Thought Art

Tony Robinson (5meodmt experience)

6 posts in this topic

In this video Tony talks about how during his trip multiple people had to hold him down because it was an overwhelming experience for him. 

The same thing happened to me, and I was demonized and told I was ungrounded, and being a devil while using 5meodmt on the forum by Leo. I am not necessarily saying I was perfect in my protocol. I was not, but I had never had a trip like that in my entire life...

Let's be honest about this substance and it's potential risks for people. Each of us will react differently and the deeper you go there is more risk.

No, you are not a devil because you took one of the most powerful psychedelics in the world and did something stupid. You were high and it really scared or disoriented you. Most people are not prepared to trip by themselves. I might be wrong here, but I think we should be promoting tripping under trained supervision and not alone. Then again, there is a lot of benefit of solo trips for people who are mature and experienced.

These are powerful substances that you should be reading about, tripping under the guidance of experienced and respected people who can look after you. 

We need to be honest about how powerful and potentially dangerous these substance are. Young people tripping is alone is a dangerous activity. So be careful.

If we are tripping solo things can go south. So, be warned.

I am pro-psychedelic in the right context but I have had similar experiences as tony and was demonized by Leo.

You are not necessarily being a devil if you have a bad trip. Just saying.

Also, not everyone agrees on frequency of usage of these substances.

The bottomline is you are playing is a potential fire here. So be very very careful.

There could be a year or two a prep-work done before trying some of these substances and a long list of protocol considerations before tripping.

-- NOTE: I am not saying I am right here. This is a thought that has been on my mind for a few weeks. This is in someways a wild west and this entire field is in it's infancy. These things are really powerful especially if you are vaping you can go so deep you have no idea what is going on.. Even at very low doses.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Hey man i can relate. Everybody is human (in a certain sense), has limited experience and cannot understand perfectly the other side. Leo has only the experience of being Leo and not you. Same goes for everybody else.

When you are high you can become a completely different person. Some people become violent if they drink too much, others become super relaxed and non-violent. You can't really control how you're gonna react when you are high on anything. You just need to control the dosage appropriate for you.

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24 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

It's about time Tony Robbins updated his level of consciousness. More self help people need to do that to help pull society forward.

Amen. @Thought Art Yeah dude I feel. Leo is a lot older than all of us and seems to have had a pretty straight forward life without many mental illnesses so he has been quite grounded. Don’t take it personally. It’s better for him to tel you to be grounded than not. But I get the demonization is not fun when you’re trying your best. Life’s hard bro c

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It's not always possible to have an experienced trip-sitter available. The thing most don't take into account, as Leo says 'it can take 100 trips to reach a full Awakening, and it can take 100 Awakenings to fully understand God' (I'm paraphrasing here). Sure, you can get a glimpse in one ceremony, but it take alot of work of exploring the infinite to understand it. So if this is the case, going to a experienced practitioner is just not practical. For this long process, home tripping is the most viable. Unless one has a partner or friend that is willing to trip-sit for every trip, which would be most ideal, for everyone else alone tripping alone is going to be the most likely option. As long as the tripper fasts so they won't vomit while under, is in a safe space free from any dangers if the person thrashes about, and is in a space that isn't in hearing distance to others incase the tripper screams or yells while under. And as the tripper gets more and more experienced and used to the trips, the more likeliness of them having less and less possibilities of freakouts. 

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I think the best thing to do is see it as part of my process. Whatever has happened has been part of my process. Through all this I will become one of the most mature people on the planet.

I have had a few trips since some of the scary or strange ones. They have been very peaceful, positive and insightful now I am more comfortable being infinite and my ego has died a bit more.

It's interesting, I've done at least 30 trips of 5meo. But it wasn't until I vaped it recently that I really had the non-dual realization.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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