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The usually intense video reactions of 5-meo-dmt. Why they happen?

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So in YouTube there are a bunch of video recordings of people inhaling bufo alvarius/5-meo in ceremonies and in A LOT of them the people just go crazy/start shouting a lot, etc.

Is this because they are having a God Realization and his reaction is a consecuence of their ego not being prepared for that radical Truth, or IS It more a "release of energy"?

I just find It curious because I've done 5-meo 1 time inhaled and several times plugged and i NEVER had reactions of shouting, going crazy with my hands, etc. I've had experiences of crying and being in awe with my hands on the mouth for several minutes, But Nothing like those videos.

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Because most people are children. They treat it like some sort of rollcoaster ride.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

So in YouTube there are a bunch of video recordings of people inhaling bufo alvarius/5-meo in ceremonies and in A LOT of them the people just go crazy/start shouting a lot, etc.

Is this because they are having a God Realization and his reaction is a consecuence of their ego not being prepared for that radical Truth, or IS It more a "release of energy"?

I just find It curious because I've done 5-meo 1 time inhaled and several times plugged and i NEVER had reactions of shouting, going crazy with my hands, etc. I've had experiences of crying and being in awe with my hands on the mouth for several minutes, But Nothing like those videos.

   Is it the tribe people being recorded, or the new agers that are trying them out and are new to that substance?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because most people are children. They treat it like some sort of rollcoaster ride.

I think it's more to do with people have the need for more or less purification. 

Those people going crazy, screaming etc are purifying and releasing trauma. Of course there are some people who are just drama queens though lol

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@Javfly33 Yea I never quite understood those reactions either. I suspect its because that is often their first time doing it and they start off with a high dose. I slowly worked my way up with dosage and so was basically completely silent and still at the very high doses. But if someone off the street were to do a high dose without doing it before, I imagine they'd go berserk. 

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Maybe it is more intense in a gathering due to the collective release?

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@Javfly33 Everyone has different reactions.

Screaming is normal, or moaning, crying, puking it happens to people. It's a radical state and it scares people and it's a lot to handle.

Some people are very peaceful, roll around and relax. It also depends on the trip and the thoughts you are having during the trip. 

It's such a radically different headspace to navigate it is difficult sometimes. You aren't really in control if you go too deep or as you go deeper than you've ever gone things can happen. 

Always be careful. These reactions can happen to you. 

You can judge them... But Leo doesn't vape it. If you did, you would understand.

Going from snorting to vaping was so radically different and deeper for me I had no idea what to expect.

As I am going about mastering the substance, I've run into a few glitches.

Personally, I've never made sounds...

But have had other strange reactions mostly out of fear or radical openness. 

This stuff does take a lot of maturity. So, really look at yourself. 


It's a powerful took. Use it with respect.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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35 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Javfly33 Everyone has different reactions.

Screaming is normal, or moaning, crying, puking it happens to people. It's a radical state and it scares people and it's a lot to handle.

Some people are very peaceful, roll around and relax. It also depends on the trip and the thoughts you are having during the trip. 

It's such a radically different headspace to navigate it is difficult sometimes. You aren't really in control if you go too deep or as you go deeper than you've ever gone things can happen. 

Always be careful. These reactions can happen to you. 

You can judge them... But Leo doesn't vape it. If you did, you would understand.

Going from snorting to vaping was so radically different and deeper for me I had no idea what to expect.

As I am going about mastering the substance, I've run into a few glitches.

Personally, I've never made sounds...

But have had other strange reactions mostly out of fear or radical openness. 

This stuff does take a lot of maturity. So, really look at yourself. 


It's a powerful took. Use it with respect.

I vaped one time, But It was so intense Lost contact with sight a d closed my eyes then It was over. I didnt made any sound But my Heartbeat was fast AF.

Unless vaped Bufo its as strong and at the same time It lets you keep your eyes closed

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@Javfly33 The tolerance is about 6 minutes, so you can vape bit by bit instead of going head first. But still, it takes time to wrap your head around what it happening. The Love and presence is so much, and the infinite head space takes mastery.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because most people are children. They treat it like some sort of rollcoaster ride.

Yeah... Perhaps, but I gotta say, it's a little different when it's vaped. It's like the big bang. They aren't even there to scream. Screaming apparently happens. Body just gets shocked by the energy of the experiencer abruptly no longer being there sapping its energy.

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@The0Self Yeah, you are GONE. Yet, you can still learn to master that state. I've seen people cry and and cry. From the outside it looks bad but, usually they are so happy they were able to just let go.

I didn't know this but many retreat centres for 5meo actually have trained body guards to restrain people if needed. They hire ex professional football players etc. 

These reactions happen because you are entering a state so deep that it literally kills you. All your mental limitations can disappear and it's such a radically new state you be act foolish. 

But man, does it feel good to be completely free. Once you fully accept the death, and understand you are coming back and make sense of the experience epistemologically and metaphysically... 

The more problems you have and stupid ideas in your head going into the trip, the higher the chance of a freakout or weird reaction.

But, when a hit goes well.

It's total perfection. Absolute acceptance. Infinity.

A true "Thank you"

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@The0Self Yeah, you are GONE. Yet, you can still learn to master that state. I've seen people cry and and cry. From the outside it looks bad but, usually they are so happy they were able to just let go.

Yeah sometimes what looks like a freakout on the outside is a ridiculously complete and peaceful unity on the inside except there often is no inside/outside in that state. Still nothing to do with liberation but it can have the flavor of a glimpse. Certainly can reveal God and stuff like that. It's just an experience after the fact though even if they are gone during it.

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@The0Self No, it totally has something to do with liberation. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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6 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@The0Self No, it totally has something to do with liberation. 

It may seem like it. It literally does not relate in any way shape or form. Utterly completely not connected. Liberation is all there is so there can be absolutely no relationship.

Awakenings and realizations? Abso-fucking-lutely 5meo can have something to do with that (apparently).

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self No I think you are wrong. I would have to use a socratic method here as to what these terms mean to you.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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