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Thought Art

(Canada) Alberta Premier realizes he was wrong about Covid

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Bad Epistemology has a massive price to pay.

I see the mistakes I make in my own locus of responsibility, I couldn't imagine many people dying because of my ignorance. This is why I am grateful for Leo's teachings and my life long learning. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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:) aww, you're cute. that you still believe them because they present themselves as "professional".

In Canada, there are 27,311 deaths over the last 18 months, the majority of deaths are 80 and older, and "even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had covid at the same time, it's still listed as a covid death" DR Ngozi Ezike, Public Health Illinois 

Compare covid deaths to cardiac and cancer and note when you do this, the heart/cancer stats are for one years and the total comes to around 130,000 for 12 months, while covid is 27,311 for 18 months.

Also take a look on this site, to see how they classify deaths. It's says pretty much the same thing as mentioned above:

And then there's this reality... "Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories" c

Deaths in Canada ages.png

Edited by Johnny Galt

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@Opo cute again, you by pass what is being said, your chest swells up, and you think it's about this team vs that team, "my team is going to win"!!

Go do your home work, this lead to the UN and their agenda 2030 and the WEF and the Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution. We are signed up for it and with that comes, well, do you even know? Put your ego aside and do your homework

Edited by Johnny Galt

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@Johnny Galt Um, I trust the doctors and medical professionals. 

Also, don't be a dick.

There isn't millions dying. I was overly dramatic and thinking more generally as world leaders.

Canada has done a really good job at dealing with Covid. 

Of course there are risks with the vaccine. Take it.

Alberta has by far the highest cases right now and the medical system is having a hard time dealing with it.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Johnny Galt said:

@Opo Go do your home work, this lead to the UN and their agenda 2030 and the WEF and the Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution. We are signed up for it and with that comes, well, do you even know? Put your ego aside and do your homework

If you think you'll wake people up with this. You're wrong, no one cares. 

You might get lucky and change a couple people's minds but in the big picture it won't make a difference. 

I'm sorry my dude. 

Edited by Opo

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6 hours ago, Thought Art said:



@Thought Art "don't be a dick." - You're right, maybe I could have put my cheekiness aside, sorry! 

"cases", I highly recommend you go look into what that word actually means. I can direct to what some experts (paper) have to say about the PCR process and what "cases" actually means. 

"I trust the doctors and medical professionals." as do I. There is no sweeping consensus as there are "experts" around the world who are great critics of what national leaders are doing. Again I can direct to you many if you're curious.


5 hours ago, Opo said:

If you think you'll wake people up with this. You're wrong, no one cares. 

You might get lucky and change a couple people's minds but in the big picture it won't make a difference.

@Opo You might be right. And yet still, I can do what I can as nothing is set in stone. I had prophetic dreams of this all playing out over 10 years ago, but my dreams only showed me half way through; I'm curious to see where this all goes. 

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