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Crying To Lift The Weight.

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Everyone at some point in their practice, probably sooner than later, will get in touch with their deep suffering they have been carrying around, and which we generally have learned to let out but to stuff up: 'be happy, tough up, don't cry, be a man, don't be selfish, don't be a drama queen' etc.

But crying is a big part of the path and it will happen, and if you block it you are bringing yourself to a halt if, if you honestly seek to feel it you will fasten the transformation, either way, the dam should break at one point or the other.

And if there is one thing that feels good, lightens the burden and in so literally enlightens you, it's getting in touch with our emotions and crying, it brings you to yourself, you can feel it.

And paradoxically, when you feel the sadness, you don't get more attached to the 'drama' but less, you get closer to the still self and actually become more detached and at peace.

So it's important and it's beautiful, always.

The despair drama that is often associated with sadness does not come from the sadness but from suppressing it and not letting it all out and thinking there is no way out , and also because the belief that death is the total end and thus bad, however I know from my experience it's not, and anyone can come to the same conclusion through direct experience and or research (


So aside from meditation, which is always the key and path to inner fruition, what helps me also is a lot consciously connecting with a passed loved one, feeling the beauty of their return to their true self and the presence of it (either in dreams, meditation and or in an attuned regular state of being), but also the sadness that you might not feel them completely and also the strong emotion that comes from realizing the pain you have been carrying around and the lack of knwoing and being your true self as pure clear consciousness without suppression and delusion of separation.

And also, watching people cry and looking at the suffering of the world head on. I always avoided these things because I thought i could not bear, but I found out that truly getting to the depth of the pain and compassion you see actually is what makes it also profound and beautiful in it's own way, that one can go so so deep (but also knowing that all eventually know the light as well).

So if you feel like it, I would recommend looking at the suffering head on, look up the crying people from Syria or even people putting out their true selves in singing contests and getting recognized for once in their life. Don't be afraid, what you get in touch with you integrate and it feels good, whole and safe, but what you resist persists and that actually feels uncomfortable. 

Thanks for listening I hope it helps. God bless. 


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Yep, also laughing to lift weight! Laughing about nothing is the best laughing, because you can always do it! And of course, tears of joy!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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