
I Am The Tree, And The Rest

7 posts in this topic

In one of the videos, Leo talks about this, that you come to say things like: i am this tree, I am the table and the chair etc etc. 

But as much as I understand intellectually that one is not their thoughts, brain, body whatever, because you didn't chose any of it, why do we only have our limited perspective? How can you not identify with this limited perspective when it is all that you know? 

I was sitting next to the cat earlier and took her paw in my hand and i could feel my hand in contact with her paw whereas cannot feel her paw in contact with my hand. What i mean is, the only sensations I have are those from my body, not those of the cat. And i do realise there is no way i can go into the cat's body and feel things from her perspective, but why say things like 'I am everything' when we only have our own perspective? 

Why do we have this limited perspective in the first place? why in my body and not the cat's?


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1 hour ago, Orange said:

How can you not identify with this limited perspective when it is all that you know? 

Who is this "I" you're talking about? Inquire.

[insert quote here]

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2 hours ago, Orange said:

In one of the videos, Leo talks about this, that you come to say things like: i am this tree, I am the table and the chair etc etc. 

But as much as I understand intellectually that one is not their thoughts, brain, body whatever, because you didn't chose any of it, why do we only have our limited perspective? How can you not identify with this limited perspective when it is all that you know? 

I was sitting next to the cat earlier and took her paw in my hand and i could feel my hand in contact with her paw whereas cannot feel her paw in contact with my hand. What i mean is, the only sensations I have are those from my body, not those of the cat. And i do realise there is no way i can go into the cat's body and feel things from her perspective, but why say things like 'I am everything' when we only have our own perspective? 

Why do we have this limited perspective in the first place? why in my body and not the cat's?


You need to see through those beliefs to see the truth. When you say "my body" what is this I you are refering to? Ask yourself who's body is this. Mind is likely going to answer: Mine! That is a thought but can that thought be the right answer? I'm sure you heard about self inquiry before so I won't go into the details of this. But this me, you are referring to, does not exist. It is a thought. When this belief is seen through this identification with the body mind will dissipate. Sure there is a body there which the senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell and thought are experienced through but the body doesn't belong to anyone. So what's left when there is no me? Existence, which is nothing and everything.

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7 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

You need to see through those beliefs to see the truth. When you say "my body" what is this I you are refering to? Ask yourself who's body is this. Mind is likely going to answer: Mine! That is a thought but can that thought be the right answer? I'm sure you heard about self inquiry before so I won't go into the details of this. But this me, you are referring to, does not exist. It is a thought. When this belief is seen through this identification with the body mind will dissipate. Sure there is a body there which the senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell and thought are experienced through but the body doesn't belong to anyone. So what's left when there is no me? Existence, which is nothing and everything.

That's right. My body doesn't belong to me.. (lol, now i just had a thought that saying this would disqualify all the feminists arguments  :P ) 

But my problem is I cannot feel that I am oneness/non duality/ etc. And again WHY am i experiencing all of life through my own limited perspective ?

Or because everyone likes to say awareness , why is awareness experiencing reality through one limited body? 

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10 hours ago, Orange said:

In one of the videos, Leo talks about this, that you come to say things like: i am this tree, I am the table and the chair etc etc. 

I don't know what he is talking about regarding this.  It could have a number of meanings.  But to answer your questions, when you know that you are awareness and not the person, you understand that everything else that is sentient is also the same awareness as you.  They are awareness with  body.  How can the sentience in them not also be the same sentience in you?  There is only one sentience, and that is awareness.  Some people call it nothingness, whatever you wish to call it, its you.  Its not even an it, is it?  Its the subject, the witness.

10 hours ago, Orange said:

 I was sitting next to the cat earlier and took her paw in my hand and i could feel my hand in contact with her paw whereas cannot feel her paw in contact with my hand. What i mean is, the only sensations I have are those from my body, not those of the cat. And i do realise there is no way i can go into the cat's body and feel things from her perspective, but why say things like 'I am everything' when we only have our own perspective?

Look into your experience.  Are you sat in a chair at the moment?  If so, think about how the chair feels on your butt.  Are you actually experiencing a chair at all?  Or are you just experiencing the thought of "chair" as your sense organs present a feeling to you?  What you actually experience all the time is yourself taking the form of an experience.  Your mind is formless and can take the form of anything because there is only one awareness with the same functions appearing as relative phenomena.  It certainly seems like there are many individuals here, but there is not, because all these apparent individuals are only awareness (you) with gross and subtle bodies that function exactly the same in everyone.  So where are the real differences?  Can you find any?


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@Orange That's because you're still operating under the assumption of a "YOU". You think you exist inside that body. But actually you ARE the body, the cat, the tree, the table, the sky, etc. Notice that the cat is NOT occurring inside you! The cat is literally one "brick" in what you are. The fact that you're seeing the cat is equivalent to you "feeling" the cat. You're creating this imaginary scene where "you" are able to feel inside the cat's body. But that's A THOUGHT! Whatever exists of the cat is 100% already part of you. The problem is that it just doesn't match your expectations. You expect to feel inside the cat, but actually reality says, "Nope, you see the cat".

That's how reality works. Now your job is to accept it. What you're doing now is telling reality, "Hey reality! You should work the way I want you to work. The way you're working right now doesn't appeal to me. Please change so MY model of reality makes sense."

It helps to sit down and carefully investigate your visual field. Keep asking yourself, "Where is the cat located? Is the cat happening inside my body? If not, then WTF is this cat? Where is it occurring????"

Here's an excellent exercise for you: sit down and carefully take your index figure and try to draw an imaginary straight line from the cat to you.

Notice that it's not possible. Because the cat IS you!

And there isn't even a cat. There is only a hollow surface of a cat which is in ever-flux.

You are like a 360 degree projector, projecting an image onto the inside of a hollow sphere. This projection includes the cat, the tree, the car, and "your" body.

And yet, all of that is still not essentially what you are. Because you're none of it. You are the void in which that phenomena takes place.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, Orange said:

But my problem is I cannot feel that I am oneness/non duality/ etc. And again WHY am i experiencing all of life through my own limited perspective ?

That's like paddling a canoe down a river and asking someone why your not at the end of the river yet.

It's not important why your not there. What is important is where you are and how you can get further down stream, by taking one stroke after another. And watch out for the rocks!

20 hours ago, Orange said:

Or because everyone likes to say awareness , why is awareness experiencing reality through one limited body? 

Good question. It must have a great sense of humour.

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