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The Unthinkable

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I am losing interest in thought. It is not as entertaining as once. I know how it moves. I know its shapes and forms. Its curves and its edges. Timeless snapshots of The Divine.

Grounding my steps into feeling. I listen for the whispers. The voice that sings bellow the night. No one seems to notice the fall. No one seems to see the rising.

It's no surprise. Let them all sleep, while the earth gently weeps. They're better off without knowing. Let them dream through tomorrow's eyes.

With these hands I could write a story unknown to the keeper of dreams.

With these hands I could build a castle, capture unconditional joy in it, and kill what remains. With these hands I could move the mountains, and steal the moon from the sky.

These are not hands of a man.

I walk through the crowds, but I've never set foot on these lands.

At night, I die at peace. Because I know, I've got something that could never be bought or sold. Gained or lost. Traced or abandoned.

If only I could share it. If only you could see

The Sun.

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"Excuse me sir, you have called pizza delivery service. Can you make your order please?"

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this was hypnotically moving... transported me and brought to mind many memories and many songs ... including this one x



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