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Imagining Perspective of "Other"

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How often do you find yourself imagining everything from notion of person in body you are seeing from versus imagining the perspective of the other person, dog, tree, rock, cup, mountain, etc.?

I find it is easier to do with dogs and bugs but A - no social repercussion to study them, B - less intimidating, C - they will still interact with you, D - they are similar enough to what you claim to be familiar with

I tend to put myself as the center stage of the imagination for reality but there has to be some imagination about the other otherwise I wouldn't imagine the other so seriously (which I have programmed myself/been influenced to take seriously)- - one has to basically decide to put an effort in of operating from the perspective of how the other person is operating but yet at the same time, one has to keep on operating as self and it is hard to multitask - - everything is kinda all just happening on its own though

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Sometimes I pretend that I someone else is in my body and experiencing my reality (e.g., someone from the past experiencing my reality).  I don't  think much about the perspective of inanimate objects--I lack reference for that imagination. Sometimes I observe animals and consider their behaviour--so I kind of think about what they might be thinking or experiencing. 

There is probably some good art (like music) that jokes around with the idea of being taken seriously. 

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