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Suffering Caused By Habits

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How do you reframe the suffering caused by not following through once or twice on a habit??

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@Jhonny Love yourself more when you fail.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Jhonny To add onto what Leo said you want to switch into a growth mindset as well, when you fail to keep a consistent habit make a mental note on what you can do better the next time instead of beating yourself up about it. Remember the mind is going to be resistant to change and its not going to happen over night so have patience!

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I also find it very hard when I cant keep commitment to myself. My routine gets scrambled and motivation I cant find.

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@br07 You might have a unconscious value for the things that you are already doing habitually, and you might also have a value for valuing your own opinion of yourself.

These are values you hold dear.  See if you can see them in action as you go about your day.  You need to accept that they are there, and that you actually value these self defeating habits.

Get some distance (because you will not want to give these up when you discover them because they are more than likely a part of your identity) on them by making them "not-self".  Understand that these are just habits and patterns that you picked up from somewhere or developed out of not having knowledge about how your mind works.  

Once you get enough distance, pull them apart - ask yourself how much these values actually serve you.  Look at them in the cold light of day and have a word with yourself.  If you see their futility, they will drop away.  It will come back, just keep accepting the conflict between your old values and the new habits you want to install and hold the paradox in mind while you keep inquiring into the self defeating value.  

Eventually your new value will supersede the old and you will be free.

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