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Whatever Reality is, one thing is for sure: that it's astonishing

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I don't know what Reality is. But sometimes I get a realization and a feeling that whatever the Truth about Reality is, it's mind-boggling. And it feels nice that at least something is certain about Reality.

Even if the materialists are right and everything is just inanimate matter and when you die you will be gone forever, then that would be mind-boggling and crazy.

If nonduality is true then that would be mind-boggling.

If christianity or whatever religion is true then that would be mind-boggling.

If everything is nothing and a dream, then that would be mind-boggling.

If our perceived reality is a computer simulation then that would be mind-boggling.

Etc. etc.


But of course some smartasses will say: "Reality isn't mind-boggling or whatever, it's just your interpretation of it, or projection on it."

My response to that is that I have the ability to understand and appreciate things and I'm going to fucking use that ability. And that I have that ability is another mind-boggling thing. (I often also think about how fascinating it is that I belong to the most intelligent species on earth and the most intelligent known species in the universe. What are the odds that I got born as a human and not something less intelligent.)



"Those who don't wonder about the contingency of their existence, of the contingency of the world's existence, are mentally deficient."

- Arthur Schopenhauer



"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."

- Albert Einstein

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I don't know where to write this so I write it here..

Last night I had a for me unusual dream: I heard a clear voice saying "Seek ye kingdom of God first". And then it felt like my soul slowly slided back into my body. It felt really real. And then I woke up.

I guess it was probably just a uninmportant dream but since it was unusual and felt so real I at least wanted to mention it somewhere.

Edited by Blackhawk

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1 hour ago, Blackhawk said:

I don't know where to write this so I write it here..

Last night I had a for me unusual dream: I heard a clear voice saying "Seek ye kingdom of God first". And then it felt like my soul slowly slided back into my body. It felt really real. And then I woke up.

I guess it was probably just a uninmportant dream but since it was unusual and felt so real I at least wanted to mention it somewhere.

that is cool ... second and lesser known part of that verse is, and then all these things will be added unto you

what i have been receiving recently is, fix you first then love them

same thing

ps beautiful quotes thank you

Edited by gettoefl

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