
5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread

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Trip report :)

First minutes: my body becomes so heavy to the point i cannot move anymore, then i felt my mouth and teeth and head to the point of exploding for all the tension i had inside my head. I laid down and tried to relax and to not move a muscle. It was very difficuilt also to breath at the beginning. 


I felt an earthquake in my body, everywhere, and my eyes could see a much more wider view than normal. I had a samadhi with everything i could percieve at the same time. Its absolutely crazy!!!! How all my senses expanded to such a high level, that its impossible to feel like a human being. 

I was a step from death, and i could choose whether to die or to return dreaming my life. This was incredible, a miracle. 

I think that the most important advice to anyone who ll try this, is to surrender to everything the substance will do.

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@Asia P amazing trip report! Never had that experiencef so far.

How do you surrender best? 

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31 minutes ago, OBEler said:

How do you surrender best? 

my spiritual ego wants to feel invincible by accepting its fragility, like jesus christ that was loving with all his heart his painful death.

When i realize that i've no power and im weak and pathetic i just let myself be. No resistance. This is for me the less painful way to experience pain.

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Does 5 meo Malt mess with your serotonin receptors? Do you need to take a break from the substance every so often? How often have you found you can do the substance safely? Once a week or once a month? Thank you

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33 minutes ago, LoneWonderer said:

Does 5 meo Malt mess with your serotonin receptors? Do you need to take a break from the substance every so often? How often have you found you can do the substance safely? Once a week or once a month? Thank you

What does it mean to "mess with your serotonin receptors"?

Tryptamine psychedelics occupy some of the same receptor sites as serotonin.

As to your other questions, there are no hard answers. It depends entirely on your personal state of affairs and how you are using the substance (dose, frequency, integration etc)

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2 hours ago, StripedGiraffe said:

Has anyone experimented with microdising 5-meo-MALT? 

Yes. I had no usage really. It was very relaxing but that's it

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5meo-malt trip reports:

Excuse the long post here: I want to give people an idea of how powerful this chemical can be, and encourage people to be responsible with this stuff.

I've tried Malt a few times now. The first time was a nice experience, but nothing mind blowing. I snorted 2 scoops of the tiny side of my microscooper, which is supposed to be 5mg. Honestly I can't quite remember it as well as my 2 most recent trips, I think I just felt very relaxed and fell into a deep meditative state. 

The second trip I had was very beautiful. I smoked 2 scoops on top of a hit of weed, and in the middle of the trip I did one more. I just felt so alive and free and full of so much energy. I felt the oneness with my surroundings. I felt as if I was part of the moment I was experiencing, rather than being seperate. I felt the Sakti rising inside me. I felt my heart opening. I felt great and very greatful for a while after this trip, but somehow I ended up falling back into old habits a while after.

Now for my most recent and most powerful trip. My title for this one is: "Heaven and Hell" I wasn't feeling fantastic before I planned on taking this, but I thought I was feeling fine, especially after meditating for 30min beforehand. I told myself my intention was to realize my true nature, and in the end I basically got what I asked for. I took 3 of the small scoops on top of a bowl of weed all at once, and smoked it. I took the hit, and the experience hit like a freight train right away. I felt like I was losing all sense of reality and was going insane, and I wasn't able to let go completely. I tried to sit there and meditate, I told myself to just let go, but it wasn't working. I tried to tell myself my name: "I'm John. I'm John Smith", but I wasn't convinced. I was entering into a schizophrenic, paranoid state. I tried to get into my hot tub to calm myself down, but after a few moments I felt my heart rate elevating, and thought it wasn't a good idea to be in the hot tub. I went to go lay down, but I was freaking out. Eventually I got my mom from her room to try to calm me down for a bit. She wanted to turn on the TV for me but I refused and wanted to sit there with no stimulus. It was hard to calm down, but eventually feeling the love she had for me, and attempting to ground myself was starting to work. I was having these weird visions, it felt like the grim reaper was at my window. During this entire time, I was hearing a sort of weird ringing in my ears. It almost sounded like a forest with birds chirping and it was pretty loud. I felt as if I'd been hearing that sound my entire life and just never noticed it. I was in my bed trying to go sleep. At one point I heard a car beep loudly outside my room 3 times (I'm not sure if this was real or imagined), and a voice in my head telling me "go outside". I just felt as if it was something I had to do, so I put on a jacket and went outside to try and meditate. At this point it had maybe been 1.5 hours or so after I took the hit, but it's hard to say for sure. I started meditating and I was definitely a bit calmer, but everything was still very overwhelming. I started to get this vision of birds flying into my head, right into the area where my 3rd eye would be. Then I decided to go back inside. It felt like something was telling me to do so, and I felt safer inside. I picked up a book which I had left on the couch - "Living Untethered" by Michael Singer. As I started to read, I started to feel much, much better. I was recognizing the truths of which he spoke of in the book, I was starting to understand what I was feeling. I was having a very deep awakening into the nature of things of this point, and I was being left in awe to the fact that anything exists at all. I recognized the fact that my entire life is a fiction, that I've been living out a narrative in my head instead of actually experiencing reality. I recognized the miracle of life on Earth, the fact that any of this exists and took billions of years to come to this moment. I recognized the fact that everything I've ever experienced has been experienced internally. I understood that I'd been making myself miserable in life by constructing a narrative, instead of just living and enjoying my life. I saw that there are different planes to reality - the physical plane and the mental plane. After I was done reading, I went back outside to meditate, and this time it was very peaceful. I opened my eyes and saw a few birds land on a tree. I took the opportunity to apologize to the birds. I still felt bad about something that had happened a few months ago, where long story short I had the opportunity to save a bird's life but I let it die. I didn't say anything out loud, I just looked at the birds with that intention, and it felt like they heard me and forgave me.

Overall, I'd say I got a lot of benefit out of the trip, but I won't be doing any more psychedelics any time soon. I've seen how horrific this can get when you're not grounded and willing to let go, but I also feel as if going through that first part of the trip burned something out of me. It burned the inner demon out of me so to speak. It felt like I was shown 2 sides of the same coin of how spirituality can go. If I don't take it serious and get frivolous with psychedelics, I could get stuck in Hell, that paranoid, schizophrenic state. But if I take things at the right pace, keep myself grounded, and devote myself to this process, life can become Heaven. Today I feel pretty damn good, much more aware than usual, but still a bit psyched out. I just ordered the book "Spiritual Emergency" to make sure I go about this in the right way in the future and to keep some ground under my feet. This was life changing for me, I'm seeing the true nature of things, and I'm more committed now than ever. If you're going to take a big dose of this stuff, I wouldn't recommend smoking it. I think had I snorted that same dose, I would've had time to ease myself into the trip as it set on. This isn't something to be taken lightly. Be careful out there guys. 

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@Unleash thank you so much. I love Malt trip reports. It's so special.

One thing you need to know about malt, the roa was not the problem. Plugging can give you also an spiritual emergency. Just because something comes slow doesn't mean you can surrender more easily.if it gets serious, a slower effect will not reduce this in any way.

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@Unleash Yup, similar experience here. Went for 6 red scoops up the ass, and reality unraveled to such a terrifying extent that I was convinced this was the brink of mahasamadhi.

If I let go any more, the whole universe would unravel forever and Consciousness would move on. That, of course, was the least acceptable thing to me, and although I had been letting go like a champ until then, at the last moment I completely shut down in sheer terror, and I instinctively clung on to existence itself for dear life (literally).

From the outside I imagine I would've been contorting and panting and crying and slack-jawed (although in actuality, by that point there was no body. I held up my hand and it was simply un-rendered, I didn't even have the visual anchors of shapes and colors - it was all being swallowed into the white hole of infinite origin, and all reality-anchors were being deleted before my very eyes as if they were never there (which of course, they weren't).

Insanity, death, terror, holding on - this is all inevitable at high doses of MALT. This is what Leo means by "epic mindfuck" and "will melt your reality down to a puddle." It's probably an acquired taste for serious truth-seekers, but many of us here are amateur dabblers.

Needless to say I'm not particularly fond of MALT anymore (at least for where I'm at in life now). However I would like to think that this experience has changed me for the better in a permanent way. You can't unsee something that intense and true. The worries of everyday life are trivial next to the terror of God's Love.

I'd rather go chase sex and money for 20 years before having to face myself like that again! (and ironically upon knocking on the gates of mahasamadhi, I saw with perfect clarity how all of consensus reality, mankind, and human desire is essentially an elaborate distraction-mechanism for God to avoid its own abyss - and so I am playing into my own hand perfectly!)

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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Plugging is way more gentle than vaping. It's super easy to traumatize yourself with vaping.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Plugging is way more gentle than vaping. It's super easy to traumatize yourself with vaping.

What do you think of these 5-Meo retreats that make you vape so much 5-Meo-dmt?

 They could offer a different roa for 5-Meo for effectiveness but vaping is the most feasible. 

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1 hour ago, integration journey said:

What do you think of these 5-Meo retreats that make you vape so much 5-Meo-dmt?

I've said before that it's bad. Giving noobs high doses is totally irresponsible.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

@Unleash Yup, similar experience here. Went for 6 red scoops up the ass, and reality unraveled to such a terrifying extent that I was convinced this was the brink of mahasamadhi.

If I let go any more, the whole universe would unravel forever and Consciousness would move on. That, of course, was the least acceptable thing to me, and although I had been letting go like a champ until then, at the last moment I completely shut down in sheer terror, and I instinctively clung on to existence itself for dear life (literally).

From the outside I imagine I would've been contorting and panting and crying and slack-jawed (although in actuality, by that point there was no body. I held up my hand and it was simply un-rendered, I didn't even have the visual anchors of shapes and colors - it was all being swallowed into the white hole of infinite origin, and all reality-anchors were being deleted before my very eyes as if they were never there (which of course, they weren't).

Insanity, death, terror, holding on - this is all inevitable at high doses of MALT. This is what Leo means by "epic mindfuck" and "will melt your reality down to a puddle." It's probably an acquired taste for serious truth-seekers, but many of us here are amateur dabblers.

Needless to say I'm not particularly fond of MALT anymore (at least for where I'm at in life now). However I would like to think that this experience has changed me for the better in a permanent way. You can't unsee something that intense and true. The worries of everyday life are trivial next to the terror of God's Love.

I'd rather go chase sex and money for 20 years before having to face myself like that again! (and ironically upon knocking on the gates of mahasamadhi, I saw with perfect clarity how all of consensus reality, mankind, and human desire is essentially an elaborate distraction-mechanism for God to avoid its own abyss - and so I am playing into my own hand perfectly!)

Very interesting. Loved to read both your account and Unleash. Did 10mg of Malt today but once again went through painful letting go process of someone (has been the case now for 3+ malt trips). Never had any spiritual insights yet. Would love to hear more reports from people keep em coming!

Edited by LoneWonderer

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Plugging is way more gentle than vaping. It's super easy to traumatize yourself with vaping.

I have witnessed that plugging is  not way more gentle than vaping. I would even say it's more traumatic.

The problem is that it comes slow but not so slow that you can adapt. It gets creepy, the effects start coming more and more and more and you will be fucked more slowly which can be a torture on its own.

Vaping on the other hand makes the hairy part very quick.



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17 minutes ago, OBEler said:

I would even say it's more traumatic.

Plugging doesn't mean it cannot be traumatic, especially if you get your dose wrong. But vaping is much easier to overdo.

If plugging is too slow for you then you probably shouldn't be doing psychedelics. Plugging is relatively fast. If you can't handle 10 minutes of come up then something is wrong.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Plugging doesn't mean it cannot be traumatic, especially if you get your dose wrong. But vaping is much easier to overdo.

If plugging is too slow for you then you probably shouldn't be doing psychedelics. Plugging is relatively fast. If you can't handle 10 minutes of come up then something is wrong.

"If you can't handle 10 minutes of come up something is wrong"

Ah ok so the traumatic experience happens usually not in the come up phase until the peak is reached?

Never had one trauma so I am guessing. Just see that the come up is for many an uncomfortable experience and if you don't breakthrough and get sucked into a black hole it is better to get out as fast as possible and vaping is shorter here.

So vaping has shorter come up and lasts shorter. Both good points to get less traumatic experience I think compared to plugging.



Edited by OBEler

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Vaping can be painfully intense, shocking, and even physically dangerous. It's easy to inhale too much.

Plugging on a medium dose is strong but managable.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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