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How Is Censorship Part Of Self-actualizing

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It's more like de-actualization. 

First disabling youtube comments under the how to become a sage video, then removing the big discussion about Athene, a big youtuber, wanting to debate with Leo, albeit asking him in a trollish arrogant matter.

Now, I am not saying you can't, but this trend is a track of the path in my opinion, not very reflective of oneness/unconditional love. 

I understand it may be challenging being a figure many people look up to, people expect something from you and you don't want to disappoint them but why shut down potential of discussion all together? People weren't less appropriate then other times, in fact I saw a genuine civil discussion, and if people derail topics or are inappropriate you don't shut down the fun for all but ban folks.  

Peace out and thanks for your service. 

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Firstly, this is a moderated community, as most forums of any decent quality must be, and are.

Secondly, I'm seeing a rising trend of people across the internet using salacious marketing tactics to drive business and subscribers. You see this with conspiracy theorists, the fake new phenomena, baiting others into debates by saying purposefully provocative things, or nitpicking and criticizing just to get attention. If I see this sort of herd behavior manipulation here, I'm definitely not going to sit by and watch it unfold. It's like a mudslinging contest that sucks more and more people in and everyone ends up dirty. It's fundamentally manipulative, dishonest, unconscious, and can even lead to violence. But mostly it's just a way to get attention and views.

I try to use a very light hand with moderation. I'm all for free speech. But one thing I don't stomach is marketing ploys to grab subscribers, or people saying outrageous things just to get attention or business.

Many fans or subscribers don't realize the business-side of these kinds of ploys, which exploit people's ideologies and sectarian loyalty to stir up business. It's this sort of Ann Coulter phenomena: saying ignorant outrageous things and hoping something sticks.

Youtube comments have not been disabled at all. They're open. The only thing I moderate on Youtube are blatant racist comments, commercial spam, and conspiracy theory spreading like PizzaGate.

The bigger lesson to draw from all this stuff is to seek to be INTEGRATIVE in your study of reality. It's very easy to nitpick and criticize and say outrageous negative things against other races, cultures, genders, religions, nondual traditions, teachers, etc. That's SO easy, it's almost automatic. What's really valuable and rare is being INTEGRATIVE, seeking to understand all perspectives in a calm, generous, compassionate manner. That requires lots of consciousness and mastery.

In the future, you will see me embodying this integrative attitude a lot more, because I want to be very careful not to flame ideological battles, and set a good example. Ideological battles are just a distraction from the work of raising consciousness. Notice that as you spend time reading a salacious thread, that's time taken away from turning inward. This one simple mechanism has been the most effective and favorite tool of the ego to keep the world mired in duality for over 5000 years. And I don't want to perpetuate it within my circle of influence.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I am pretty disappointed by you Leo, there are not many people who i would expect less to buy the narrative of the media. Sure i would not expect you to openly speak about this subject of Pizzagate because it surely is dangerous to do so as a public figure but atleast you should not call it fake. Did you actually see any of the evidence provided by Wikileaks+FBI files and people who are investigating it? Anyway the purpose of this post is not to create a discussion.

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amazing response by leo, i applaud your decision. Unfortunately, it seems that more and more people are getting taken in by the fake news network. Here is an article on how to spot fake news :

Edited by Pramit


Meditation is like polishing a brick to make a mirror. Philosophy is like a net to catch water. The buddah did not meditate. It's just how he sits. 

- Alan Watts 

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2 hours ago, LaucherJunge said:

I am pretty disappointed by you Leo, there are not many people who i would expect less to buy the narrative of the media. Sure i would not expect you to openly speak about this subject of Pizzagate because it surely is dangerous to do so as a public figure but atleast you should not call it fake. Did you actually see any of the evidence provided by Wikileaks+FBI files and people who are investigating it? Anyway the purpose of this post is not to create a discussion.

Jesus christ man, did you read what he just wrote? Also, the pizzagate "evidence" is so nonexistent and speculative that to call it evidence of anything is just intellectually dishonest.

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26 minutes ago, AxelK said:

Jesus christ man, did you read what he just wrote? Also, the pizzagate "evidence" is so nonexistent and speculative that to call it evidence of anything is just intellectually dishonest.

Then you did not seriously look into everything because it is pretty convincing evidence even if you play it down completely if you look at really all of it, it would still be a neccessary to start a serious investigation, im not telling anyone to go from 0% to 100%. As i said i do not want to start discussing this do the research on your own im not going to reply here anymore.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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