
5-MeO-MALT Mega-Thread

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The much teased substance is finally here, 5-MEO-MALT. 

Has anyone ever tried this? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Does anyone have any further knowledge on 5-MEO-MALT that could be useful for any psychonaut?

Thoughts on information LEO shared in his video? 

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My whole thing is that meditation is the art of getting high on life itself.  Who cares about how long it takes to get enlightened.  If I could get enlightened tomorrow from shooting up a drug, I would not do it.  I would rather do it naturally through discipline and work ethic even if it takes my whole life.  Short-circuiting this process through drugs seems to take the magic out of this process.  It is not about what happens or what you realize on the trip, but it is more about who you are after the trip.  Sure, a trip can change your life, but it is not guaranteed.  Meditation is the art of connecting with reality without the need of any external source, realizing reality for what it is as it is.  Enlightenment is not something to be attained, which is why I don't agree with the psychedelic approach, but I do respect others view on it, but it isn't for me.  To tie it in with Leos episode on Value of Things, enlightenment through meditation seems to be more worthwhile than psychedelics.  

Heres an analogy that I experienced in my life to help explain my point of view:

In my life, I wanted to get to lvl 99 on Call of Duty Black Ops Nazi Zombies.  I would play that game many times, and I failed to do it.  Then, my friend got mods one day, and he immediately got us to lvl 99.  After that, I felt completely empty and felt defeated because I reached my goal without ever going through all the steps.  It's like getting all A's or cheat codes to a video game.  It defeats the purpose and fun of discipline, investment, progress, etc.  

This is the issue with psychedelics.  Normies who take psychedelics may have enlightenment experiences that change their lives, but they may still not be able to sit in an empty room and feel that same Love as they did on the trip.  If trips cannot be integrated into all states of consciousness, particularly the "sober" state, then what is the point?  It is like me doing cheat codes to get somewhere without ever actually going anywhere.  You become God through virtues.  Psychedelics can help with this and can be a great tool, but at the end of the day, if we cannot experience ourselves as God "naturally" right now in all places, then what is the point?

Thank you! :D 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed Though I understand your perspective, I personally would just like to be able to experience infinite consciousness while here in this incarnation.  Meditation is simply not going to get me there and I just don’t want to waste time.  I want to be able to have these peak experiences in my lifetime, otherwise I’m basically just waiting until my actual physical death to have a full blown ego death and to truly get what it was all about.

 If I actually have the option, why would I deprive myself of the most profound mystical experiences and realizations?  I just want to know the truth above all else, and if there is a magic pill that actually works for this purpose, why would I not take it?  It’s like saying “I refuse to take any medicine for my disease that could cure me instantly, because it’s not real healing unless I get better without any medicine.”  The goal is just to get better!  The goal is just to get to the truth!  And meditation just doesn’t cut it.  It. Just. Doesn’t.   I still meditate 1 to 2 hours a day and I think it’s an important practice to be able to calm your mind, but it simply is not going to get you to the deepest levels of awareness.  And that’s all I want.  So psychedelics it is. 

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Youtube only gave me like 5 results so I guess its rare, but on reddit search gives numerous trip report results

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1 minute ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Meditation is simply not going to get me there and I just don’t want to waste time.  I want to be able to have these peak experiences in my lifetime, otherwise I’m basically just waiting until my actual physical death to have a full blown ego death and to truly get what it was all about.

As long as you have this limiting belief, it will be so.

Spoiler: Infinite Consciousness =\= ego death. If Infinite Consciousness where limited to needing the ego to be dead, it wouldn’t be infinite. 

Meditation can take you all the way when you realize what it is you're actually after. 

Nevertheless, psychedelics help us see what was already so as well as exploring dimensions of consciousness not normally available within the sober state of mind.

Looking forward to this one… @Leo Gura

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27 minutes ago, Consilience said:

As long as you have this limiting belief, it will be so.

It will also be so without this “limiting belief”.  Meditation will not take you to these levels of consciousness in reasonable time.  If you’ve reached 5-meo-DMT levels of consciousness without the help of substances, then either you’ve spent every second for the last 67 years meditating, or you have some very, very unusual neurology.  I don’t have that kind of time or that kind of neurology, so I’m going with psychedelics.  


27 minutes ago, Consilience said:

Spoiler: Infinite Consciousness =\= ego death. If Infinite Consciousness where limited to needing the ego to be dead, it wouldn’t be infinite. 

Actually, yes, Infinite consciousness = Ego death.  The ego and your identification with it is the very thing that keeps you from being conscious of your infinite nature.  However, I’m not convinced you can actually fully kill the ego unless you’re physically dead.  So ego death while your alive or during a trip is just partial ego death to lesser or greater degrees.  

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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14 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Meditation will not take you to these levels of consciousness in reasonable time.

You’d be amazed what finding the correct set of techniques, teachings, and busting your ass can do. If you’re determined to radical, and I mean RADICALLY, increase your baseline level of consciousness with meditation, you will. But based on what you’re saying, yeah don’t bother. 

17 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Actually, yes, Infinite consciousness = Ego death.


17 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

The ego and your identification with it is the very thing that keeps you from being conscious of your infinite nature.

Ego activity can be occurring while not being identified with it. Ego activity is just another expression of infinite consciousness. Believe it or not you can become conscious of this, while dead ass sober. 

Anyways, done for now dude. Dont want to derail the thread too much. 

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48 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

Youtube only gave me like 5 results so I guess its rare, but on reddit search gives numerous trip report results

Im seeing 5 MEO DALT, not *MALT. Are you sure you’re seeing results for what Leo is talking about? 

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You're not going to find almost any good information on 5-MeO-MALT. This is cutting edge. We're making history here by researching it.

I have tried 5-MeO-DALT and it's not worthwhile for me. MALT is way superior.

Be careful assuming that anything that has "5-MeO" in its name will be good. There are some bad 5-MeO's.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Juliano Zn said:

@Leo Gura What does HCl mean? I found 5-MeO-MALT HCl that ships to my country. 

Standard salt version. That's what you want for plugging.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I wish I could try it.  Maybe someday, the soft come up sounds nice.

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2 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

 If I actually have the option, why would I deprive myself of the most profound mystical experiences and realizations?  I just want to know the truth above all else, and if there is a magic pill that actually works for this purpose, why would I not take it?  It’s like saying “I refuse to take any medicine for my disease that could cure me instantly, because it’s not real healing unless I get better without any medicine.”  The goal is just to get better!  The goal is just to get to the truth!  And meditation just doesn’t cut it.  It. Just. Doesn’t.   I still meditate 1 to 2 hours a day and I think it’s an important practice to be able to calm your mind, but it simply is not going to get you to the deepest levels of awareness.  And that’s all I want.  So psychedelics it is. 

Wow. Thanks for sharing. Yeah I agree with your analysis. My main criticism is that if you take the red pill (e.g., psychedelics) but you cannot integrate the profound insights into daily life then it seems like that could leas to a disaster of chasing psychedelics to access God Consciousness. I personally like Frank Yang’s perspective on this whole issue of psychedelics and meditation. I think psychedelics can help people get started on the spiritual path, but kind of like what I said earlier, I would rather be high on life than on the psychedelics. Both can be used along with serious contemplation. But having a psychedelic awakening is still not complete without meditation and being able to contemplate through self-deceptions. Meditation and deep contemplation/introspection are the cures to self-deception. To live is to be an ego. The ego can awaken with psychedelics, but what happens after the trip? I would prefer to invest time if it means that I have the experience with me for a lifetime. But I do understand and appreciate your point of view. I personally am in no rush to awaken. I want to experience life as an ego fully and meditate/contemplate as well to have that full contrast. I’m afraid if people awaken too early, they won’t really know what it means to fully be an ego if you get what I mean.

Live and experience life. We only get one. It is kind of paradoxical because we want the Truth, but awakening is not something that any ego could really desire for. I think The best psychedelic trip will be the trip we have when we die. But life is the ultimate psychedelic trip. You as God took a psychedelic to experience life as a human. We all will go back to Truth regardless if we die before die or not. When your human trip is done, you will merge back into One.

So I guess the main answer is not one approach over the other. Do what suits you and integrate them all. 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Doesn't look like it's available for me at the moment. But I'll keep my eyes peeled. If Leo's vid makes it more popular then maybe it'll get sold more widely after word spreads.

the non-5-meo version, n,n-MALT does seem to be around though. I wonder if n,n-MALT is to 5-meo-MALT what n,n-DMT is to 5-meo-DMT. I'm not gonna be the guinea pig on that one though.

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Is 5-MeO-MALT HCl (with the HCl at the end) the same as the one he's talking about?

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

how was 5-meo-malt developed? I can't find it on the internet.

It is a synthesized drug. A so called designer drug. You can only find it on deep or dark web, not on the clear web.


Anyone know how to test 5-MeO-MALT for purity?

Edited by Peo

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Thanks Leo, great stuff as always.

I'm excited to see this new specialization and focus on "psychedelic awakening". Regarding what everyone is talking about, IMO the psychedelics help to open your mind and give insights, but the work is in the following days integrating and meditating on what you learned.

This doesnt need to turn into "psychedelics vs meditation"

In Leos pov meditation is a "waste of time" because he is solely focused on God realization. i meditate everyday to find more joy in simply existing in sober plain reality, no matter what i've realized or am conscious of. I don't meditate for God realization, that is where psychedleics can come in. The two balance each other out.


Psychedelics can also heal you on a deeper level than possible through meditation, they work on your subconscious. Im doing a 2 week ayahuasca retreat in peru in about a month, solely for the deep healing body and mind benefits, and with that hopefully some God awakenings. But my main goal is and always will be; bliss, here and now, sober, while doing nothing.


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I’m in the UK - and all the research Chems websites I've looked at don't ship to the UK. They ship to every bloody country apart from the UK. All of them. Bit disappointed 

Am I going to have to fly out to Netherlands just to ship it back to myself? Ha 

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