
Was there ever nothing?

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Reality is working. It exists as Now. Was there ever a start to God? I mean was there ever nothing and then God came into existence. I just can't imagine how this moment as Now was forever. It kinda confuses me a lot when I try to think and contemplate how this moment came into being. Was God ever present? Or was there nothing someday? I understand and had awakenings that all of reality is being materialized by God's infinte intelligence, I witnessed it with my own eyes. But now I'm kinda stuck with this question of how this moment was forever. For my mind it kinda needs a start to get going. But where does it come from. How can this moment be forever present. I hope for the one's who is reading my question will understand what I'm stuck on.

Thank you.


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it's a real mindfuck to think about that. eternity ... the mind shudders, rejects the idea. There is no such thing as a beginning of God, since God is nothing. it was always there, because it is always right now, time is apparent. we are the pure, unfathomable and timeless nothingness that rejoices in its infinity. There is no before or after, there is only that, now, the totality

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2 minutes ago, inFlow said:

I understand that.

I don't think you do... 

3 minutes ago, inFlow said:

How did Now start?

Otherwise you wouldn't ask this :D

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@Breakingthewall and it mindfucks my mind also just to think about it. I bring up this ever lasting moment of Now and contemplate how can it exist. Was it all there all along? If it is, it baffles my mind how.


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Start/end is a duality. God cannot have a start or an end. The start and end are identical. Every point in God is its start and end as much as any other.

God didn't come out of nothing. God is Nothing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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‘How’ is a thought. An appearance. Like trees, clouds, etc. The ‘answer’ is you.  Other misc thoughts that are also just apparent thoughts, which resolve with you… God… reality… start… etc. You’re the ‘how’ (there isn’t a ‘how’). You’re that amazing. 



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It is not really this question that baffles your mind, it is just that your mind is baffled and what appears to you in this moment in your consciousness is this question. It will become less and less and less "in time" and your mind will then be baffled about something else. 

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I guess I'm stuck in logical thinking about this. Will definitely contemplate it in my next trip.


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You aren’t in thoughts, and can not be ‘stuck in thoughts’. You’re appearing as ‘them’. The belief in understanding, that there is some thing (not you) to understand keeps the thought wheels turning (rumination). 



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@inFlow "Now is ever present. But how Now is forever. How did Now start?" 

One idea to contemplate is that we're living in a singularity appearing as space-time. I'm contemplating what reality is like to light. It travels at the speed of light, obviously, so do time and space exist for light in the sense we experience them? Or is all of space-time reduced to a singularity? 

Edited by snowyowl
Italicising the quote.

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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@inFlow the past and the future are imaginary. 

There is no beginning or end.

The present moment is uncaused and absolute. 

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1 hour ago, inFlow said:

I guess I'm stuck in logical thinking about this. Will definitely contemplate it in my next trip.

Hey brother. 

Before God / Consciousness there was Chaos and there was Need. These metaphysical forces created one being, Love.

This one being is everything and nothing at the same time, and is existence itself. It's absolute perfection.

This being is you right now, if you can read this. You're conscious. 

This moment is absolute, it is like a frame being projected by an eternal projector. The frames appear to represent a physical world, but it is actually a projection that has no depth, or substance. It is a dream in the mind of consciousness.

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3 hours ago, inFlow said:

I guess I'm stuck in logical thinking about this. Will definitely contemplate it in my next trip.

Correct..cease thought and be.   God is Being.   Understanding is within Being.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

@inFlow the past and the future are imaginary. 

There is no beginning or end.

The present moment is uncaused and absolute. 

Bingo :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 hours ago, inFlow said:

I guess I'm stuck in logical thinking about this. Will definitely contemplate it in my next trip.

It ain't logical brother :)

The apparent person thinks that when it dies nothing will happen. But there's already nothing happening. This immediate appearance appears for no reason and has no limit. It doesn't need a history or a goal (or a beginning or an end). There's only nothing (boundlessness) appearing as everything and there's no one separate from it that knows it (so you can't say what it is nor even if there IS an "it"), though knowing can appear but it isn't separate. All there is can't know what is not all there is. There's just all there is, which is what's always already immediately appearing to happen.

Edited by The0Self

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3 hours ago, justfortoday said:

Hey brother. 

Before God / Consciousness there was Chaos and there was Need. These metaphysical forces created one being, Love.

This one being is everything and nothing at the same time, and is existence itself. It's absolute perfection.

This being is you right now, if you can read this. You're conscious. 

This moment is absolute, it is like a frame being projected by an eternal projector. The frames appear to represent a physical world, but it is actually a projection that has no depth, or substance. It is a dream in the mind of consciousness.

a song does a decent a job as any for me

"hope you find me

in you"



Edited by gettoefl

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5 hours ago, inFlow said:

Reality is working.

Just is.

It exists as Now.

Just existence.

Was there ever a start to God? I mean was there ever nothing and then God came into existence.

God and existence are synonymous.

I just can't imagine how this moment as Now was forever. It kinda confuses me a lot when I try to think and contemplate how this moment came into being. Was God ever present? Or was there nothing someday? I understand and had awakenings that all of reality is being materialized by God's infinte intelligence, I witnessed it with my own eyes. But now I'm kinda stuck with this question of how this moment was forever.

DIrect attention and investigate "who is stuck" via daily meditation/relaxation. Who is stuck --- who am I?

For my mind it kinda needs a start to get going. But where does it come from. How can this moment be forever present. I hope for the one's who is reading my question will understand what I'm stuck on.

Thank you.

The rised questions assume separation but there is none. To notice that there is no separation try to find the source of 'I'-thinking via daily meditation.?


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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6 hours ago, inFlow said:

I guess I'm stuck in logical thinking about this. 

imagine that "before" there was no existence, but "after" there was existence. So when did existence begin? for example, right now, since "before" there wasn't. but that before never happened, since it did not exist, instead the "now" exists, so logically, it was always now, since there is nothing else

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