
Heavy Metal Detox

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I have been doing research on this since Leo has been mentioning. It's pretty staggering how unknown this is, it could be someones' sole reason for depression/anxiety no matter what else they do to try and help it.

Seems like the best way to detox is by fasting and eating certain food, also doing saunas.

But are there any products or procedures that rapidly increase this process? 

Any recs? 

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Go to the Andy Cutler Chelation website and forum, and follow every step of the process. 


If the research you have done does not mention the dangers of heavy metal redistribution when beginning to detox, then this is probably dangerous advice to follow. If you half ass a heavy metal detox you will for sure debilitate yourself, people have been driven to suicide caused by mistakes made whilst detoxing. 

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10 hours ago, Mada_ said:

Go to the Andy Cutler Chelation website and forum, and follow every step of the process. 


If the research you have done does not mention the dangers of heavy metal redistribution when beginning to detox, then this is probably dangerous advice to follow. If you half ass a heavy metal detox you will for sure debilitate yourself, people have been driven to suicide caused by mistakes made whilst detoxing. 


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On 17/09/2021 at 2:21 AM, blessedlion1993 said:

fasting and eating certain food, also doing saunas.

If you are in fact mercury/heavy metal toxic, chances are this will negatively effect the function of your adrenals. Therefore fasting will just cause unnecessary stress to the adrenal glands. 

Before you're actually chelating its probably okay, but whilst you're regularly taking a chelating agent (e.g. ALA), I've heard this can put unnecessary stress on the body. 


As for eating certain foods, stay away from Chlorella. A lot of naturopaths, homeopaths are convinced that it can detox heavy metals, however there are many horror stories of how it has worsened people's symptoms. The issue with it is hard to measure how long it lasts in the body as a chelating (detoxing) agent, so although pick up the mercury and carry it around the body, it is unclear if or when it will eject it from the body (via sneeze, urine etc. Which are ways the body detoxes heavy metals). So the issue is that it could pick up mercury that is stored in the thigh muscle, and then redistribute it in the brain making you bipolar or something. (I only mention this because it is used really commonly). 

There's an elimination diet in Andy Cutler's new book to determine if you are sensitive to thiols. If so, I would recommend Jillaine Kay's cookbook on low thiol cooking. 

As for saunas, probably stay away from infrared saunas, they supposedly don't heat the body evenly so are not ideal for detoxing. Stick to traditional steam saunas and Finnish Saunas (which are way more relaxing imo). I've heard people use these at the end of a chelation (detox) round, but these methods are like 2% of the process, it's most important to research Andy Cutler Chelation. 

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On 16/09/2021 at 5:21 PM, blessedlion1993 said:

Any recs? 

On the top of everything that has already been said, I'd just add this. Make sure you don't automatically assume that any health problems you currently experience (whatever they may be) are caused by systemic heavy metal toxicity simply because that has been a popular topic on the forum. Groupthink can be a seductive beast.  Common symptoms of fatigue, neurological symptoms, digestive irritation, mood problems etc could be caused by a variety of other things as well. Ofcourse, some of those may indeed be caused by toxins but usually that's not the case. 

A lot issues can be fixed by fixing one's sleep, diet, sitting:not sitting ratio, stress elimination, mindfulness practice and maybe doing some basic medical testing like blood/stool tests. For example, I've seen some pretty groundbreaking changes just from people starting to eat proper breakfast and sleeping a bit more. 

Just saying :) Make sure to eliminate all the most obvious triggers and mediators first before you go down the detox rabit hole 

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i know that all of information please tell me about anything

Edited by rockeyyyadav

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