
5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread

491 posts in this topic

Ok, I tried it. I don't know how much I actually took because the powder was so fine and I was doubting how accurate it would be using a scoop. The instructions that came with the scoops said that the one I used was 5-10mg. Well, that's a big fucking difference!

I started with half the scoop just to be safe. I could feel something but wasn't sure, I thought it might be placebo.

I waited like 5 minutes then snorted the rest. I did not expect anything to happen.

I started to feel a buzz. It was simultaneously pleasant and annoying. I prefer the feeling of LSD to be honest.

Anyways, I had to poop. That's when I realized, oh shit, I'm tripping!

The intensity slowly climbed and I felt quite a bit of fear.

I kept thinking, "This is insane!" This shit is powerful.

I've experienced states like this in meditation but it threw me for a loop because it was effortless. The body dissolved just like in deep meditation. I could clearly see the illusory nature of thought and body.

My heart was pounding. It was fear of the unknown mainly. Unsure of how deep this was going to go. I wasn't sure if I had peaked.

I sat in my chair with my heart pounding for like 15 mins thinking the trip was going to end at any moment. But no.

I moved to the recliner and just did my best to relax into it. Eventually the fear subsided and I just kind of watched the sensations and the breath arising.

The body load is kind of unpleasant, it feels dirty. Like chemicals.

I did like the meditative effects but the mind was super busy and it didn't want to settle. I'm not sure if this was because of the unpleasant body load or if it was because of all the crazy shit going on right now. My mind is usually quieter in my daily meditation practice.

My mind was really distracted with thoughts about work and fears about what's happening in American politics. I kept thinking that we've entered into some seriously dark times and I don't think we're going to be able to dig ourselves out of this mess.


Final thoughts:

This is an insanely powerful molecule. I did not expect to go so deep on so little an amount.

I'm still not sure how much I did, perhaps up to 15mg. It's just hard to measure powdered sugar accurately. I still have a hard time believing that 10mg can do this to you.

I'm not crazy about the body load but I am going to keep experimenting with it until I get a break through. I appreciate that the come up is gentle but I'd prefer that it didn't last so long.

Holy shit, this stuff is insane though!

I would like to try 5-MEO-DMT if I can find a way to get my hands on it.


Anyways, thanks @Leo Gura for introducing me to this shit. This is seriously a gift.

Edited by Breathe

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Oh yeah, and holy shit, I was horny as fuck like half of the time.

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  On 2/11/2025 at 8:34 AM, Breathe said:

Ok, I tried it. I don't know how much I actually took because the powder was so fine and I was doubting how accurate it would be using a scoop. The instructions that came with the scoops said that the one I used was 5-10mg. Well, that's a big fucking difference!

I started with half the scoop just to be safe. I could feel something but wasn't sure, I thought it might be placebo.

I waited like 5 minutes then snorted the rest. I did not expect anything to happen.

I started to feel a buzz. It was simultaneously pleasant and annoying. I prefer the feeling of LSD to be honest.

Anyways, I had to poop. That's when I realized, oh shit, I'm tripping!

The intensity slowly climbed and I felt quite a bit of fear.

I kept thinking, "This is insane!" This shit is powerful.

I've experienced states like this in meditation but it threw me for a loop because it was effortless. The body dissolved just like in deep meditation. I could clearly see the illusory nature of thought and body.

My heart was pounding. It was fear of the unknown mainly. Unsure of how deep this was going to go. I wasn't sure if I had peaked.

I sat in my chair with my heart pounding for like 15 mins thinking the trip was going to end at any moment. But no.

I moved to the recliner and just did my best to relax into it. Eventually the fear subsided and I just kind of watched the sensations and the breath arising.

The body load is kind of unpleasant, it feels dirty. Like chemicals.

I did like the meditative effects but the mind was super busy and it didn't want to settle. I'm not sure if this was because of the unpleasant body load or if it was because of all the crazy shit going on right now. My mind is usually quieter in my daily meditation practice.

My mind was really distracted with thoughts about work and fears about what's happening in American politics. I kept thinking that we've entered into some seriously dark times and I don't think we're going to be able to dig ourselves out of this mess.


Final thoughts:

This is an insanely powerful molecule. I did not expect to go so deep on so little an amount.

I'm still not sure how much I did, perhaps up to 15mg. It's just hard to measure powdered sugar accurately. I still have a hard time believing that 10mg can do this to you.

I'm not crazy about the body load but I am going to keep experimenting with it until I get a break through. I appreciate that the come up is gentle but I'd prefer that it didn't last so long.

Holy shit, this stuff is insane though!

I would like to try 5-MEO-DMT if I can find a way to get my hands on it.


Anyways, thanks @Leo Gura for introducing me to this shit. This is seriously a gift.

For me, at least, snorting did get me lots of body load, while I did not get  much body load with plugging the same amount (did not go very far with MALT for now).

Except that, my experience was similar with yours, very powerful stuff, not really pleasant as other people are describing it (but I guess powerful stuff should not be pleasant). Nothing to joke with.



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Is DALT similar to MALT? I'm only able to get DALT here and it is not free base so I should plug it right?

Wanderer who has become king 


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  On 2/11/2025 at 5:20 AM, Breathe said:

I have a question about measuring. I have some MALT HCI but it is very, very fine powder. Kind of like powdered sugar. First, is that normal? Second, is measuring with a scoop going to be the same with a substance that fine?

Yes, a powdered sugar like texture is normal

For small doses, volume (scoop) may be more reliable than weight (scale) due to the scale tolerance and margin of error below 10 mg.

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  On 2/14/2025 at 2:22 PM, MaDoubt said:

For me, at least, snorting did get me lots of body load, while I did not get  much body load with plugging the same amount

Interesting. So plugging vs snorting has a different effect? I'm going to try MALT soon and was curious about this.

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  On 2/14/2025 at 2:39 PM, AION said:

Is DALT similar to MALT? I'm only able to get DALT here and it is not free base so I should plug it right?

I've not tried 5-MeO-DALT, but I read it was totally different from MALT.

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What is the typical breakthrough dose on MALT when plugging? Also, when you do, say, 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 milligrams, how do the effects differ for you all personally?

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@ivory for me there was almost zero difference between range 10-25 mg. zero.

I don't know how the difference is when I take more.

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@OBEler Is 10mg a breakthrough for you?

For everyone else, what is a breakthrough dose for you all?

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@ivory only 25 mg was a very small breakthrough for me.

Edited by OBEler

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  On 2/16/2025 at 3:22 PM, ivory said:

@OBEler Is 10mg a breakthrough for you?

For everyone else, what is a breakthrough dose for you all?

I measured 1 small red microscoop to be roughly 5mg. And it takes me 5 scoops plugged for a proper breakthrough. 

So the math adds up to around ~25mg.

Keep in mind, when I say a "proper breakthrough" I mean ABSOLUTE INFINITY and coming face to face with the abyss. All anchors deleted, everything you've ever known and loved is slipping through your fingers like dust. Pure Terror, pure Death, pure Love. God. Eternity. Tragedy. Triumph. Insanity. Intelligence. Void. Perfection. Alone.

This shit ain't a joke, start small and ramp up over time. Understand that if you take enough of this chemical at once, it will feel no different than loading up a gun and piercing your skull with a bullet. You will enter whiteout territory and leave behind your human life so thoroughly that you will realize that none of this ever even existed in the first place... but if you ever go there, it's likely that your heart will not be ready for that realization, and you will struggle and claw and fight the whole way through, twisting yourself into a pretzel of agony crying to yourself and begging God to bring reality back...

Not meant to scare you, just reporting a possibility.

The power scaling on MALT is steeply exponential. For me, the difference between 1 scoop and 3 scoops is roughly linear (x3)

The difference between 3 scoops and 5 scoops is like a factor of x10

and then the subjective difference between 5 scoops and 6 scoops is like a factor of x100

Stay safe, start small.

It's Love.

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  On 2/16/2025 at 3:22 PM, ivory said:

@OBEler Is 10mg a breakthrough for you?

For everyone else, what is a breakthrough dose for you all?

  On 9/30/2024 at 6:35 PM, OBEler said:


10-15 mg vaped is sufficient in most cases.

Self-love is the force behind every decision you make.

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@ivory one more tip of finding the dose. Don't orient your dose on people who already had an breakthrough in 5 Meo DMT. Because they need much less for a breakthrough after that.

But yes it gets exponentially heavier.

@RendHeaven Damn...thanks for description.



Edited by OBEler

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Posted (edited)

I've been reluctant to discuss this until it felt resolved, but more as a warning to those who choose to swim in deep water.

Firstly, this needs to be prefaced by saying that I have the utmost respect for Leo and his willingness to share and be open about his experiences.

Secondly, I consider myself a psychonaut with 20 years of experience. Perhaps not to the extent that some may consider, but to give some context: I've done 50+ ayahuasca experiences, 5-MeO breakthrough doses 5+ times, and at least 20 hugs/handshakes, as well as iboga, countless High doses LSD and mushroom trips, and various other experiences.

I've never been on antidepressants and never felt suicidal. I've been open to the realms that these modalities offer, mostly out of curiosity and interest.

On average, 99% of my trips have been good—challenging at times, but ultimately transformative. They have taken me to the edge, and I have learned through facing the fear. Of course, some trips involve shadow work, but I have come to embrace this wholeheartedly.

So, this isn’t my first rodeo. I know what bad trips are like. Having worked with ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle for years, facing a multitude of spaces, I felt well-prepared.

March 2024

I found Leo’s video on "The Other God Particle" interesting and located the substance from a very reputable source, trying Malt as per Leo's suggestion (plugging).

My first experience was with a very light dose (7mg) to see if it was legit and matched his description. The first experience was incredible and exactly as he described. A light dose but I knew that it was legit However, I will say that my recollection of the experience soon disappeared after grounding. All in all, it was a net positive.

A week later, I decided to increase the dose to 12mg - still fairly light

Administered in the same way, this experience was even more beautiful. I navigated the space wonderfully, and at the peak, I was floating in a realm I can only describe as absolute bliss.

Then, in an instant, like a switch being flipped, everything vanished. As high as I had been, it all disappeared. Gone. As infinitely vast as the love and bliss I had just experienced, I now found myself in the polar opposite. No matter what I did—no matter what shamanic tools I had spent over 10 years developing—nothing could resolve it. I was in a perpetual inversion of love. It felt like my entire existence was being sucked into a pit of disgust and sludge.

I tried to engage with the state, to reason with it, but the only response was "No, no, no, no." I knew there was no way out.

Just as one can experience infinite love in quintessential 5-MeO experiences, this was infinity—but of absolute hell.

I eventually opened my eyes and found myself back in the room. I tried to shake it off. I grounded myself as best I could and wrote it off as a bad trip - and continue my day.

However, instead of the high-frequency thoughts I was familiar with after a transformative ceremony, this was the opposite—horrible.

Then Things Got Worse

My dreams began to change. Upon waking, my thoughts felt alien, as if they were not my own. Almost every thought had a tint of something that was not love. Years of work connecting with divinity felt severed.

For six months, it got progressively worse.

At my deepest core, it felt as though my connection to divinity had been completely severed, and worse still, my thoughts were not pure.

It wasn't that I was thinking of doing bad things to people, but I wasn’t thinking of doing good to myself.

May 2024

During these months, I attempted a small handshake dose of classic 5-MeO. All seemed well until the very end when the same sludge and darkness filled the space. This was not what I was familiar with. I knew something was seriously wrong.

June 2024

I tried a weed gummy - as the trip peaked, I felt an endless sensation of darkness and a perpetual cycle of sludge. I was with a woman I loved and felt nothing toward her. Worse, I felt disgust. As I tried to fall asleep, the only way I could describe it was being on a hamster wheel where I couldn't change my thoughts and they were perpetually relapsing this void of love.

It felt as though the seed of my incarnation had flipped into the "opposite of love".

Day by day, the world began to reflect that.

I knew I needed to seek guidance—someone experienced in these realms. I consulted with various shamans and practitioners and decided to undergo a flood dose of 5-MeO to investigate what was happening.

October 2024

The private retreat I attended conducted three ceremonies: one hug and two flood doses.

The first hug felt like I was being torn between two worlds, one very dark, and one very light. It didn't last very long it wasn't profound but it wasn't anything like what I remember 5meo to be.

Then came the flood dose. Just like before, I was hurled back into hell. It felt as if everything I loved was gone. It whispered to me that I would never experience true love again. It felt like the keys to the kingdom of heaven were gone.

When I emerged from the second hit, I spoke to the shaman about where I had gone, and the only thought in my mind was how I would say goodbye to those I loved because I knew—without a doubt—that I was going to kill myself.

I had gone from a happy, normal life to a single experience that flipped a switch and nearly destroyed me.

After the second 5-MeO flood, the only thought that existed in my mind was, “I need to die.”

Having touched divinity many times before, I knew I had broken something within myself.

The shaman and I discussed the events surrounding my Malt experience and considered the possibility of an entity attack—something feeding on ‘Loosh.’ It’s an esoteric concept, but well-documented. If people are interested, I can share more.

In this darkest of spaces, I decided to take a third flood dose, but this time with one singular intent: expelling whatever had attached itself to me.

I had recently completed a Bobinsana dieta in Peru (November 2023). She is a protector, so I called on her spirits.

I went in with everything I had, and the shaman did the same, knowing now that this was potentially paranormal or non-ordinary.

Going back in, going into the darkness, the third ceremony was just like the second, Hell, all I tried doing was focus on love and perhaps even prayer and then, something happened.

Like a flickering heartbeat of light, something reignited within me. Just as the switch had turned off in March, something switched back on. The dark sludge that had cloaked my perception vanished instantly.

The only words that escaped my mouth were: “I’m back.”

From that day onwards, I haven’t had a single feeling reminiscent of those six months.

I recently had a deep mushroom trip, and it felt normal—full of the familiar mystical qualities and none of the vile, invasive frequencies.


I truly believe that whatever this was has left me.

I believe it did not have my best interests at heart.

I spoke with another person who had the exact same experience—at the peak, something dark touched his third eye, and for two years he wanted to kill himself.

Some will say, “Oh, it was just your shadow.” Having worked in the Amazon, I know people who have encountered true evil. This could have been one of those cases.

We swim in deep waters- Protect yourself in these states

But the last thing I’ll leave you with is:

Never give up.

Edited by aracid

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@aracid Thanks for sharing. This is good for us to know. I'm glad you sorted it out.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 3/16/2025 at 5:22 AM, aracid said:

I've been reluctant to discuss this until it felt resolved, but more as a warning to those who choose to swim in deep water.

Firstly, this needs to be prefaced by saying that I have the utmost respect for Leo and his willingness to share and be open about his experiences.

Secondly, I consider myself a psychonaut with 20 years of experience. Perhaps not to the extent that some may consider, but to give some context: I've done 50+ ayahuasca experiences, 5-MeO breakthrough doses 5+ times, and at least 20 hugs/handshakes, as well as iboga, countless High doses LSD and mushroom trips, and various other experiences.

I've never been on antidepressants and never felt suicidal. I've been open to the realms that these modalities offer, mostly out of curiosity and interest.

On average, 99% of my trips have been good—challenging at times, but ultimately transformative. They have taken me to the edge, and I have learned through facing the fear. Of course, some trips involve shadow work, but I have come to embrace this wholeheartedly.

So, this isn’t my first rodeo. I know what bad trips are like. Having worked with ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle for years, facing a multitude of spaces, I felt well-prepared.

March 2024

I found Leo’s video on "The Other God Particle" interesting and located the substance from a very reputable source, trying Malt as per Leo's suggestion (plugging).

My first experience was with a very light dose (7mg) to see if it was legit and matched his description. The first experience was incredible and exactly as he described. A light dose but I knew that it was legit However, I will say that my recollection of the experience soon disappeared after grounding. All in all, it was a net positive.

A week later, I decided to increase the dose to 12mg - still fairly light

Administered in the same way, this experience was even more beautiful. I navigated the space wonderfully, and at the peak, I was floating in a realm I can only describe as absolute bliss.

Then, in an instant, like a switch being flipped, everything vanished. As high as I had been, it all disappeared. Gone. As infinitely vast as the love and bliss I had just experienced, I now found myself in the polar opposite. No matter what I did—no matter what shamanic tools I had spent over 10 years developing—nothing could resolve it. I was in a perpetual inversion of love. It felt like my entire existence was being sucked into a pit of disgust and sludge.

I tried to engage with the state, to reason with it, but the only response was "No, no, no, no." I knew there was no way out.

Just as one can experience infinite love in quintessential 5-MeO experiences, this was infinity—but of absolute hell.

I eventually opened my eyes and found myself back in the room. I tried to shake it off. I grounded myself as best I could and wrote it off as a bad trip - and continue my day.

However, instead of the high-frequency thoughts I was familiar with after a transformative ceremony, this was the opposite—horrible.

Then Things Got Worse

My dreams began to change. Upon waking, my thoughts felt alien, as if they were not my own. Almost every thought had a tint of something that was not love. Years of work connecting with divinity felt severed.

For six months, it got progressively worse.

At my deepest core, it felt as though my connection to divinity had been completely severed, and worse still, my thoughts were not pure.

It wasn't that I was thinking of doing bad things to people, but I wasn’t thinking of doing good to myself.

May 2024

During these months, I attempted a small handshake dose of classic 5-MeO. All seemed well until the very end when the same sludge and darkness filled the space. This was not what I was familiar with. I knew something was seriously wrong.

June 2024

I tried a weed gummy - as the trip peaked, I felt an endless sensation of darkness and a perpetual cycle of sludge. I was with a woman I loved and felt nothing toward her. Worse, I felt disgust. As I tried to fall asleep, the only way I could describe it was being on a hamster wheel where I couldn't change my thoughts and they were perpetually relapsing this void of love.

It felt as though the seed of my incarnation had flipped into the "opposite of love".

Day by day, the world began to reflect that.

I knew I needed to seek guidance—someone experienced in these realms. I consulted with various shamans and practitioners and decided to undergo a flood dose of 5-MeO to investigate what was happening.

October 2024

The private retreat I attended conducted three ceremonies: one hug and two flood doses.

The first hug felt like I was being torn between two worlds, one very dark, and one very light. It didn't last very long it wasn't profound but it wasn't anything like what I remember 5meo to be.

Then came the flood dose. Just like before, I was hurled back into hell. It felt as if everything I loved was gone. It whispered to me that I would never experience true love again. It felt like the keys to the kingdom of heaven were gone.

When I emerged from the second hit, I spoke to the shaman about where I had gone, and the only thought in my mind was how I would say goodbye to those I loved because I knew—without a doubt—that I was going to kill myself.

I had gone from a happy, normal life to a single experience that flipped a switch and nearly destroyed me.

After the second 5-MeO flood, the only thought that existed in my mind was, “I need to die.”

Having touched divinity many times before, I knew I had broken something within myself.

The shaman and I discussed the events surrounding my Malt experience and considered the possibility of an entity attack—something feeding on ‘Loosh.’ It’s an esoteric concept, but well-documented. If people are interested, I can share more.

In this darkest of spaces, I decided to take a third flood dose, but this time with one singular intent: expelling whatever had attached itself to me.

I had recently completed a Bobinsana dieta in Peru (November 2023). She is a protector, so I called on her spirits.

I went in with everything I had, and the shaman did the same, knowing now that this was potentially paranormal or non-ordinary.

Going back in, going into the darkness, the third ceremony was just like the second, Hell, all I tried doing was focus on love and perhaps even prayer and then, something happened.

Like a flickering heartbeat of light, something reignited within me. Just as the switch had turned off in March, something switched back on. The dark sludge that had cloaked my perception vanished instantly.

The only words that escaped my mouth were: “I’m back.”

From that day onwards, I haven’t had a single feeling reminiscent of those six months.

I recently had a deep mushroom trip, and it felt normal—full of the familiar mystical qualities and none of the vile, invasive frequencies.


I truly believe that whatever this was has left me.

I believe it did not have my best interests at heart.

I spoke with another person who had the exact same experience—at the peak, something dark touched his third eye, and for two years he wanted to kill himself.

Some will say, “Oh, it was just your shadow.” Having worked in the Amazon, I know people who have encountered true evil. This could have been one of those cases.

We swim in deep waters- Protect yourself in these states

But the last thing I’ll leave you with is:

Never give up.

@aracid wow I dont know you but Im so happy you got out of this, and wow that is quite a story and experience .. and brave of you to keep pushing through, amazing. Glad you're back.

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Posted (edited)


Edited by aracid

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@Jayson G @Leo Gura Thanks.

In the book Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy (Paperback – July 29, 2017) by Dr. Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., (I actually spoke to him about what I was going through), I respect his work deeply. This is not meant to cast any disrespect toward his perspective in this space.

However, he seems to reject any sense of story that we hold onto—meaning any process, ceremony, or preparation is, in his view, feeding the ego. His stance suggests that if we are preparing for a 5-MeO-DMT ceremony, we should not approach it with narratives that reinforce the ego, such as ritualistic preparation.

That said, I do question the idea of cleansing the space and creating a container. Shamans in the jungle spend an enormous amount of time preparing their land, space, and moloka to ensure guests are as spiritually protected as possible.

Frankly, I don't know how much of this translates to the realms that 5-MeO-DMT takes you to. But based on my findings over the past year, it seems that whenever you engage in something that allows your consciousness to— for lack of a better word—leave your body, it creates a kind of vacuum where things can enter.

Honestly, this could all be fabricated, as I find my attraction to 5-MeO-DMT to be rooted in its purity. It seems to be the least encumbered by stories compared to other medicines.

The shaman I sat with mentioned that he often has to clear a lot of stuff off people who return from the jungle. He also said that taking medicine or doing this kind of work in a busy city is equally dangerous.

But I have to ask—and as part of my process, I’ll be doing a practitioner’s course—does anyone here practice preparation in terms of cleansing the space?


Would love to hear your thoughts.

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@aracid Thank you for sharing your experience. Wishing you all the best in your journey!

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