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A circle or a sphere?

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Did you know that everything I understand you can understand if you let it? Someone made a connection and you can tap into it because we are infinitely connected. We all have the same understanding and it's firing off across the globe. Suddenly, an insight someone had in Japan is simultaneously realized by another in America. This is because we are all connected and by connected I mean one. Connect the last few dots of an infinity sign and you realize it can be unwind into a circle. How did you picture this circle? As an outline or a sphere? If you pictured it as an outline, fill it in and go inside. Then realize that you are looking at everything. If you pictured it as a sphere, extend its edges across infinity and realize you are in an ocean. You are in an ocean with no end because all that exists is water. We have this same experience in Life you know. Life surrounds you like water would if you were to sit at the core of an infinite ocean. You can't escape it because you ARE it. How could you leave yourself? This shouldn't scare you it should fill you with Love because Love is all that you are. The intention of it and the very thing itself. You just have to feel yourself to really know it. 

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