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I am going to stay quiet for 14 days. Can not talking be a spiritual practise?

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I´m going to stop talking for 14 days to rest my voice. To summarize one could say that I did what you shouldn´t do. I Screamed a lot and then tried to sing after my voice was gone. My voice is now raspy and to hopefully let it recover I´m going to stop using it for 2 weeks. I´ll try to post my thoughts about this experience ( being silent for 14 days) when it´s done but in the meantime, I would love to hear what you guys think about the spiritual practice of shutting the fuck up and being quiet. :D Do you know any traditions were not talking for a long period of time is a spiritual practice?  Does something like this exist?


Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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Yeah I've done that, it's nice. 

Some Hindus vow to never ever say a word for the rest of their life. 

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3 minutes ago, Tim R said:

Yeah I've done that, it's nice. 

Some Hindus vow to never ever say a word for the rest of their life. 

Thats so cool!! 

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I believe there are plenty of silent retreats around the world for example. And yes, practicing silence is a common spiritual practice no matter what it may be called.

The reasons why some may not have heard of silence practice is because people don't talk about it xD

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You are "speaking" in your head anyway so no, it is not useful, it could even be negative since you are more "in your head" and less present.

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I'm silent all the time, it's how I am.

I don't think it gives anything positive.

If you are silent all the time you wont have any friends or a partner, and that will most likely make you depressed. It's like that for me.

The exception is if you are a female, then you will get a partner or sexpartners anyway.

Edited by Blackhawk

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