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10 minutes out of "time"

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Hi my friends, these days I'm becoming more conscious, I have more facility to be still or conscious of my thinking and also conscious that I'm the witness of the thinking. I realized that every mental image / thoughts are imagination, pure imagination... and I was/I am stuck all day in it because it's like a huge mirage.

For exemple if I sit on the couch and I close my eyes, the only thing that exist is the experience I have with my eyes closed. And everything else is imagination (thinking where I am, that my eyes are closed, how I look, any mental images, every thoughts about past, future, now, talking to myself etc...) it's almost like the world disappear if I close my eyes. Becoming conscious of this was huge and I'm motivate to go further.

I'm very happy to go through this, at my pace without too much "turbulence"
I'm also more conscious during my dreams, they feel more "real" and I can remember them in a more clear way than before.

This morning something "strange" happened, I woke up and then like every day I put the snooze for 10 minutes. and it literally felt like 1 hour
I was thinking there must be a problem with my alarm clock, I watched the time and no, it worked fine...  I didn't sleep, I was awake and enjoying the feelings of being lay in my bed, so I wondered if this was a "side effect" of becoming more conscious and if you guys experienced this, if yes, how often and what does it means ?

Edited by Gabith

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I have sometimes had trouble keeping track of time while meditating (hence the alarm clock); but I experienced time dilation more often on psychedelics. I'm not sure if that answer helps.

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