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Success with long determination sitting?

1 post in this topic

Looking for a description of someone’s sits who had/has a successful practice. I’ve found it very difficult to find anyone who has used determination sitting to “ conquer” their pain response and just sit for 4 or 5 hours or more.

I know there are tons of people who make a claim that they can(not on this forum) and I don’t doubt many monks do it with ease, but I can’t find anyone talking about it that actually does it.  There’s a few YouTube guys who claim it’s the fastest way to enlightenment, but offer no description of what precipitated being able to sit as long as you want.  


Very curious to know about what happens after 2 hours ( seems like that’s the max for most people including myself, and if I’m being honest I can’t go more than 90 minutes without squirming or cheating a bit) and the benefits they saw.   I’m aware that almost nobody does this, as it’s extremely painful, so a link to a video or anything would be much appreciated. Thx

Edited by Wildcattt555

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