sense of uniqueness in all of us yet at the same time we're all nobody and unique aspects of nothing

I am relived and grateful.

The non dual message is very invigorating.

I am uncertain about its nature, since I have experienced powerfulness but also desperation, fury and criticalness.

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