I'm Halfway Through The Life Purpose Course!

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I'm working through the life purpose course and I wanted to share my progress and some of my insights and experiences!

I bought the life purpose course maybe six weeks ago and at this point I'm almost finished with the values assessment. It's been taking me a little longer than I had anticipated, but I've been taking extensive notes and really giving my best effort in the exercises. I've gone through almost a full notebook, filling each page front and back with notes. I may have to buy another one! The following is some of what I've learned/ experienced/ been thinking about during my time with this AMAZING resource:

  • The most interesting thing I've experienced so far is a tangible release in some of my resistance to thinking about and doing this course. After I had lost my initial momentum, I was kinda dragging my feet and not wanting to put in the work. Around the time I started the values assessment, I quite literally felt a "buckle" of energy in my chest and I felt some of that resistance lift. Up to that point I had never gone more than a couple days without working on the course, but after that experience it suddenly became infinitely more exciting and getting home to work on it was all I could think about during the work day. I think having my values really crystallize in my mind reignited my passion just a little bit and I'm finally getting closer to actually knowing what I want and what I'm about. Even better, I can feel that my values are genuine and that I'm on the right track.
  • THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH!!! So I went down the recommended reading list and found every book I could at my local library and started diving in. At my current pace I'm reading about a book a week and taking extensive notes on each book I read. I read The Element by Ken Robinson last week and I'm reading The Path Of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz right now. I've still got a stack sitting on my nightstand. YOU GUYS, YOU MUST ABSOLUTELY DO YOUR RESEARCH AND BUILD A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THIS STUFF. This forum is fantastic but until you start hitting the books and making the connections yourself, no amount of little tidbits here and there from this forum is gonna do it. Leo told this to me personally, and initially I scoffed, but now I get it! I'm doing the research and loving it! YOU MUST STUDY.
  • In tandem with the last two points, I find maintaining the habit of doing this work is a little easier now that I have a clear direction. I've never gone more than a couple days without working on the course and I haven't missed a day of reading or note taking, even if it's only a few pages and I'm super tired from work or something. Normally I'm as stubborn as a mule when it comes to new habits but doing this work has been a pleasant surprise.
  • That feeling in your gut that's telling you what you should do with your life? Listen to it, because it's probably the truest voice you've got. I've been approaching this process very intuitively, and although I've done my best to work through this course as a blank slate and to try and get true, unbiased results, I keep finding my way back to the path I've always wanted, more or less. I'm being very self- aware and doing my best to only let my most authentic voice speak. So far the results are looking promising.
  • I've also found that because I've been hearing the same messages, themes, and ideas over and over again in this course, they are really starting to take root and become part of the way that I think and act. I'm not too familiar with NLP, but I imagine that this is what re-programming your mind is kinda like.

Lastly I want to say thanks to @Leo Gura. This course is unbelievably comprehensive! Absolutely money well spent. I'm really excited that I'm finally planting the seeds of my personal success and I look forward to nurturing them into something awesome. To everyone else, BUY THIS COURSE AND DO EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS. It's indispensable.

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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I'll be posting an update when I complete the LPC

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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@ULFBERHT Glad to see you're getting some value out of it.

Stick with it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Heey. Awesome. I hope you will keep up the great work and that this course will contribute to amazing shifts in your life. I hope the same for myself as I've just started it a couple of days ago. :) Just wondering, did you know (at least to some extent) what your purpose was before starting the course, or were you completely clueless? Or something else? What was you motivation? 

Edited by Alicja_

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Yep, definitely an amazing resource!

I am currently reading the recommended books, and they are really enlightening:)

What I find to be extremely useful for making progress is devoting long periods of time for contemplation about your life purpose. It could be more of an analytical, structured, logical approach to thinking, or more of a relaxed, creative approach (which facilitates amazing insights, not just for LP)

I find that contemplation really makes this process much more effective

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@CreativeInertia Hey there. :) How long did the course take you? Do you feel transformed by it? Could you share any experience? Contemplation seems a great idea. I'm in the beginning of the theory part now, and got a little bit anxious. I mean, this is so important to me to find the purpose, and this course seems just great. At the same time, I'm somewhat anxious I won't be able to find the one thing I could master because I'm just totally clueless what that could be. People usually have some hints, right? Anyways, I'm gonna buckle down to the course.

Wish you guys fruitful results with it. ^_^ 

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@Alicja_ Hey!

I've already finished the theory, and it's extremely useful. I would suggest going through the concepts slowly, taking notes, contemplating, journaling. The important thing is to relax! you have plenty of time :)

You can get creative with your learning - visualise different ideas, talk to people about these concepts, etc. You don't have to rush through. The important thing is to understand the big picture, and do it in a fun, inspiring way. it's about the emotions, not the "raw data".

While you are going through the theory I think it's useful to start reading the recommended books/ resources. They really ground your knowledge in something real + it's a different perspective. Also the other resources  (like the movies, videos, etc.).

after you've soaked in all this data, and you have a clear, intuitive understanding, then I would suggest going to the second part - the exercises.

so these are my 2 cents

hope it helps :)

P.S I went through the course before that but didn't finish it. that is how I know about the exercises. But now I am commited to go full force!

Edited by CreativeInertia

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@Alicja_ Oh and regarding my progress:

I am beginning to understand myself and my passions on a deep level.

I feel certain that I will find my life purpose eventually, and I understand the path, the challenges and all the tools that will help me along the way

I am already narrowing on things, which feels great :)

Good luck!

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@Alicja_Thank you! My reason for taking this course was to determine if my motivations toward my supposed life purpose were genuine or not, and if so, to pin down exactly what my life purpose was. I had a general idea in mind when I started and, largely, my intuitions are being confirmed, although I'm trying to be very self aware and skeptical of any negative motivations or cultural biases that may be influencing my path. My most important goal in taking this course is to find what's authentically right for me. So far I feel like it's working.

"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know', and thou shalt progress." - Maimonides

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