
Most Practical Leo Video

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This is mine! What's yours?

Edited by Vido

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Good video, no doubt! But not for me. Sinse I have NO strategic blunders and NO strategic mistakes.

Only 2 blunders to be precise:

1. I use credit card. I like it and find it very convenient. Why is it bad?

Aaah, I understand, with credit card Leo means really credits, right? No, no, I don´t buy anything for credit. I pay via credit card with my own money.

So! Only one blunder: 3 directors over me! If you take the managers over these 3 directors, and they are two, 5 bosses over me!

2. I work for a boss/ corporation (even for 3 bosses hehe to be precise). Sinse I have no life purpose but still need money to live and free time for personal development (self-employment doesn´t leave much time and space in your mind for anything else). Besides we cannot be all our own bosses :) The work is done in teams

I am so perfect, that nobody can fall in love with me. The same with Leo. We always fall in love with some small weaknesses, defects, inperfection (not too big though, but still we need them to be hooked like some bumps on the even rock)

Edited by Hulia

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12 minutes ago, Hulia said:

Good video, no doubt! But not for me. Sinse I have NO strategic blunders and NO strategic mistakes.

Only 2 blunders to be precise:

1. I use credit card. I like it and find it very convenient. Why is it bad?

Aaah, I understand, with credit card Leo means really credits, right? No, no, I don´t buy anything for credit. I pay via credit card with my own money.

So! Only one blunder: 3 directors over me! If you take the managers over these 3 directors, and they are two, 5 bosses over me!

2. I work for a boss/ corporation (even for 3 bosses hehe to be precise). Sinse I have no life purpose but still need money to live and free time for personal development (self-employment doesn´t leave much time and space in your mind for anything else). Besides we cannot be all our own bosses :) The work is done in teams


I understand. The beauty of that videos is you can just apply those strategies to figure out letting go and self-actualizing as well!

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3 minutes ago, Vido said:

I understand. The beauty of that videos is you can just apply those strategies to figure out letting go and self-actualizing as well!

Yes, it´s exactly what I would say if I could articulate my thoughts as good as Leo. This is the beauty of Leo´s videos.

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