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Mr Here and Now

Free Will Vs Free Choice?

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Hey! So I'm currently listening to an audiobook called The Laws Of Spirit, a big message in the book sais that we have free choice. We can make choices, any choice we want. In one of Leo's videos he claims we have no Free Will, so my question is: What is the difference between the two?

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@Mr Here and Now Two things to keep in mind:

1) Sometimes the exact opposite language can be used to convey the same thing. For example, I can say that there is no self. And that is true. I can also say, there is only the Self and nothing else. And that is true. Both point to exactly the same thing. But to a newbie, they may seem like two opposite positions.

I can say there is no God. And that would be true. I can say there is ONLY God and nothing else. And that would be true. Both mean exactly the same thing.

2) Not all teachings are speaking at the same levels. Some teachings are more practical. Some teachings are more existential. Some teachings are aimed at newbies. Some teachings are aimed at those who've attained direct insight of the Absolute. If I was speaking to a regular person about how to improve his life, I would say, "Take full responsibility and make good choices. That's very important." If I was speaking to a more advanced self-help junkie who had a solid conceptual grasp on enlightenment and was doing the work to pursue it, I would say, "You have no control. Notice that all your choices are not being made by you. You can't even open your mouth of your own will." Both would be correct in their proper contexts.

Since the ultimate Truth is not contained in language, any language can be used to describe it, even opposite language. And this can get people confused. Some teachers like to use opposite language to purposefully confused the student's mind and keep him from fixating on one position. This helps to break up the web of beliefs which is the chief obstacle to higher consciousness.

And then of course, some teachers simply don't know about the highest truths, so they speak only about lower truths.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura ah I see, thank you for the reply. My only issue is that in the book, Law of Spirits, the main character already knows all this, yet he is told that he can make choices, I guess that's a plot hole? :)

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@Mr Here and Now Few spiritual masters will directly tell you, "You have no free will." Cause it scares the shit out of people and makes them defensive. They'd rather you discover this for yourself, because by then, it's too late to run.

Sorry, spoiler alert.

And yes, of course you can make choices.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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