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You realize enlightenment is just another funny game? Lol.

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Have you ever realized that it's literally just another game like watching TV or playing PS4 or popping Ecstasy or taking benzos?

Duality is not escapable... Like Hotel California. Except we never got to decide when we checked in IMO.

If you "escape", say you die or go into a coma. Well then what? What about the people who mourn at your funeral? There is experience still and hence the appearance of duality because nonduality cannot be experienced directly (due to no subject/object relation).

It's a thing the mind-self goes after for the same object-oriented reasons it does anything. Which usually for this path either means someone has a serious intellectual curiosity or wants to escape suffering. Which are mind-self pursuits... You're here forever... When we judge if a person is enlightened we are making a judgement of their mind-self's alignment with the true self. If we took away everything Buddha about the literal Buddha, and everything Hitler away from Hitler, what is left is literally undivided and identical and equally infinitely enlightened at all times. Lol...

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Do the work

Don't put a cap on things 

Don't make sloppy distinctions 

There is no one Buddha, you can become a Buddha.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

There is no one Buddha, you can become a Buddha.

Right before you become a Buddha, it's recognized there was never anyone to become a Buddha, there never was a Buddha, nor a universe, or anything at all. It was all a dream. So no one ever becomes a Buddha. There's just ungraspable, unworkable infinity and every apparent one is being done like characters in a play without any actors.

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@The0Self I've realized I don't exist xD

I've seen this. 

I may be a young fool but I've grocked something about infinity and Love at this point. I've seen "between the click of the light and the start of the dream" I know it's my true nature.

I know no Buddha, but have seen things... Been places... Where no cars go.



Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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6 minutes ago, Thought Art said:


@The0Self I've realized I don't exist xD

I've seen this. 

I may be a young fool but I've grocked something about infinity and Love at this point. I've seen "between the click of the light and the start of the dream" I know it's my true nature


Lol if there isn't a you, how have you realized that? It's clearly a closed loop of I-know. It's what appears to happen. What you really are is nothing being everything, but that literally cannot be known. How can nothing know anything? You might say: well, I'm everything, that's how! But everything is nothing...

There's only what isn't but it appears to be.

Edited by The0Self

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Yeah, but using your logic you are undermining your own argument.

I am just saying what is true for me. I've experienced and know I am nothing. 

Reality is infinite intelligence. So, it knows itself prior to being a me or a you. 

Enough games. This was fun.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Your arguments don't hit the spot but what is true is that what you search cannot be found. Can the seer be seen? Of course not, that is why nothing that you realize is actually yourself in a core understanding. That is why no answer will ever satisfy you, because it is the one who is doing the game the actual end of the search. Is the eye that all sees and cannot be seen. You can't awake for the eye sees awakening and ignorance. Also as it cannot be seen has no centre, nor realization, neither understanding. For if you truly search yourself, you will find nothing which is actually true, because the seer cannot see itself. You cannot see yourself. Also as existence is profoundly paradoxical that means that also everything is the eye itself, looking at itself, the singularity point. It's the consciousness itself, Truth itself, Love itself, that all pervades, all sustains and all nurtures, playing with itself enjoying itself. In that sense, is ego who meditates, ego who does mental gimnastics, and ignorance who expects to get somewhere else from where it is. How can your true self meditate, how can reality itself achieve or be more than reality itself, it arrives a point where you hit rock-bottom. Which is that enlightenment cannot be achieved, that is why it's called the doorless door, no-one can cross. That is itself the great mistery.

If you happen to find yourself here I recommend you Robert Adams, if you don't find yourself don't check him because you will missinterpret everything.

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5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Yeah, but using your logic you are undermining your own argument.

I am just saying what is true for me. I've experienced and know I am nothing. 

Reality is infinite intelligence. So, it knows itself prior to being a me or a you. 

Enough games. This was fun.


That's what's appearing to happen there. It's neither right nor wrong.

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To put it in simple words all efforts of final enlightenment are like trying to kiss your own cheek. However, all that effort is required to arrive to that realization, because reality is profoundly paradoxical, it's a key understanding.

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12 minutes ago, The Buddha said:

To put it in simple words all efforts of final enlightenment are like trying to kiss your own cheek. However, all that effort is required to arrive to that realization, because reality is profoundly paradoxical, it's a key understanding.

But what's the point in it? I suppose the intention is to make life subjectively better once such a thing is realized?

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2 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

But what's the point in it? I suppose the intention is to make life subjectively better once such a thing is realized?

There is no point at all. Unconditional love has no preferences and takes no prisoners. It's all allowed. Just total absolute freedom. No meaning or purpose because one thing is not objectively better than another to unconditional love. Unconditional love is inconceivable.

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