
5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread

474 posts in this topic

Is the come up on 5 MeO MALT less intensee then 5 MeO DMT?

Is it illegal in the UK?

How do you get it in the UK if not illegal??

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when you said that reaching these levels of consciousness isn't possible with meditation, I allowed the possibility that this may be true sink in and I had a bit of a crisis within myself. This crisis was enough to shake the ground loose in my mind. Led to me diving deeper into my koan. Thank you for that Leo. 

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finally!!! ahahahh now reality can do its thing and start miraculously making it easily available everywhere I look, wondering if leo has tried the other other God molecule 3meopcp hmmmmm?

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8 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

Does 5 meo malt or dmt or any psychidelic gives permenent removal of suffering and give me samadhi like state for 24 hours every day

Once you realize sufferings is love then you will have semi maha samadhi 24 hours everyday 3meopcp also leads to this ;)

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@Leo Gura Do you happen to know if 5-MeO-MALT is a respiratory suppressant in the same way 5-MeO-DMT is?  Could you stop breathing if you take too much?  

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How tf do we get our hands on this stuff...I know this won't get an answer due to legal reasons, but I don't even know where to start with psychedelics due to them being illegal in so many places.

Not to mention the possibility of getting fake substances.

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1 hour ago, rayamonoes said:

I took 5-meo-dmt twice and it was to hard for me(bad trip), my scale was not right I think and I probably took to much for a first and second time. When I took 5-meo-dmt it felt like I was overdosing on mdma as if I took a kg of mdma. It didn't feel natural and It made me scared before it fully started to work. Scared to take it again now but I'm still optimistic.

Could you recommend other psychedelics to take before 5-meo-malt, that could prepare you for it/to not be to overwhelming?
Could you make a list of psychedelics that you should take before you try 5-meo-malt. For some on that doesn't take many different psychedelics?

@rayamonoes Maybe consider that when you took the 5-MEO it was the feeling exactly as it was supposed to be. What you describe is what most feel, like it's too much, you might be overdosing, or that you might be dying. That fear you felt was very normal. What it comes down to is your ability to surrender to that feeling. When you feel like you're dying, to say "fuck it", and just let go. It's not so much which psychedelic, as many of them will get you to that moment, but how you use them to practice letting go. Letting go is beautiful and blissful, it's the holding on that makes it a bad trip. So I'd suggest picking any of the psychedelic that people usually suggest for such things, be it 5-MEO-DMT, 5-MEO-MALT, LSD, Psilocybin or whatever, and start low and work your way up to that feeling, and learn to accept it, learn to feel into it, and maybe even learn to love it. That's where the magic happens. 

P.S., Welcome to the forum.

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14 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

How tf do we get our hands on this stuff...I know this won't get an answer due to legal reasons, but I don't even know where to start with psychedelics due to them being illegal in so many places.

Not to mention the possibility of getting fake substances.

We're not supposed to discuss sourcing. But my advise to you would be to always have your substances tested before doing them.

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23 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

How tf do we get our hands on this stuff...I know this won't get an answer due to legal reasons, but I don't even know where to start with psychedelics due to them being illegal in so many places.

Not to mention the possibility of getting fake substances.

Yeah, not supposed to talk sourcing, for obvious reasons, as unfortunate as that is, it's still the reality we live in. But, if you're really truly passionate about this work, you'll be unstoppable about finding a way. If you really dive deep into researching, you'll find a way to get these substances. One lead will lead to another, until you find the trusted source in your area. That's what most of us here did, and so can you.

Edited by Sempiternity

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15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

How tf do we get our hands on this stuff...I know this won't get an answer due to legal reasons, but I don't even know where to start with psychedelics due to them being illegal in so many places.

Not to mention the possibility of getting fake substances.

If Leo can do it, then can you. Just look harder, dont give up hope so fast. 

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@JuliusCaesar @Sempiternity @Peo thanks for the encouragement.

Mushrooms and ketamine seem to be the easiest to access through legal means. I will need to start with these first, as I prefer to pursue God realization legally to reduce risk of jail time.

Damn you...society.

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18 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

My whole thing is that meditation is the art of getting high on life itself.  Who cares about how long it takes to get enlightened.  If I could get enlightened tomorrow from shooting up a drug, I would not do it.  I would rather do it naturally through discipline and work ethic even if it takes my whole life.  Short-circuiting this process through drugs seems to take the magic out of this process.  It is not about what happens or what you realize on the trip, but it is more about who you are after the trip.  Sure, a trip can change your life, but it is not guaranteed.  Meditation is the art of connecting with reality without the need of any external source, realizing reality for what it is as it is.  Enlightenment is not something to be attained, which is why I don't agree with the psychedelic approach, but I do respect others view on it, but it isn't for me.  To tie it in with Leos episode on Value of Things, enlightenment through meditation seems to be more worthwhile than psychedelics.  

Heres an analogy that I experienced in my life to help explain my point of view:

In my life, I wanted to get to lvl 99 on Call of Duty Black Ops Nazi Zombies.  I would play that game many times, and I failed to do it.  Then, my friend got mods one day, and he immediately got us to lvl 99.  After that, I felt completely empty and felt defeated because I reached my goal without ever going through all the steps.  It's like getting all A's or cheat codes to a video game.  It defeats the purpose and fun of discipline, investment, progress, etc.  

This is the issue with psychedelics.  Normies who take psychedelics may have enlightenment experiences that change their lives, but they may still not be able to sit in an empty room and feel that same Love as they did on the trip.  If trips cannot be integrated into all states of consciousness, particularly the "sober" state, then what is the point?  It is like me doing cheat codes to get somewhere without ever actually going anywhere.  You become God through virtues.  Psychedelics can help with this and can be a great tool, but at the end of the day, if we cannot experience ourselves as God "naturally" right now in all places, then what is the point?

Thank you! :D 

I think I understand where you are coming from but here is the thing, I want to do other things besides that. In the COD example the problem is that once that is done there might not be much to do in that game but in the game of life if you for example reach that state quicker through a substance you can then dedicate your time to other stuff. 

In my case for example I want to lose fear of death because I think FoD is the origin of most if not every anxiety. If I were to reach that state now or at least sooner rather than later, I could enjoy my life so much more.

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Anyone knows any website or resource to check the legality of research chemicals on different countries? I live in Mexico and I can't find anything on google about it. 

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If you are vaping do you need a different vape piece or oil pipe for each substance? Or can you clean them and use them? Like if I wanted to vape 5mo MALT and DMT in the same pipe or dab rig?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@rayamonoes Ah man, 5meodmt is so nice though

Sorry to hear you find it's not for you.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Leo Gura Is there any big difference between 5-MEO-MALT and 5-MEO-DALT ?  In Wikipedia they say that they are  closely similar.

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16 minutes ago, Feti019 said:

@Leo Gura Is there any big difference between 5-MEO-MALT and 5-MEO-DALT ?  In Wikipedia they say that they are  closely similar.

Yes, there is a big difference. DALT is not worth taking (assuming your experience will be like mine, which is uncertain).

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Was this the psychedelic used in this awakening:

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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