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Free Enlightenment By Wayne Wires

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funny story regarding Wayne Wirs.

just before my friend picked me up from my house to go to a vipassana retreat i was looking at some of his photography. then i went on the retreat and experienced some cool synchronicities but one in particular was hella weird. we where on our way back from the retreat when i thought i saw a piece of street art that Wayne photographed but it wasn't it. then we drove a bit further down when my friend decided he had to go pee on the side of the road (this was in the mohave desert not in a city btw). i looked to my right and there it was, the street art that Wayne took a picture of. i didn't get a picture of it myself but here's the one Wayne took. 


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so i read the practices section and i like what it teaches. it's a pretty simple approach for those of you (like me) who get confused on self inquiry but wanna go a little deeper/more direct than mindfulness. 

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