
Rsd Todd Video On Meeting People In College

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Alright people, just want to discuss about the video mentioned in the title. 

I had watched RSD Todd video on how to meet girls (and boys) in college. He gave two pieces of advice, one is to say hi and bye to everybody and secondly to join lots of students clubs. The second advice makes sense but the first one I am sceptical about. When he said you have to say and bye to every single girl, did he mean just randomly say hi to ANY random college student whom you don't know or did he say that in a lecture room/society/club context. I am asking this because I am not sure saying hi and bye to completely random college students (strangers) on campus will give a good reputation.

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He's not telling you to say hi and bye to random students (I assume, haven't watched the video)

But rather to introduce yourself to many people (say Hi) and when you are leaving say goodbye. He's not telling you to go like "Hi" - "Bye" to random people you meet that are in college. That is just plain weird.

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Not as in literally "hi and bye", but say if it was just a normal day and there was me walking on campus, say to the library and on the way a random girl just comes my way, and I say hi. And say if I see her again then I say hi to her again, she might say again to the point where I build a connection with her. I think that was the point that RSD Todd made in his video (How to meet girls in college). But I am asking if that's ok to say hi and build rapport with people in non social situation in uni like walking to the library  because I am not sure if it is.

PS You can watch the video to know what I am talking about, you will easily find it on you tube.

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Doesn't sound like it makes a lot of sense. Talk to those people you want to and don't talk to them you don't want to. Also only join groups/clubs you want to. Problem solved.

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The big picture message of what I am asking is, is it socially acceptable to engage with strangers (whom are college students) like saying hi to ones that just walk past you outside during the day, I just want an answer to that.

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You worrying about whether things are socially acceptable is basically shooting yourself in the foot.
Shortly, it makes You, even more outcome oriented, being in reaction to other people and as a result of Your intentions You will seem incongruent to most people. You want to say "Hi", say "Hi", You want to stand still and look in the eyes without saying anything, then do that. 
In resistance training theory we call it "paralysis by analysis" when You focus on unimportant details and neglect things that DO matter.
Make use of Pareto's principle, because it's applicable to many, many areas of Your life, srsly.

You see - If You were weirder, I would be 100% more likely to enjoy an interaction with You. Nobody is normal, there are just weirdos having fun and weirdos under cover. I like weird people.

If You're just putting yourself out there, even while You feel You are weird, You already did the big part of the job.
The rest is to just get out of Your own way. Throw out any concept You have about how You should feel when You interact with people, similar as You would erase any concept about meditation. You won't need it.
Don't chase The State and don't go psychic when You're totally out of state. 

Dumb yourself down. Social interaction WILL NOT be perfect, not even close to what You visualize in your mind, so drop your expectations.
Be dumb, be clunky, weird, funny, sad, happy - Whatever You are at that particular moment, but act in agreement with your internal state.
Embrace it, embrace it and fucking own that shit by embracing it.

And keep in mind that nobody is attracted to You as a persona. You're a dynamic creature, constantly changing, so don't take anything personally - You are not broken.

What I tell myself both for motivation and humbling down is this:
Girls are not attracted to ME per say, but to the qualities I represent, to the masculine energy if You will. Therefore "ME" functions more as a vessel in which I put things and I can take those things out, change them, make sure they're in check, in alignment with my values, thoughts and actions or not. 
Seriously, I invite You to reframing your way of thinking, You don't have to necessarily copy me, but develop a way of taking the big chunk of pressure of your shoulders. 
I'm not angry at myself when I break up or fuck up approach and I'm definitely less cocky and, surprisingly, happier when things go great.

I hope You can extract some value from my yapping ;)


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