
High Conscious Dictator

23 posts in this topic

26 minutes ago, Intense said:

"Everything for the people, nothing by the people"


my advancement is demonstrably far beyond anyone else's; not only that, i also claim to strive for your highest benefit in every dimension

am i magnificent, or what?

long live the love of the lord!


oh and by the way, you need to swallow this here vaccine with good cheer whether you like it or not

by imperial proclamation

or else

Edited by gettoefl

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I like Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda. One can’t deny he’s almost a dictator, but his country is doing well, on a African context. Rwanda stage of development and past trauma isn’t ready for democracy, I’d estimate.

I wonder however what would happen if Russia or Turkey would go full democracy? Would those society transition into it seamlessly, or would parts of there country break down and arouse a regressive response from the populace.

Edited by ArcticGong

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Power isn't necessarily a bad thing. One can use it wisely to improve the world.

I can imagine a government with a wise strong man or woman as the president with good strict rules and smart way to punish people in a way that makes them learn a lesson without making them suffer.

All the people in this kind of government are highly spiritual and wise. I'm sure that a small group of good strong and wise people, who see the whole picture and are also good at strategic thinking, are able to change the level of consciousness of the majority, if not in the current generation then on the next.

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