
Advice For 5-meo-dmt Trip

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@Afonso Have you tried other psychedelics like shrooms? I always recommend to try others first, to get good with surrendering to the experience. I myself started with MeO when I was 20, now I'm 21 (I had birthday a few days ago hehe) but I had prior sober enlightenment experiences, 1.5 years of daily meditation and 1 year of psychedelic trial and error under my belt. And all of this helped and helps with the experiment. So yeah, go inside and ask yourself whether you are ready or not. But at least try shrooms first, if you haven't. Anything else in my own opinion is stupid.

I told somebody else this analogy: If you haven't tried any psychedelics and want to do MeO, it's like you wanna fly outer space w/o being willing to take a standard flying lesson first.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@bobbyward No, someone here needs to do some joined up thinking when it comes to safety issues of potentially vulnerable people. This is completely separate to my other threads around whether drugs are necessary for enlightenment. I'm harping on here about safety. my own issues are irrelevant here. It's ok for everyone here to float around and say "Yeah man we don't exist so you can snort what you like", and there are times when someone needs to step in and say GET REAL, the guy is 17 and his liver has not even had to deal with a glass of Wine.

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@Neo i dont think there are any health risks with dmt or 5meo, as long as you dont do too much or too often.


I am better for doing them, they def help to break down the ego. 



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I haven't used 5-meo yet so I don't have an opinion. What I can say,  is that at 17 I was doing LSD and mushrooms and I turned out....ummm, well, never mind :P

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@Afonso 5-meow doesn't have any uplifting component to it. What you get is entirely dependent on yourself. Other psychedelics like 2c-b and shrooms make you feel a bit better. This makes it easier as a start. Maybe get something that lifts your baseline happiness/euphoria and combine it with 5-meow (f.e. weed), so the house doesn't come crashing down on you. My first acid trip was quite tuff even when combined with weed. If I would have started with 5-meo I don't know if I would still be here (mentally).

Psychedelics are definitely fun so try the others out. When you only use 5 without trying the others you are missing out on what the others have to offer. 

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18 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

@Afonso 5-meow doesn't have any uplifting component to it. What you get is entirely dependent on yourself. Other psychedelics like 2c-b and shrooms make you feel a bit better. This makes it easier as a start. Maybe get something that lifts your baseline happiness/euphoria and combine it with 5-meow (f.e. weed), so the house doesn't come crashing down on you. My first acid trip was quite tuff even when combined with weed. If I would have started with 5-meo I don't know if I would still be here (mentally).

Psychedelics are definitely fun so try the others out. When you only use 5 without trying the others you are missing out on what the others have to offer. 

I'm not doing psychedelics because they're "fun". I want to get something valuable from this.

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@Afonso I'm just gonna express my stupid opinion :

You're lucky and unlucky to be in a situation where you can do psychedelics at such a young age. I'm turning 21 in a few weeks and still live with my family, so they're out the window for me. Still, I want to use altered states of consciousness for growth and decided to use astral projection for now. Of course, as soon as I get my own place, I'll definitely do psychedelics.

I think that what @Azrael said is important. Just do psilocybin first, try to go as far as reaching ego death from it. Then do 5-MeO. Even a low dose of 5-MeO is severely intense, perhaps even more then a high dose of psilocybin ! I wouldn't know because I've never done any of these two.

There's a good reason for why everybody agrees that 5-MeO is the MOST powerful psychedlic !

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On 12/13/2016 at 11:43 AM, Psychonaut said:

Other psychedelics like 2c-b and shrooms make you feel a bit better.

Mushrooms can be brutal. It ain't always rainbows and butterflies.

Mushrooms can give you a thorough mind-fucking. They can get very twisted.

I'm more scared of mushrooms than 5-meo these days.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Mushrooms can be brutal. It ain't always rainbows and butterflies.

Mushrooms can give you a thorough mind-fucking. They can get very twisted.

I'm more scared of mushrooms than 5-meo these days.

Yeah they are one substance I am always wary of, especially because I have heard a kind of trend among friends who have taken particular use from it or have favored it. Seemingly out of nowhere, without an increase in dose, experiences can suddenly become harrowing beyond comprehension, as if the substance turned on em or something - then from then on that was the particular trend from that substance every time they take em. Kind of like being kicked out of a party or something. 

Edited by Arman

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@Arman 5-meo is like Zeus.

Mushrooms are like a trickster demigod. Like Zeus's demented little half-brother who might twist your nipple if you aren't paying attention.


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Psychedelic drugs..  Am I missing the point here?  Attaining the so called 'Truth' takes time invested, hard work, knowledge attained, honesty, growth, stopping poor habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, perhaps not eating meat (if that is your thing)....surely a trip to Disneyland or the possible total opposite with taking chemicals, Is that the answer?  where exactly is the gain?   Surely it is the antithesis of mindfulness?  

@Afonso   You are lucky enough to be young, I would think you would deride as much use to put on a pair of hiking boots and go into the woods by yourself for a week, take a tent and live with nature...listen, smell the real world, learn to depend on yourself, sit in the now...shortcuts are not real. Yes, it will take a bit of effort to do...I agree, but if you don't put in effort, you will get nothing out of the experience.  0 effort = 0 reward.

Edited by Debbie B
forgot to add something

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@Debbie B Someone will come along and tell you that you have all these limiting beliefs about drugs and it's you that has the problem in a minute.

A message board that spends half the time talking about how to loose your rationality can't regain it for one minute when a serious question from this young person comes along.

Also gets forgotten, people that had some experience on drugs and then spend the rest of their life trying to "get back there", and when someone comes along starting out on meditation etc, and they are like, "yeah man, just snort that stuff or do this stuff, yeah man!", "look how I turned out!"

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@Neo  well they would be wrong :D    Do it for fun or whatever you want, but doing it as a presumably enlightening experience is odd to me. 

Lets say it worked.... And it showed enlightenment...why would you have to be in 'good' place when you took it? It simply wouldn't matter.  It would be a measurable experience and it is obviously not, people get very different experiences.  Even the same person can have very different experiences on the same drug.  The experience is always incredibly personal, how can you possibly be objective?  I think it is a false prophet.

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4 hours ago, Neo said:

Also gets forgotten, people that had some experience on drugs and then spend the rest of their life trying to "get back there", and when someone comes along starting out on meditation etc, and they are like, "yeah man, just snort that stuff or do this stuff, yeah man!",

Don't think that ever happened here.

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3 hours ago, Debbie B said:

Lets say it worked.... And it showed enlightenment...why would you have to be in 'good' place when you took it? It simply wouldn't matter.  

Because your life might be build upon lies, it 'forces' (or attempts to show you, you can still resist (painfully)) to look at your shit, if you are not willing to do so you might be quite torn up afterwards for some time.

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6 hours ago, Debbie B said:

Psychedelic drugs..  Am I missing the point here?  Attaining the so called 'Truth' takes time invested, hard work, knowledge attained, honesty, growth, stopping poor habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, perhaps not eating meat (if that is your thing)....surely a trip to Disneyland or the possible total opposite with taking chemicals, Is that the answer?  where exactly is the gain?   Surely it is the antithesis of mindfulness?

Clearly you haven't actually done psychedelics, otherwise you'd never compare them to a trip to Disneyland.

Be careful judging things you haven't actually experienced. This is one of the mothers of all mistakes.

If you had one breakthrough experience, you'd be back here raving about the power of God. And you wouldn't be wrong.

The core problem with psychedelics is that your mind has been filled with propaganda about them, so all your mind's judgements are tainted, but you don't know it yet. If you ever find out that what I say is true, you will be shocked.

There's one easy way to find out who's right: put a few grams of mushrooms down your throat ;)

Your life will never be the same again. But watch out for the ego-reaction during the trip, as the mind doesn't give up it's prejudices without a fight.

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tried 5-meo for the second time today, the first time wasnt what i was expecting, it wasnt that intense or profound.

this time it was the most intense, profound, beautiful experience i have ever had. i had a friend there with me who said it lasted for 3 minutes but it felt like eternity. 

It was an enjoyable experience, made me want to do it again. 


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@Leo Gura  My use of Disneyland means  'simply false, plastic, canned joy for the masses'  if you will...Sadly, I have been to Disneyland:S 

That is mind altering! :D 

I have had a reasonably large experience of addictions,  although I haven't taken Psychedelics, that is true.  And No... I am not about to :P

There is so much of life to experience, but you have to get off your arse.  Experience it for yourself.  Sitting in your house, will not cut-it!

There is so much to do, 1st of all I would suggest...get out of the country you were bought up in, that alone, would give you a different vision of the world.  Standing alone helps you grow.

I love this world, it is beautiful, we are indeed incredibly fortunate...It is enough for me.

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Debbie, I think you are very young (20 years?). I can see that how you write and how you think. Please dont be affronted by this, I also was very young and blended. Travelling around the world will get you many life experiences, but if you really want to grow there are much better ways, like the topic of this thread. 

Here we dont talk about some funny travelling experiences where you can post nice pictures on your instagram account and feeling special. It gets much deeper, believe me. And that might sound crazy for you but sitting at home the whole week alone and meditating can make you much faster grow than a trip to barcelona with your best friends. 


Edited by OBEler

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11 hours ago, Debbie B said:

@Leo Gura  My use of Disneyland means  'simply false, plastic, canned joy for the masses'  if you will...Sadly, I have been to Disneyland:S

By that definition, Disneyland is exactly the state of consciousness you presently find yourself in ;)

You haven't just been there, you ARE Disneyland every day ;)


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